Wednesday, October 31, 2012

CherBear's Reflections: Oct. 2012 Happy Halloween

First off - Happy Halloween!

A few hours before its my turn to serve as the preverbial candy giver for this year. Dressing a lil sorta up this year in animal pajamas & preparing my lil game for trick or treaters to win a large candy bar within the sea of small & little fun sized candy bars.

Before I tend off to my post, I've been on a creative surge persay, both in the mood to write & draw has been a pleasant blessing.

I'm nearing finishing my requests on the forums & starting to go through requests that have been left here. All the little notes of you guys saying you like my artwork & ask if I do requests have been adding fuel to a dwindling confidence of my self worth as an artist.

Other than that, I've been switching it up, been doing some livestream everyday this week & not to mention ingame sketches while livestreaming them. I've had some help from some wonderful friends & I'm contemplating on doing them more ingame. ..what? where in-game? Audition Redbana of course.

Anyways, I can safely say, I'm rather confident & content over the end result of this month so far. No horror, hardware or software malfunctions to say the least, learning more about manga studio too.

I'm setting some personal short term goals to finish off this year too -- so, hopefully I can make that happen. For now, I see it is getting a little darker & the trick or treaters will be out shortly. So with that ...

Happy Halloween 2012 folks! Trick? or Treat? Your choice!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween week! - CherBear's Thoughts ~

This'll be a relatively short rant considering I'll be wrapping up this month in more detail.

Finished up a rather long meme journal which killed some time. I just prefered not to get into some subjects that were asked. Personal views I have and or opinions that tend to cause a many a debate over.

I'm looking to do livestream at least once a day everyday this week so I'll be sure to even post a lil snippet notice that I'll be livestreaming if anyone's interested in watching.

Anyways, I am prepped for passing out halloween candy, including my purchase of buying candy bars & making it a lil game for the trick or treaters to win a large candy bar.

For now - that is all, will wrap up more later this mid-week.

Le Meme ~

Taken from dewydoughnuts at deviantART: 

1. Who was your first kiss and what was it like? Ryan & it was quite sweet.
2. Are you in a relationship? If so, are you happy? Yes & sure I am.
3. Do you have a crush? As painful of the sound of being crushed, sure I do.
4. Who is your crush? There's no mystery if I tell who my crush is.
5. Are you a virgin? Nope.
6. What do you think of Valentine's Day? Happy Single's Awareness day for others.
7. Who is your Valentine? You guys!
8. Have you ever asked anyone out? Yes.
9. Who is your celebrity crush? Too many to choose from.
10. Has anyone ever asked you out and you turned them down? Uhm no?
11. Do you think anyone has a crush on you right now? No clue to be honest.
12. What is your favorite thing to do on Valentine's Day? Absolutely nothing.
13. What's the best Valentine's Day that you've had so far? Dinner & a movie.
14. What's your idea of a perfect date? One that starts when you wake up & end with falling asleep with them.
15. How do you know when you're in love? Something you feel within.
16. Have you ever loved someone on a romantic level? Yes.
17. Do you prefer more or less clingy relationships? Less clingy.
18. Do you feel like you're loved on an everyday basis? Very much so.
19. Are you usually the first person to make a move. Yes because I've adopted this mantra of having nothing to lose from it.
20. Have you ever asked someone out and they turned you down? Sure?
21. Do you feel like you're the dumpee or dumper most of the time? Dumpee
22. What's your "type"? Someone with a soul.
23. What are some of your favorite physical characteristics for your crush to have? Charming eyes.
24. Are you a hopeless romantic? Yes.
25. Do you think that you're a good kisser? Yes.
26. What's the farthest that you've ever gone? Uhm...
27. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Yep.
28. Have you ever been someone's secret admirer? Sure.
29. Do you have romantic fantasies? If so, what are they like and who is in them? Yep. Romantic, sometimes uh intense & the people in there are often very fuzzy.
30. What's something that always turns you on? Personality.


A: Who do you like and Why? You because you are charming, endearing & fascinating.
B: Have you ever been in love? If yes, how many times, and how do you know it was love? Yes, far too many & it was something I truly felt I was at the time then & now.
C: Longest relationship you've ever been in, and why did it end? Prior to my current, 4yrs-ish, it ended cuz I couldn't be there for him when he needed someone.
D: Have you ever changed for someone, if yes, how? No.
E: Pretend I'm you ex, what do you want to say to me? How's life?
F: Have you ever been cheated on? Yep.
G: Have you ever cheated? Yep.
H: Would you date someone who's know for cheating, if yes why? Yep because its a challenge to see if they can overcome that difficulty.
I: What's the most important part of a relationship? Communication.
J: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? Serious relationships.
K: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on "breaks"? Nope.
L: How many people have you ever hooked up with? More than 5, less than 10.
M: What's one thing you regret saying or not saying, doing or not doing in a previous relationship? No regrets or I wouldn't be where I am now. 
N: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex? Honestly? 21, a couple of years after being legal & hopefully that person is working if they happened to have a kid.
O: Do you believe in the phrase, "Age is just a number?" Why or why not? Yes because depending on people they can seem to get along regardless of age.
P: What about "Love at first sight"? Why or why not? No, it feels simply superficial. That works for others but not me.
Q: Turn on's? Charming eyes & personality. 
R: Turn off's? Superficial, fake & not engaging.
S: What do you consider a deal breaker? That all varies with whatever situation that is presented.
T: How do you know it's time to end a relationship? Common sense hits you like a brick wall.
U: Are you currently in a relationship? If yes, for how long? Yes & I dunno, feels like forever.
V: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends? Yes.
W: Do you think people should date their friends? Their choice.
X: How many relationships have you had? More than 5, less than 10.
Y: Do you think love can last forever? Yes.
Z: Do you believe love can conquer all things? Yes but I'm also realistic.


1: Would you break up with someone your parents didn't approve of? Generally no.
2: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be? Be true to yourself.
3: Do you think long distance relationships can work? Why or why not? Yes. As long as you both have the time, money, freedom & dedication to.
4: What do you notice first about another person? Their eyes & personality.
5: Do gay, lesbians, bisexuals or transgender people bother you? No.


1. State your name: Cheryll
2. State the name that your parents almost named you: No clue.
3. Which of your relatives do you get along with the most? Cousins.
4. What was your first job? Housekeeper.
5. Which of your relatives do you despise the most? My uncle.
6. Did anything embarassing happen this week? No.
7. Do you miss your ex? No.
8. Do you ever dream about your ex? No.
9. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear? Black.
10. How do you wear your makeup? Once in awhile.
11. What are some of your nicknames? Cher, Cherry, CherBear.
12. How many bedrooms are in your house? 5
13. How many bathrooms? 3
14. Do you have a job? No.
15. Do you have a car? Yes.
16. Do you think you will go to college? Have been but now on a unvolunteered break to look for work.
17. Tell me what you think hate means: Ignorance over what they have little to no knowledge of.
18. What is your definition of ugly: Ugliness like beauty is by the eye of the beholder.
19. What is your definition of slutty: Little clothes, little brain.
20. Do you have muscles? No.
21. How about abs? No.
22. Do you work out every week? No.
23. Did you brush your teeth this morning? Yes.
24. Name a fact that you think is bullshit: Not sure, if its a fact, why would I think its bullshit?
25. Have you ever seen Pen and Tellers Bullshit? Yep.
26. Do you like Obama? Not discussing that.
27. Did you like Bush? Not discussing that either.
28. Something about your neighbors that you hate: Don't have any reason to hate my neighbors.
29. Something about your neighbors that you like: No clue?
30. Has your neighborhood ever thrown a block party? Not that I've seen.
31. Have you ever kissed someone you never saw again? Yep.
32. Have you ever sang in front of a crowd? Yep.
33. What kind of bathing suit do you wear? O.o; a one piece?
34. Do you like your eyes? No.
35. Do you think you are pretty? I think I'm not.
36. What do you think of girls who are ugly, who think they are hot? Ahaha whut?
37. Have you ever been called fat? Ah family, I love you too.
38. Have you ever confronted someone who was making fun of a stranger? I...don't think so?
39. Are you a bitch? No.
40. Have you ever been to a concert? Yes.
41. Do mean people lack a soul? No.
42. Have you ever put a curse on someone who said something mean about you? No.
43. Have you ever practiced witch craft? No.
44. What do you think of abortion? Not discussing that either.
45. Did you know people who practice satanism could curse you? No.
46. Do you believe in hexes? Sure?
47. Do you believe in vampires? It's plausible.
48. Who was the last person you talked to in person? Hum...
49. Do you have a Jacuzzi? No.
50. How much money is in your pocket right this moment? No pocket.
51. How much money is in your checking account? No clue.
52. How much is in your savings? Should I check?
53. Are you single? No.
54. Do you have kids? No.
55. Do you want kids (for those who dont have them)? In due time.
56. What do you think of people on welfare? Another thing I won't get into.
57. Do you believe there should be no taxes on anything? That'd be nice.
58. Are you smart? I don't think I am.
59. Did you ever skip school? Yep.
60. How many times have you gotten after school detention? I think only like 2 times.
61. How many times have you gotten in school suspension? None.
62. Have you ever been expelled? If yes, what for? None.
63. What is your worst subject in school? P.E.
64. Tell me what your back pack looks like: Black & grey.
65. Who is the ugliest person in your school? No clue.
66. Who is the happiest person you know? No clue.
67. Who is the loudest person you know? No clue.
68. Who is the most annoying person you have ever met? Eh, no clue.
69. What celebrity do you think is hot? If they're out, they should be doused with water Dx;
70. Did you read Twilight? No.
71. Last movie you saw in theatre: Uh...shoot uhm The Avengers?
72. Are you dating the same person you dated last year? Sure.
73. Has someone you were dating ever cheated on you? Before.
74. Have you ever cheated? Yes.
75. Have you ever flirted with someone you just met? Sure.
76. Have you ever been on a dating site? Yes.
77. Have you ever been in a physical fight? No.
78. Tell me one thing, about yourself, that makes you an ugly person? Everything.
79. Have you been honest? Yes & no.
80. Have you ever done drugs? Illegal drugs of course not Dx;.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Random thoughts for this week ~ Oct. 21st 2012

So surprisingly, I thought my last days of premium on deviantART were over. It got extended for another 3 months - so much love to wayner8088 at deviantART I know I've said thank you a lot but I really do mean it. Be sure to check out his artwork, I think he's an amazing artist.

As for this week, I plan to do a little more cross stitching. Not to mention, finish up on some paper kids I've been working on since I found that stack of index cards. Beyond the physical artwork I've been working on. I'm also looking to wrap up the remainder of requests on the redbana forums, other requests on here & what not. In the meantime, I'm still learning manga studio. If anyone sees any good tutorials? Please link them? I'd love to browse them over & see other tutorials from folks who have used this program.

Last but not least...please please please, I am more than happy to do commission work & take any donations to help continue funding my artistic habit. I'm a humble artist, nothing more or less ~ I think...

Either way, Halloween is approaching fast & I look forward to it. Next thing you know, it'll be the time to vote & finally hitting hard into the holidays. Is everyone ready? I'm sure not.

50 Questions

Taken by dewydoughnuts:

1. Who is your favorite male anime character?
Edward Elric

2. Who is your favorite female character?
Usagi Tsukino

3. What is your favorite anime soundtrack?
I'd have to group the ones from Hanamaru Kindergarten.

4. What is your favorite anime opening + animation?
Funny enough, 2nd season of Rosario + Vampire.

5. What is your favorite anime ending song + animation?
Any of the Hanamaru Kindergarten endings.

6. What is your favorite anime scene?
Hum, that's tough, I have several favorite scenes. I'd guess one to name off the top of my head is Sailor Moon finding out she's Princess Serenity.

7. If you could meet an anime character who would it be?
Hiiragi hopefully in her cosplay bear costume.

8. What anime character is most similar to you in terms of personality?

9. What is your favorite thing about anime?
Just the varied genres & storylines to them.

10. What is your least favorite thing about anime?
Uhm, people classifying anime to one general or generic thing. *I think a few ppl will get what I mean by that*

11. Who are your favorite anime couple?
Sailor Moon & Tuxedo Mask.

12. Who is your favorite anime animal?

13. What anime would make a good game?
Not sure.

14. What game would make a good anime?
I'd like to see Monopoly made into an anime. I dare ya!

15. What was the first anime you ever watched?
Technically, Thundercats.

16. Do you think you'll ever stop watching anime?
I'll watch on & off, but I'm not an avid or rabid anime fan & I've seen those folks. More power to them.

17. What is your favorite genre of anime?
Mystery / Sci-Fi

18. What is your least favorite genre of anime?
Not sure.

19. Are you open about watching anime with people you know?

20. Have you ever been to Japan?

21. What anime was the biggest let down for you?
Maids vs. Butlers

22. What anime was better then expected?
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

23. What is the best anime fight scene?
Roy Mustage vs. Lust

24. Who is your anime waifu?
Lol? Uh dunno...Hotaru Tomoe.

25. What was your favorite video game as a child?
I played video games? Dx; I dunno Harvest Moon count? Earthbound? Dx;

Questions about me

26. Most Embarrassing moment?
I can't recall.

27a. Can you drive? 27b. Do you own a car?
Yes. Yes.

28. Are you mature?
Only when I have to be.

29. What year were you born?
Some year.

30. Do you prefer cats or dogs?

31. Describe yourself physically.
I have a head, a neck, a body, two arms, legs, hands & feet, a body O.o'?

32. What would you name your first child?

33. What is the worst injury you have ever had?
I dunno...sprained ankle but that was more of a constant injury after 10? <_ p="p">
34. What is your worst habit?

35. Do you drink or smoke?
Drink, yes. Smoke, no.

36. Do you have a tattoo?

37. Are you a morning person or a night person?

38. Have you ever slept past midday

39. Do you regret anything?

40. Can you count the number of friends you have on one hand?

41. Do you wear glasses?

42. Are you a picky eater?

43. Would you die for someone?
Dunno, maybe?

44. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

45. Do you believe in the supernatural?

46. Would you rather be rich or famous?

47. Have you ever committed a crime?
Maybe? idk...

48. Pirates or ninjas?
Robots? How about bears?

49. Does someone have a crush on you?
If they do, I haven't heard anything.

50. Are you in a relationship?
Yep. I love you sketchbook, pen/pencil & eraser. :D

Monday, October 15, 2012

Random thoughts for this week.

I figure today would be a good day to write. Making up not posting anything yesterday with that little journal steal to thoughts mid-way through the month.

Ah well, from this point on, my deviantART premium will be gone by next week, well hell even less than that. I'd like to thank, MiloBear at deviantART & wayner8088 at deviantART for donating 13 months of premium to me. I definitely made the best of it & enjoyed it while it lasted. 

I've been also cleaning & tiding things up around my little bear cave, sorting through some stuff & found some index cards. Since my educational purposes have been put to a temporary stop, I decided to make good use of these index cards & started making some paper kids. (If you follow my twitter, they're all posted up there atm.) It has cut into this week's livestream cuz I admit, I've been a bit enamored with physical work to making art.

Other than that - I've been contemplating, even though I do offer commission work, I should be open minded to asking for any other generous donations to keep me going with my artwork & art projects. If there are those generous people out there to continue help fund my art work, I'll tell you now, thank you so much it'll help me in ways you'll never know. My personal funds, economy is rough & all funds & other such are just barely keeping me afloat with bills & other means to stay alive & functional. So I dunno, if there are those folks out there, I'll perhaps post up a way for you to continue to help. This is by all means not mandatory or needed, but if you are a generous soul that enjoys my artwork - other than commissions, you can donate through paypal to me - all that do will get recognition & credit for helping me continue this far & hopefully go even farther.

This concludes my thoughts mid-October, anyways, back to the drawing board!

Stolen from 1nfinitize at deviantART

► Love or Lust ➔  Love.
► Lemonade or Iced tea ➔ Lemonade.
► Cats or Dogs ➔ Dogs.
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ A few best friends.
► Television or Internet ➔ Internet.
► Pepsi or Coke ➔ Pepsi.
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Romantic night in. 
► Pink or Purple ➔ Purple.
► Day or Night ➔ Night. 
► IM or Phone ➔ IM 

► Been caught sneaking out ➔ Nope.
► Fallen off the stairs ➔ Yep.
► White water rafted ➔ Nope.
► Finished an entire jawbreaker ➔ Yep.
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yep.
► Prank called a store ➔ Nope.
► Skipped School ➔ Yep. 
► Wanted to disappear ➔ Yep.

► Smile or Eyes ➔ Eyes.
► Light or Dark Hair ➔ Dark Hair.
► Fat or Skinny ➔ Doesn't matter with me. 
► Shorter or Taller ➔ Doesn't matter with me.
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ Intelligence.
► Jock or Nerd ➔ Nerd.
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ Relationship.
► Funny and poor OR Rich and serious ➔ Funny and poor.
► Play the guitar or into sports ➔ Play the guitar.

► Last Phone Call/Text ➔ Huh, Milo.
► Last phone call you received ➔ Cow.
► Last person you hung out with ➔ Cow.
► Last person you hugged ➔  Cow.
► Last person you IM'ed ➔ Milo.
► Last thing you ate ➔ Potato soup w/ tuna sandwich.
► Do you still love them ➔ I do. 
► Do you like someone right now ➔ Sure I do.

► Do you and your family get along ➔ Nope, not really.
► Would you say you have a "f***ed up life"➔ Yep but not as bad as some other people.
► Have you ever run away from home ➔ No.
► If so, how long ➔ --
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ No.
► If so, how long? ➔  --

► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ Not exactly 'hate' but I feel I've grown distant from them.
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ No.
► Do you trust all your friends ➔ No.
► Who are/is your best friend(s) ➔  Some local friends & internet friends, you can decipher who from there.
► Would you die for them ➔  Yep.
► Who knows everything about you ➔ Some people online do, most people locally here, family & friends.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Happy Birthday Moment

Yes, so, normally I really don't normally post this much. I try to keep everything on a one time daily basis cuz I have other things to do & take care of. But today, I'll make an exception. After all, birthdays only come once a year & its not mine.

So forget all my problems, my worries or lil silly things. 

It's not about me - it's all about you. Happy Birthday to Milotic Bear or MiloBear at deviantART ~ it's not only just a birthday but a celebration. Thank you for all the memories so far.

A little journal Meme ~

From Violation-Nova at deviantART :) -

1.Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? - I have plenty of friends? O.o I dun get it?

2.When did your last hug take place? - Last night.

3.Are you a jealous person? - I'm only human.

4.Are you tired right now? - Define...tired?

5.Do you chew on your straws? - No.

6.Have you ever been called a tease? - Yep.

7.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? - Yep.

8.Do you cry easily? - Depends on the moment really.

9.What should you be doing right now? - Cleaning my room & sorting some junk out.

10.Are you a heavy sleeper? - I guess I can be.

11.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months? - I've done it before.

12.Are you mad at someone right now? - If I think about it...yes, thankfully they're no longer apart of my life to know it.

13.Do you believe in love? - Yes.

14.What makes you laugh no matter what? - Yep.

15.Who was the last person you talked to? - sis.

16.Do you get butterflies around the person you like? - Not sure how that feeling functions.

17.Will you get married? - Eh we'll see?

18.When was the last time you smiled? - Last night?

19.Does anyone like you? - I believe so.

20.Do you secretly like someone? - I don't think that's a secret.

21.Who was the first person you talked to today? - My dog!

22.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? - Depends on which person, how long I've known then & how long I've trusted them so I'm not listing anyone in particular.

23.What are you NOT looking forward to? - Not sure.

24.What ARE you looking forward to? - Not sure 'bout that either.

25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it? - Yep.

26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do? - I've seen worse...not gonna go into that.

27.Do you plan on moving out within the next year? - I've already moved out?

28.Are you a forgiving person? - Usually, yes.

29.How many TRUE friends do you have? - I've lost count.

30.Do you fall for people easily? - That's a tough call.

31.Have you ever fallen for your ex's best friend? - No.

32.What's the last thing you put in your mouth? - Food.

33.Who was the last person you drove with? - My friend.

34.How late did you stay up last night and why? - 'til 10am just playing wow.

35.If you could move somewhere else, would you? - Not really, I do like it here.

36.Who was the last person you took a picture of? - Cousins having a huge brownie sundae & they got all excited over it.

37.Can you live a day without TV? - Certainly.

38.When was the last time you were extremely disappointed? - Uhm...a couple of days ago actually.

39.Three names you go by. - Cher, CherBear & Cherry.

40.Are you currently in a relationship? - Define relationship?

41.What is your all-time favorite romance movie? - Serendipity.

42.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? - Yep.

43.What's your current problem? - Stuck in a stagnant situation.

44.Have you ever had your heart broken? - Yep.

45.Your thoughts of long distance relationships? - A lot of effort, work, commitment & dedication.

46.How many kids do you want to have? - 3 sounds reasonable.

47.Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them? - Nope, I'll tell you cuz I have nothing to lose, if you feel the same, cool, if not, no big deal, we can still be friends. Just don't make it awkward cuz it doesn't need to be that way.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

CherBear's Aspirations: October 2012

A couple of days into October ...

The days are still warm but getting cooler, Autumn has definitely started to show its true colors. Looking back to September showed a time of reminiscing & remember the past, unlocking memories that have been long forgotten & rejoicing over it.

Personally - as the days are creeping further into October, I'm starting to pick up on what may come for this month. I think a lil air of mystery & unanswered questions to chapters written are coming to an end, watching it unfold is something I've always found fascinating. The reason behind this is, I've always found human interaction & behavior interesting - seeing scenarios that happen to me or around me, evaluating & reflecting before keeping'em as life lessons to pass down as advice, cuz like many things in life, time & history always seems to tend to repeat itself for later generations, so we pass down knowledge & ultimately have them either use that to their advantage or repeat those mistakes in order for them to learn themselves. After-all, ultimately, everyone is their own person, have their own decisions to make & have to learn from them.

It brings up a lot of other wonders & inquiry, realizing I'll have to generalize this in order to not to step on any toes or beliefs that folks tend to latch on - is choices. How much of what we choose in life is something we like & know we like to what we choose because its against the grain, sets yourself apart from the general society in order to have some sort of superiority over others & ultimately - not something you really didn't like but choose this because of those stated reasons. There are other little things such as friendships, as a society so hard wired into our technology & other things, just lots of little intricate strings that hold up this delicate fabric of what we all know is life.

As you can clearly see, I've been rather thoughtful these past few days & its only 4 days into October.

Artistically - I've felt more verbally poetic & express things in words once again, but it really hasn't stopped me from my progressing artwork. I've been switching between stuff on the computer to some physical artwork such as cross stitching & messing with clay again & I've been moderately happy with both progresses. Not to mention, I've also picked up another art program to try so I'm looking forward to tinkering around that more. Pro'ally will see more of it later into November & December. Not to mention I'll pro'ally from time to time give insight of my long term projects that I am planning to go through & it involves people so that'll be fun.

The gamer part of me -

Audition has yet to let out any secrets for this month's patch: even though these recent patches haven't been totally engaging. I've only managed to go there to check on the usual things & play a game or two to break away from the norm.

WoW I've been going through each area actually questing once again, taking in the content from the new content. I've been amused so far & happy to have company to share that with. Hopefully there won't be any 10 month no patch to make the game stale again (good game Blizzard). I think that was what drove a lot of folks away from the game but we'll see how it goes.

CoH has me a little conflicted, its slowly gonna eventually be gone. I still have the download to re-download the patcher & see what the community is doing other than seeing what movements to try to save the game are on here.

Ultimately in the end - I'm still progressing through, thriving to finish, thriving to improve & basically just thriving on. Looking forward to all the Halloween fun by the end of the month!