Saturday, January 26, 2013

Thoughts of the week 01.26.13

Greetings & salutations - the first month of January seemed to have went by so quickly.

I must admit; last week I felt pretty productive after I saw my end count of last week's livestream to projects worked on. This week, not so much...mainly because I've been tinkering with manga studio a little bit & have been doing some silly stories. Hopefully I'll get back to my productive self.

Other than that, I dunno...I feel rather proud & happy over the fact that not only have I been pushing myself, that I've sparked & inspired more to get in touch with their creative selves. Hopefully that'll continue throughout the year too.

I can't say I have recollected anything to dire or important other than I'm thankfully nothing catastrophic happened on my laptop so thankfully, things have been working out smoothly so far. Other than that, back to sketching things out before my livestream later this evening.

Mary Sue Test on Audition CherBear

Taken from RieCommanderWiggles @ deviantART

[ ] They are possessed by an angel
[ ] They are possessed by a demon
[ ] They are a werewolf/vampire/faerie
[ ] They are physically strong.
[ ] They have a rare hair/fur color
[ ] Their eyes are an unusual color
[ ] This happens to be red
[ ] Their eyes change color
[ ] They have wings
[ ] They can grow extra body parts/shapeshift
[ ] They are immortal
[x] (if a female) they have large boobs
[ ] (if a male) they are very muscular
[x] They are very attractive to the opposite gender.
[ ] They are telekinetic/pyrokinetic/etc
[ ] They have sixth sense/can mind-read/etc
[ ] They have an object of some sort that gives them powers
[ ] They have a special ability/power, but they don't know about it yet
[ ] They were bestowed/cursed with these powers
[ ] They are a healer
[ ] They are from a very rich/royal family
[ ] They don't know that they are from a very rich/royal background
[x] They have lost one/both of their parents
[x] They ran away from home
[ ] Their parents are cruel, uncaring, abusive etc.
[x] They witnessed one/both of their parent's death
[ ] They are part angel/demon/faerie/some other mythical creature
[ ] They never knew their parents
[ ] They were abused/spoiled as a child
[x] They are very attractive to the same gender
[x] They have lots of friends/no friends
[x] They are emo/cutesy
[ ] They look much younger/older than they really are. (Mistakened to be 13)
[x] They are currently in a relationship
[x] They have lots of morals and state them a fair bit for example: 'I would rather be with my friends than with my boyfriend/girlfriend' 'Nothing matters more to me than my friends/family' 'I wouldn't hesitate to die in place of a friend' etc. It's fine if your OC has these beliefs/values, but if they constantly say them out loud/preach them to others, then we have a problem.
[ ] They have a mental disorder
[ ] They have an emotional disorder
[ ] They struggle to stay sane
[ ] They are a psycho
[ ] They have multiple personalities
[x] They are very intelligent
[ ] They have hallucinations
[ ] They can summon spirits/demons/angels etc.
[ ] They have an unusual/unrealistic pet
[ ] They have a guardian spirit
[ ] They have a 'special type' of soul
[ ] Their soul is not the same as them
[ ] They can talk to spirits/ghosts
[ ] Some part of their body glows
[ ] They have a rare/unusual name
[ ] They were born on an important date, such as New Year's Eve, Midsummers Night, The Winter Solstace etc.
[ ] They have a twin/sibling that they were separated from at birth/a young age
[ ] They are connected with a certain element
[ ] They are connected with a certain animal
[ ] They always dress like a certain 'label'
[ ] They look quite a bit like a character from a popular anime/manga
[ ] They are a race/species that is discriminated against/misunderstood
[ ] They have a certain power that is misunderstood/feared
[ ] They live/lived on the streets at some point in their lives
[ ] They are hiding from someone/something
[ ] They have a rare blood type
[ ] They cry blood
[ ] Certain noises/smells/situations/etc make their powers activate/give them a nervous breakdown
[x] They are from a different country to where they live
[x] They are very mysterious/dark
[x] They are very lively/happy
[ ] Their mood changes a lot/very quickly
[x] They are very patient
[ ] They are from a long line of
[ ] They have a piece of jewelry/clothing that they always wear
[ ] They have amnesia
[ ] They have some sort of permanent medical condition
[ ] The have a curse upon them
[ ] They are involved in some sort of prophecy
[ ] They are 'the chosen one'
[ ] They have insomnia

Take points off your OCs overall score if they fit any of the following statements:

[ ] They smoke
[ ] They are an alcoholic
[ ] They are overweight
[ ] They are addicted to drugs
[ ] They have a short temper
[ ] They enjoy bullying others
[ ] They do not care much about others
[ ] They are emotionless

Point Reductions: 0

Final score: 15

< 5 Anti-Sue/Stu
Your character may be a bit on the boring side. Of course, this does depend, but generally if they are scoring that low, it wouldn't hurt to 'spice them up' a bit.

6-15 Balanced Character
If your OC scored around here, then they are probably quite a well-balanced and interesting character. Those scoring in the higher end of this category may be a bit too much though.

16-25 Borderline Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu
We have a problem. You need to tone your character down. They are most likely a bit annoying to others, too.

26 < Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Thoughts of the week 01.19.13

The end of the week has quickly approached & well I feel a lil silly. I've been livestreaming a bit more this week but I haven't really announced it due to the fact that I've been going back & working on line art on prior sketches.

Yesterday I did embark on a little bit of dual livestreaming with my friend Xeomyles. The challenge was we had to do outline skeletons for each other switch & draw something out of that. I...well finished then went back to work on mine for fun. Either way it was fun & challenging.

Anyways, I'm still on the fences of bringing over my OC characters & the rest of my art over but; I think for now I'll keep things seperate & move forward. So if you manage to see some of my OC work it'll give you an idea of what I do outside of fan art.

A new thought that has been reducing the prices for point commission if its going to be a direct pay to my dA account. If I do come to this; there'll be a new price line guide but it'll be very minor considering its just gonna be point commissions prices.

I do have every intention to livestream today too; someone had mentioned to me a couple of days ago they weren't able to watch due to technical difficulties. Hopefully I won't run into this problem again. And no worries, I will be announcing this prior to livestream like I have been in the past.

One of the other thoughts this week was I had experienced self doubt - it was a mix of looking back at my artwork, questioning it, then questioning why I still continue to do this & wonder if I can do more if I had stopped altogether. Granted; I have been focused on trying to get myself out of this predicament, but it actually left me rather open to continue working on my artwork. I had wondered if anyone likes it, why? why do they care when there are so many other better artists out there? Within that mix of self doubt; the universe has a funny way of answering & showing me the answer to all the self doubt. So no worries, I still haven't faltered yet...

Other than that; if you are reading this & wondered if I got your messages, I have & yet to respond but no worries I shall do that soon. :D! I have some other things to do & take care of....maybe nap somewhere today & then livestream so I look forward to seeing who'll show up this evening. :D!

Another weekly journal meme ~ 52 truths...again?!

This journal meme has been provided this week by greenmonkey15 @ deviantART ~

52 Secrets About Yourself
Be "HONEST" no matter what. [ Yea...we'll see about that. ]

1. What is your natural hair color?
Dark brown / black

2. Where was your ID pic taken?
Over at the DMV?

3. What's your middle name?
Middle what?

4. Your current relationship status?
Spoken for.

5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
I dunno, who has a crush on me?

6. What is your current mood?

7. What's the color of your underwear?

8. What is one thing that makes you happy?
I'd have to agree, baby animals are adorable.

9. Who was the last person you cuddled with?
My...pillow? Oh pillow ~

10. If you could go back in time, and change something what would it be?
When I was a teen, basically treated someone a hell of a lot better.

11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day?

12. Ever had a near death experience?
Yes, twice.

13. Something you do a lot?
Think & Draw.

14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?
...Looney Tunes only cuz its playing around now. 

15. Who did you copy and paste this from?
greenmonkey15 @ deviantART

16. Name someone with the same B-Day as you?
...I'm not gonna look this up again!

17. When was the last time you cried?
A few weeks ago.

18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
Not really no.

19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
The ability to fly.

20. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

Where is question 21?
O_O ... that's a good question.

22. What's your biggest secret?
I try to keep things set apart, ie. stuff online to stuff in real life.

23. What's your favorite color?
Sapphire Blue.

24. When was the last time you lied?
Yesterday I guess?

25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?

27. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?

28. What's your favorite smell?
Fresh baked cookies.

29. If you could describe life in one word what would it be?

30. When was the last time you gave/received a hug?
This morning.

31. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?

32. What are you thinking about right now?
What I have to take care of today.

33. What should you be doing?

34. What was the last thing that made you upset?

35. Do you like working in the yard?

36. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
None - I like my last name.

37. Name 5 things in your closet:
Shoes, board game, jackets, animal pajamas & a shirt.

38. Do you act different around your crush?
I imagine I would.

39. When was the last time you slept with a stuffed animal?
Last night.

40. How many times do you take a shower a week?
Every night.

41. Do you brush your teeth every day?
Attempt to. 

42. Have you ever said something stupid in front of your crush?
Sure, who hasn't?

43. Have you ever watched a hockey game?

44. Do you play sports?
I use to.

45. Ever been jealous about something stupid?

46. Did you pick your nose today?
Uhm ... sure? *pick pick pick*

47. What's the one foods you hate?

48. What's the one junk food you cant live without?
I guess candy would be a junk food?

49. How old were you when you found out Santa was fake?
I honestly don't remember.

50. Do you smoke?

51. What's your favorite underwear you have?

52. Did you lie in any of these questions?
Nah I just stretched the truth. Enjoy ~ ;)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Thoughts of the week 01.12.13

Hum ... well its been a week after New Year's well a little more than that. Thankfully, nothing catastrophic has happened quite yet, but I'm not gonna jinx that.

Livestream is still planned for this evening unless something else happens that is beyond my control, or maybe started a lil earlier. Either way; I'll be doing this throughout the day to wrap up my week of drawing work. I'll have it all posted prior to starting as usual, let us hope I can be rather consistent with doing this.

I can't really necessarily complain this week has been all that bad but a bit reflecting. After well wishing some good people & getting to talk to them, I had ran into an interesting topic so to speak. It well...isn't necessarily a topic...I dunno but basically what it boils down is past friendships or close friendships that suddenly turn sour or have gone awry. Granted, I know, you cannot please anybody, I've fully accepted that fact & allow words to be said BUT one thing that can't be overlooked is me discussing my side of the story. It isn't to justify or defend myself, no but simply to give someone else the insight of the other side of the story. Ultimately, in the end, its their conclusion they'll come to in when & deciding how to judge not only myself but the other person. Generally ... and I can't emphasize this enough, these past events aren't only simply just to friendships, but close ones where well ... I dunno ... the situation varies I suppose but ANYWAYS before I side track, I'm usually the kind of person that always wants or tries to leave things in good terms. Whether its friends or ex boyfriends (though lets be honest some situations can be literally out of your control). Simply because I am the type to move on cuz if I dwell on something, it'll shift my moods drastically & then I am not a pleasant person to be around with. I won't lie tho, on occassion it tends to haunt me & it can get bad, I'm human. So, going back to the story, I had find that some people can't really or have been set with their opinions towards others, regardless of time. That being said I've had moments like that but I've learned to forgive & forget, but that took a lot of time & effort. I guess now the real question is, where is ... if there is ... a time limit & threshold of where to forgive & forget, let bygones be bygones & move on. Some folks can do this, some can not. I dunno, simple human emotion & interaction but either way. I'll leave at that.

With my artistic ventures, I haven't really stopped nor slowed down. Yet, I have to admit, another art community has been acting awfully slow recently so its been a lil bit of a bummer that I can't keep the postings well daily & consistent. I literally blew off a day to see if they're back online and well....they're not. Though, its good to see another art community has been quick to moderate & publish my art posts a little more frequently, so I've been hopping there every once in a while, but I've come to a conclusion that eventually my fan art there can go so long before I run out of content to post.

Anyways, following on that art thoughtful moment; I've been contemplating on moving the rest of my artwork here & closing my first site down. Keep in mind, the other place, that I've been keeping to myself has a lot more stuff, things that I have ventured into such as my poetry, photography, art projects & OC work that I had purposely kept away from this acct. It is either I should dedicate more time to putting all my eggs in a basket & concentrate there OR actually log on & post my OC work that I haven't gotten around to. The struggle continues & I haven't come to a conclusion on that.

I think not only have I continued to move forward, I've been able to push fellow friends to challenge themselves a little more & its been actually a delight to see that. I have had been told or approached by folks that tell me I've given them a reason or help them strive & move forward artistically ... I can't emphasize enough how humbling & honoring that is ... so for them to do such; I have to & continue to try to push myself a lil more each time.

As for the notes I have been getting in (mainly through deviantART) about requesting, I haven't forgotten, I just haven't gotten around to answering but rest assured, like the other folks who have left me their request notes, I hope you understand the response whenever you do get them.

Other than that; accepting the fact I'm sorta a lil bit of a foodie hobbyist. I've ventured out, when funds allowed it to try some different places other folks have recommended me in trying. My recent adventures have had me thinking, doing comparisons & contrasts, not only to similar places but how it ranks up. Not like anyone really cares about my opinion on places, there's a place for that *coughfoursquareyelpcough*. So with that said ... uhm well ... the food search continues.

And in that conclusion; I do look forward not only to livestreaming but updating my forum thread with more fan artwork for that game but other things I do & plan to do. I should probably go back to rest a little bit more but knowing me. I'll pro'ally won't until I actually get sleepy. Silly naps. So for now ~ ta ta!

Another weekly journal meme ~

Taken from ArcanineGG @ deviantart ~

Start with 100% and subtract 1% for everything that you've done.
Then repost as you're __% Virgin. Lowest number you have the more you've done! after you are done.


( )Smoked. 
( x ) Drank alcohol. 
( x ) Cried when someone died.
( ) Been drunk.
( x ) Had sex.
( ) Been to a concert.
( ) gotten/given a hand-job.
( x ) gotten/given a blow-job.
( x ) Been verbally/sexually harassed. 
( x ) Verbally/sexually harassed somebody. 


( x ) Felt someone up and/or been felt up. 
( ) Laughed so hard something came out of your nose.
( x ) Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend before. 
( x ) Been cheated on by a boyfriend/girlfriend. 
( x ) Been to prom. 
( x ) Cried at school. 
( x ) Gotten lost in a WalMart or a department store. 
( ) Went streaking. 
( x ) Given or received a lap dance.
( x ) Had someone of the opposite sex in your room. 


( x ) Had someone of the opposite sex sleep over. 
( x ) Slept over at someone of the opposite sex's house. 
( x ) Kissed a stranger.
( x ) Hugged a stranger.
( ) Went scuba diving.
( x ) Driven a car. 
( ) Gotten an x-ray.
( x ) Hit by a car.
( x ) Had a party. 
( ) Done serious drugs.


( ) Played strip poker/darts.
( ) Got paid to strip for someone.
( ) Run away from home. 
( ) Broken a bone. 
( x ) Eaten sushi. 
( ) Bought porn.
( x ) Watched porn. 
( ) Made porn.
( ) Had a crush on someone of the same sex.
( x ) Been in love. 


( x ) Made Out.
( x ) Laughed so hard you cried.
( x ) Cried yourself to sleep.
( ) Laughed yourself to sleep.
( ) Stabbed yourself. 
( ) Shot a gun 
( x ) Trash talked someone and then acted like their best friend the next day. 
( x ) Been online for 9 consecutive hours.
( x ) Watched TV for 9 consecutive hours. 
( x ) Watched an animal die. 


( x ) Watched a person die. 
( x ) Kissed and/or messed around somewhere with at least 1 person in the same room
( ) Pranked somebody.
( ) Put somebody in the hospital. 
( ) Snuck into someone's room and/or your own room after being out. 
( ) Kissed somebody of the same sex.
( ) Dressed punk. 
( ) Dressed goth.
( ) Dressed preppy. 
( ) Been to a motocross race.


( x ) Avoided somebody.
( x ) Been stalked.
( x ) Stalked someone. 
( x ) Met a celebrity.  
( x ) Played an instrument. 
( x ) Ridden a horse. 
( ) Cut yourself. 
( ) Bungee jumped.
( ) Ding dong ditched somebody.
( x ) Been to a wild party. 


( ) Got caught stealing something. 
( ) Kicked/punched a guy in the balls. 
( ) Stolen a boyfriend/girlfriend from a friend.
( ) Gone out with your friend's crush. 
( ) Got arrested.
( ) Been pregnant.
( x ) Babysat. 
( x ) Been to another country. 
( ) Started your house on fire.
( x ) Had an encounter with a ghost.


( ) Donated your hair to cancer patients. 
( ) Been asked out by someone that you never thought you'd be asked out by. 
( x ) Cried over a member of the opposite sex.
( x ) Had a boyfriend/girlfriend for over 3 months. 
( x ) Sat on your butt all day. 
( ) Ate a whole carton of ice cream all by yourself.
( x ) Had a job. 
( ) Gotten cut from a sports team.
( ) Been called a whore. 
( ) Danced like a whore.


( ) Been mistaken as older than your own age. 
( x ) Been in a car accident.
( x ) Been told you have beautiful eyes. 
( x ) Been told you have beautiful hair.  
( ) Raped somebody. 
( ) Danced in the rain. 
( x ) Been rejected. 
( ) Walked out of a restaurant without paying.
( ) Punched someone/slapped someone in the face. 
( ) Been raped. 

Total: 49%

*ahem* Well ...

Friday, January 4, 2013

CherBear's Reflect/Aspiration - Dec.'12/Jan.'13

First off - Happy 2013 New Year!

We'll see how I'll be going about discussing everything.

I guess I really didn't post anything for the final week considering that the end of the month & year was literally falling within the week the new year began. This - I will give my best shot on.

The day before New Year's Eve - I had managed to head up to see my cousins at a pizza place; play some Munchkins until the pizza place closed, did some catching up & then moved it over to their place to play more Munchkins. I ended up helping the younger one of my cousins make some rice crispy treats w/ lil bits of mini marshmellows in it. Before we ended the evening, I had ended up sharing my recipe for smore bars (basically graham cracker cereal, melted chocolate/marshmellow mix w/ lil bits of chocolate & mini marshmellows in it) for my cousin to make them to bring to a New Year's Eve party with some friends.

New Year's Eve - No real necessary plans. Not falling for the typical superstitions of a clean home to welcome the New Year. Technically I wasn't home. I found out my friend picked up a couple of hours of work during New Year's Eve & I figured, I'd hang out with them, it was only 3hrs & I didn't mind it. The year essentially started off with a lil celebration but the day, like many things just ended up as any other day. Though I must admit, I was a lil annoyed due to the fact someone massed texted everyone a Happy New Year & got replies from strangers with phone numbers I didn't know. Oh well, it was cool but still, this is why I take the time to text everyone individually to prevent all that.

Overall year in review - I had taken some time to look over my artwork & see how I progressed over the years. More or less; it was a rather interesting eye opener. I think I'm improving but I can only continue to improve from this point on. I look forward to try & push myself more.

As January started & aspirations set - I think I have more encouraging signs that this year will be rather promising.

The rest of the week had been finishing a New Year's theme'd drawing to doing some impromptu livestreaming that had some in-game sketching involved. Little did I know that sketch ended up being shown & apparently they said I'm one of many 'pros'. Not sure how to quite process that. My creative luster hasn't extinguished but after looking over my year of drawings, I realized even though I have shown progressions of change & improvement; I got lazy at one point. Maybe it was a point of depression or just my cheery disposition came to a breaking point that I wasn't quite sure how to handle it. I do remember I was close to just unraveling & unraveling badly.

I know I shouldn't reflect upon that; what's done is done, the past is in the past & really shouldn't worry about it, but for some odd reason I end up going back to thinking about that point this past year & then the feeling of wanting to fade away into the darkness just lingers. It's petty I know but eventually, I'll get over it or push it aside again & let it bury in the deep recesses of my twisted mind.  I know a lot of it factors into this month being an important anniversary of sorts. For those who know this particular situation; do not worry, it has been a bit easier each year since its been 5 years.

Anyways - I'm taking my sweet time posting up new things & I am debating of making my own customized backgrounds & journals that are Audition Online Themed or something along the lines of around my Audi character CherBear; we'll see how that goes considering I'm looking into it. So I'll probably have a new theme up by next month depending if I don't get sidetracked with anything else.

As for resolutions for this year; I broke it down to three -

Unrealistic but still possible:

Best of luck to me this year!

Anyways! Before I completely forget, I did realize - looking back at my old goals.

" - Reach 20,000 kiribans before 2013
      - Provide a ss & post it to link it to me I will do a full commission of your choice in copic marker/mix media for free as my way of saying thanks. This goes to the first person who post & messages me this. (if somehow I pass 20,000 kiribans, every 10k milestone ss after that within 2012 *tho doubtfully that'll happen* I will do another one. Same rules applies.)
 - Reach 200 llamas before 2013
    - No ss needed, whoever is listed to give me the 200th llama has the option for a digital drawing for free of their choice. (For every 100th llama after that within 2012 terms still apply.) "

I didn't exactly hit 20,000 which is too bad. I got to 15,000 and I'm happy :) I hope to hit 20,000 so I'd like to hopefully hit 20,000 before 2014 so the rules still apply.

As for 200 llamas before 2013, I DID reach that. BUT backtracking on who gave it to me; they really didn't say anything so whoever is the next to give me a llama & I'll give one back; you can pick a digital drawing from me too. :) So someone pay attention! xD; hehe!

My new goal is to hopefully hit 300 llamas! So as the story goes; I get a llama, I give a llama but looking at the llama badges, I feel bad, who did I forget to give llama's too? ><' Hmph ...

So as I conclude - like the optimist that I am. Look onto this New Year - positive w/ reasonable expectations.

Another Meme ~

Taken from AdmiralMaggot @ deviantART -

Would you rather always take a cold shower or sleep an hour less than you need to be fully rested? 
- Sleep an hour less.

Would you rather always get first dibs or the last laugh?
- Last laugh.

Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again? 
- Say everything on your mind.

Would you rather always lose or never play?
- Always lose.

Would you rather always wear earmuffs or a nose plug?
- Earmuffs.

Would you rather always win pie-eating contests or always win wheelbarrow races? 
- Win pie-eating contests.

Would you rather be 3 feet tall or 8 feet tall? 
- 3' tall.

Would you rather be 3 feet taller or 3 feet shorter?
- 3' taller.

Would you rather be a deep sea diver or an astronaut?
- Astronaut.

Would you rather be a dog named Killer or a cat named Fluffy?
- A cat name fluffy. I'll be on your bed; no calls.

Would you rather be a giant hamster or a tiny rhino?
- A tiny rhino.

Would you rather be a tree or live in a tree? 
- Live in a tree.

Would you rather be able to hear any conversation or take back anything you say? 
- Take back anything I say.

Would you rather be able to read everyone's mind all the time or always know their future? 
- Read everyone's mind all the time.

Would you rather be able to stop time or fly?
- Stop time.

Would you rather be an unknown minor league basketball player or a famous professional badminton star?
- Famous professional badminton star.

Would you rather be born with an elephant trunk or a giraffe neck?
- Giraffe Neck.

Would you rather be forced to tell your best friend a lie or tell your parents the truth? 
- Forced to tell your best friend a lie.

Would you rather be forgotten or hatefully remembered? 
- Forgotten.

Would you rather be go about your normal day naked or fall asleep for a year?
- Fall asleep for a year.

Would you rather be gossiped about or never talked about at all?
- Gossiped...already happens to me anyways.

Would you rather be hairy all over or completely bald?
- Bald.

Would you rather be happy for 8hrs/day and poor or sad for 8hr/day and rich?
- Happy & poor.

Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? 
- Invisible.

Would you rather be rich and ugly, or Poor and good looking?
- Rich & ugly.

Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?
- Stranded on an island alone. 

Would you rather be the most popular or the smartest person you know?
- Smartest person.

Would you rather be the sand castle or the wave? 
- Sand castle.

Would you rather eat a bar of soap or drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid?
- Eat a bar of soap.

Would you rather eat a handful of hair or lick three public telephones?
- Three public telephones.

Would you rather eat a stick of butter or a gallon of ice cream? 
- Gallon of ice cream.

Would you rather eat a stick of margarine or five tablespoons of hot pepper sauce? 
- A stick of margarine.

Would you rather eat poison ivy or a handful of bumblebees?
- Poison Ivy.

Would you rather end hunger or hatred?
- Hatred.

Would you rather find true love or 10 million dollars?
- True love.

Would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was?
- Everyone else.

Would you rather get caught singing in the mirror or spying on your crush?
- Singing in the mirror.

Would you rather get even or get over it? 
- Get over it.

Would you rather give bad advice or take bad advice?
- Take bad advice.

Would you rather give up your computer or your pet?
- Computer.

Would you rather go to an amusement park or to a family reunion?
- Amusement park.

Would you rather go without television or junk food for the rest of your life?
- Television.

Would you rather have a beautiful house and ugly car or an ugly house and beautiful car?
- Beautiful house & ugly car.

Would you rather have a kangaroo or koala as your pet? 
- Koala.

Would you rather have a missing finger or have an extra toe?
- Extra toe.

Would you rather have one wish granted today or three wishes granted in 10 years? 
- One wish granted today.

Would you rather have x-ray vision or bionic hearing?
- Bionic hearing.

Would you rather invent a cure for cancer or a cure for AIDS? 
- Cure for cancer.

Would you rather kiss a jellyfish or step on a crab? 
- Step on a crab.

Would you rather know it all or have it all? 
- Know it all.

Would you rather live without music or live without T.V.? 
- T.V.

Would you rather love and not be loved back, or be loved but never love?
- Love & not be loved back.

Would you rather make headlines for saving somebody's life or winning a nobel prize? 
- Make headlines for saving somebody's life.

Would you rather meet an alien visitor or travel to outer space?
- Travel to outer space.

Would you rather never use the internet again or never watch TV again? 
- T.V.

Would you rather not be able to use your phone or your e-mail? 
- E-mail.

Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
- Whisper.

Would you rather own a ski lodge or a surf camp?
- Surf camp.

Would you rather publish your diary or make a movie on your most embarrassing moment?
- Publish my diary.

Would you rather spend the day surfing the internet or the ocean?
- Internet.

Would you rather sweat moderately but constantly 24 hours a day all over your body or have a metal pin in your jaw that constantly picks up talk radio stations?
- Sweat moderately but constantly for 24hrs a day all over my body.

Would you rather die from falling off a cliff or by being threatened?
- Falling off a cliff.