Saturday, November 23, 2013

CherBear's Thoughts: November Holi-dazed ~

Well first off ... I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays & an early Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I do apologize that not much has been really seen or heard of me. My set goals for this month went out the window & frankly I'm not surprised but at the same time a little disappointed in myself.

Some silly random things ... Time to geek out a teeny bit. First off, like I had tweeted; Happy 50th Anniversary to Doctor Who. I admit, I came into this series late as a fan but after watching the seasons I did watch, I really had found myself enjoying the series. The Day of the Doctor is today & I am definitely looking forward to watching it. I also did mention bronies, as a pega-sis; yes I know, season 4 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is today too. I was content overall with how Season 3 ended & I did bother to see the movie over the summer. So I will see how this season is & keep an open mind.

In terms of gaming ... 

 - World of Warcraft: Yes, earlier this month was of course Blizz-Con. I had ended up mentioning things here & there but overall. I can only say after the announcements, I'm still well ... I guess I have no opinion over the expansion. I guess I will have to wait & see when more information about the expansion is announced & maybe I may get psyched over that.

Audition *Redbana*: Guilty, I think I've officially not been on there for about a month. I've been keeping up with seeing what folks post on the forum boards its just ... I guess without good company, I haven't been compelled to go on ... or no one's asked me. Pick one.

mStar *SG*: I've been lurking about this game & I admit, its been fun meeting new people & making new friends. I've found myself doing a little more fan art from here too for fun & I look forward to doing more in the future.

World of Tanks: I've managed to go on when my friends have asked but strangely enough; I've been enjoying the artillery line. I've been asking around about mod recommendations but I haven't really gotten any responses...hmm...

Other video games/games in general?: Well I think I've been trying on & off with seeing what's been going on but my time has just gotten so clustered.

In terms of art ...

I had said I was gonna try to livestream during November, I think I've only done it a couple of times & I'm pretty sure they weren't falling on a Saturday. I will try sometime today to livestream again & see if I can work through my artistic void. Hopefully I will see some new & familiar faces.

Personal ongoings ...

On top of all that, I think a lot of my other inactivity besides due to juggling gaming has been things that have been going on personally. Looking for work, spending time with family, getting other tasks done, meet ups & just everything else in-between ... oh not to mention, I was sick at the beginning & middle of the month? Good times. Don't get me wrong, I do like it & enjoy a different change of pace, but at the same time, I feel like I'm dragging & the stresses behind all the things I won't express that's been going on has been leaving my stomach in metaphorical knots. Either way, I'm still trying but goodness ... not even sure if anyone misses me or notices my absence.

Finally ...

This does conclude everything for this month in a nutshell. I know with Thanksgiving later in the next week I can try to probably do one more journal but with everything that has been going on...I just don't know. Those who have bothered to read this or has shared their support or has spoken to me whenever I've been on, believe me when I say, I am thankful for this ongoing support that has been going on for even this long. So for now, if I don't post again near the end of November, I look forward to December & see where I can go from there. 

Journal Meme: 5 out of 5 - Random Revisited Again~

Taken from Seoul-Mate @ deviantART --


The Rules:
1. You must post these rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal
4. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
5. No tag backs.
6. No crap in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this." You have to tag 10 people.


My ten questions:
1. Yoyoyo, how are you?
I am good.

2. That's cool, what are you doin?
I'm answering this.

3. That's cool too, where are you right now?
I'm in my room.

4. Wish I was there, what's to the left of you right now?
My mousepad?

5. That's ... Different ... Anyway, what is your favorite game?
Varies on my moods.

6. Favorite genre of music?
That also varies on my moods.

7. Why did you even do this.
Because it keeps me preoccupied.

8. Why am I doing this?
I'm not really sure.

9. What is the meaning of life?
Whatever you make that meaning out to be.

10. FUCK.
Okay then?

Your questions:

1. What time is it over there?

2. Would you be sleeping right now if you weren't answering this?

3. What inspires you?

4. What discourages you?

5. When do you think you will end up going to sleep?

6. What is your favorite weather?

7. Hot or cold?

8. If you had an idea of what your future held for you, would you try to change it?

9. What makes you smile?

10. What makes you cry?


Tag your it: Whoever wants to do it.

Journal Meme: 4 out of 5 - Random Revisited

Taken from DesoPL @ deviantART --

1. What's your favourite art technique?
Traditional ~

2. Who is your favourite artist?
On here? In general? Kinda vague for me.

3. What is your way to deal with art block?
Music or watching anime.

4. Do you prefer working in the morning or evening?

5. What hobbies apart from art do you have?
Video games.

6. What's your biggest inspiration?

7. Which work from your dA gallery do you like most and why?
That's really tough, I've noticed how much I've changed since I first started.

8. ... and which one you are most ashamed of?
My earlier stuff probably haha.

9. Do you commission other artists? If yes, can you show some of works you recieved?
At the moment, I'm more concern of getting myself by to commission anyone unfortunately.

10. Do you like answering questions?
Of course.

Journal Meme: 3 out of 5 - Random Tag

Taken from DesoPL @ deviantART --

1. Asked someone to marry you?

2. Kissed one of your friends?

3. Danced on a table in a bar?

4. Ever told a lie?
Most likely.

5. Had feelings for someone who you can't have back?

6. Ever kissed someone of the same sex?

7. Kissed a picture?
Don't recall.

8. Slept in until 5 PM? (You mean USA or Poland time?)

9. Fallen asleep at work/school?

10. Held a snake?

11. Been suspended from school?

12. Worked at a fast food chain/restaurant?

13. Stolen something?

14. Been fired from a job?

15. Done something you regret?

16. Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose?

17. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?

18. Kissed in the rain?
I don't recall.

19. Sat on a roof top?

20. Kissed someone you shouldn't?
Who knows?

21. Sang in the shower?

22. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?

23. Shaved your head?

24. Slept naked?

25. Had a boxing membership?

26. Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?

27. Been in a band?

28. Shot a gun?

29. Donated Blood?

30. Eaten alligator meat?

31. Eaten cheesecake?

32. Still love someone you shouldn't?

33. Have/had a tattoo?

34. Liked someone, but will never tell who?

35. Been too honest?

36. Ruined a surprise?

37. Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you can't walk afterwards?

38. Erased someone in your friends list?\

39. Dressed in a woman's clothes (if you're a guy) or man's clothes (if you're a girl)?

40. Joined a pageant?

41. Been told that you're handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said?

42. Still have communication w/ your ex?

43. Cheated on someone?

44. Get totally drunk one night and you have an important exam tomorrow morning?

45. A total stranger treated you by paying your fare?

46. Get totally angry that you cried so hard?

47. Tried to stay away from someone for their own good?
Threatened to.

48. Thought about suicide?

49. Thought about murder?

50. How about Mass Murder?

51. Rode in a stranger's vehicle?

52. Stalked someone?

53. Had a girlfriend/boyfriend

Journal Meme: 2 out of 5 - Another stolen thing?

Taken from AdmiralMaggot @ deviantART -

I'm not really sure why I posted it but feel free to answer & check whatever off? I'm so confused...

Would You...
[] Push me into a wall and kiss me?
[] Come To My House To Do Nothing But Chill?
[] Slap Me?
[] Slap me if i asked you to?
[] Kiss Me?
[] Let Me Kiss You?
[] Watch A Movie With Me?
[] Take Me Out To Dinner?
[] Take A Shower With Me?
[] Take Me Home For The Night?
[] Let Me Sleep In Your Bed?
[] Take Me Anywhere With You
[] Repost This For Me To Answer Your Questions?
[] Lock Me In Your room And Take Advantage Of Me?
[] Let me lock you in your room and Take Advantage of you?
[] Let Me Make You Breakfast?
[] Make me breakfast?
[] Tickle Me?
[] Let Me Tickle You?
[] Stick Up For Me If I Was Being Put Down?
[] Instant Message Me?
[] Greet Me In Public?
[] Hang Out With Me?
[] Hold my waist from behind while we are out?
[] Bring Me Around Your Friends?
[] Fall in love with me
[] Like me
[] Love me

Do You...
[] Miss Me?
[] Think I'm Sexy?
[] Think I'm Cute?
[] Think I'm Hot?
[] Think I'm Ok?
[] Think I'm Ugly?
[] Want To Kiss Me?
[] Want To Cuddle With Me?
[] Want To Date Me?

Am I...
[] Smart?
[] Funny?
[] Cool?
[] Loveable?
[] Adorable?
[] Great To Be With?
[] Attractive?
[] Mean?
[] Ugly?
[] Gorgeous?

Have You Ever...
[] Thought About Hooking Up With Me?
[] Found Yourself Wanting To Kiss Me Non Stop?
[] Wished I Were There?
[] Had A Crush On Me?
[] Wanted My Number?
[] Had A Dream About Me?
[] Been Distracted By Me?

Are You...
[] Happy You Know Me?
[] Thinking About Me
[] My friend?

Journal Meme: 1 out of 5 - Your opinion of me?

Taken from ChibiToothless @ deviantART -


1. crazy
2. I'd marry you
3. I'd date you
4. sarcastic
5. I miss you
6. I'd kiss you
7. Beautiful/Handsome
8. Smart
9. imaginative
10. random
11. jerk
12.hate me
13. awesome
14. amazing
15. tough
16. cute
17. I'd hit you with a bus
18. I love you
19. weird
20. friends forever
21. sweet
22. wish you were mine
23. never want to lose you
24. we should hang out
25. You're just a person to me.
26. creepy