Sunday, December 16, 2012

Countdown: A year in review ~ last week's thoughts

So last week; I guess is quite an interesting topic within itself. I'll try my best not to go on some tyrannical rant as best I can - considering all things that have been said.


So trying to go in chronological order:

I have updated & fixed up my deviantART account in general; prettying it up since I have extended my premium for 2 years thanks to MiloBear at deviantART. Fixing my list of collective things I've been or working on. Not to mention linking commission stuff & my livestream status too. I'll try to be mindful of updating that as much as I can.

And due to the responses or lack of it - I'll try to post an agenda of sorts on my journal; putting up what I'm planning to do, that sort & try to contact folks before I start livestreaming. A little more prepping but its fine; I'm getting a better idea so I shall try to do my best - no promises.

Oh; not to mention - I did add some other links, joining pinterest & another art community such & such. Feel free to follow me there too; I don't mind :).

Even though I do have a commission still lingering & a project on hold cuz I have no idea what's going on & my contacts had been killed so I have no idea on where to contact'em. My printer has been acting funny, I think I need to update drivers but the OS on that computer so I am trying to repair that regardless (before someone says why don't I keep the printer or have a scanner in my room, I have no room to put that anywhere). Not to mention; I pro'ally need to contact them & see if they're still interested since I've been postponing due to all these malfunctions (not to mention I haven't even posted an outline to see its ok - must note to self on that). So in the meantime I shall trudge through these current requests, art trades & lost prior commitments from my other dA account & at the same time try to draw some festive holiday drawings to round things out.

Don't get me wrong; trying to correct that little error & I don't mind doing requests if people are willing to wait; but more paid commissions wouldn't hurt. So just throwing that out there & or donations to help further along art projects & such.

I have a lot of stuff in queue persay to still post & I have every intention to post them soon.

Anyways enough of that - seeing what's been going on in the world. I'm rather at shock of all the madness that seemingly decided to happen. Respectively out of all that; I took a day to not really do much; post or my planned livestream. Just all of it took the wind out of me; lost the gumption & wanting to do what I planned. A little disgusted over it & tried not to over-saturate myself of news factoids (cuz too much of it just made me feel more winded & sick to my stomach) but mainly out of respect & sympathizing/empathizing over all of it - I chose to just step back in a form of solidarity silence. So no outcry of what should be done or pointing fingers, not even asking or analyzing why; the time & place for that can be done much later & what should be done now can only be done collectively by those that are or have been involved & we as a society that watches the event unfold can only find ways to reach out by prayer or help in some sort of way for the loses to try & be a little easier on them; especially since it is the holidays.

So thus concludes this week & I'll pro'ally be ranting a little more the end of this week too so less to really post & subconsciously make up for yesterday. Hopefully nothing catastrophic happens from now until the end of this week. So enjoy, cherish & hug that special someone a little tighter. Happy Holidays ~

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