Friday, April 17, 2015

CherBear's Thoughts: March to April of 2015

So I will attempt to keep this short. 

It has been a while mainly because I had been busy. I was working for about a month, made a lil bit but then that was it. I had set some short term goals of things I wanted to take care w/ the extra income & save the rest - which went successfully well. 

Other than that; I do plan to look once again, but been busy, family get togethers & birthdays. Rest assured regardless life is slowing down a bit regardless of the convention season starting [Hanadoki, Anime Conji & Wondercon].

Ever since I went back to not working, I've been attempting to get back into my artwork once again a lil more. 

Hopefully you'll all hear from me more but for now, let's see how the rest of this month will play out.