Wednesday, March 30, 2016

CherBear's Thoughts: End of March

Greetings everyone! Hope folks had safe, good, happy & everything type of holidays that past since my last journal post. It's been a while. Granted I've been posting & not posting on & off, getting a cold & next thing I know...its April?!
Plans: Regardless - it should start picking up w/ more artwork w/ Pacific PonyCon granted I also have a commission to work on too. Either way, I have started getting back into my art groove. Not to mention I am fueling my own fire to wanting to start more personal projects I always say I plan to do.
Conventions: I missed Hanadoki unfortunately, WonderCon too & I think that's it. BABS is coming up, I may or may not go. Also, EFNW too but that's highly unlikely.
Either way...
That's what's been happening since my last journal entry. Keeping it short & sweet & hopefully will be able to post more up since I do feel better.