Tuesday, July 22, 2014

CherBear's Thoughts: Off to SDCC 2014

Tomorrow starts a 5 day San Diego Comic Con ongoing...thing. Is that the best way to put it?

Well yes, starting tomorrow; I will be over at San Diego Comic Con for the next 5 days. More or less for better or for worse for a long decade & change like affair. As much as I had said earlier; this is for the experience, hanging out with friends & family. Let's ignore the fact I'll be technically running about helping per say.

No, there's no guide this year, I figure there's enough out there to figure out what is good & what you can gain out of other people's experiences.

Anyways - I will give my own feedback of how things went, this is my last convention to go to for this convention year until 'hibernation'.

Don't forget - for all San Diego locals; there are ongoing events outside of the convention so if you just want to check out the scene in general, check out this link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1435588906698935/

For now - I'm ready for this year!