Sunday, October 21, 2012

50 Questions

Taken by dewydoughnuts:

1. Who is your favorite male anime character?
Edward Elric

2. Who is your favorite female character?
Usagi Tsukino

3. What is your favorite anime soundtrack?
I'd have to group the ones from Hanamaru Kindergarten.

4. What is your favorite anime opening + animation?
Funny enough, 2nd season of Rosario + Vampire.

5. What is your favorite anime ending song + animation?
Any of the Hanamaru Kindergarten endings.

6. What is your favorite anime scene?
Hum, that's tough, I have several favorite scenes. I'd guess one to name off the top of my head is Sailor Moon finding out she's Princess Serenity.

7. If you could meet an anime character who would it be?
Hiiragi hopefully in her cosplay bear costume.

8. What anime character is most similar to you in terms of personality?

9. What is your favorite thing about anime?
Just the varied genres & storylines to them.

10. What is your least favorite thing about anime?
Uhm, people classifying anime to one general or generic thing. *I think a few ppl will get what I mean by that*

11. Who are your favorite anime couple?
Sailor Moon & Tuxedo Mask.

12. Who is your favorite anime animal?

13. What anime would make a good game?
Not sure.

14. What game would make a good anime?
I'd like to see Monopoly made into an anime. I dare ya!

15. What was the first anime you ever watched?
Technically, Thundercats.

16. Do you think you'll ever stop watching anime?
I'll watch on & off, but I'm not an avid or rabid anime fan & I've seen those folks. More power to them.

17. What is your favorite genre of anime?
Mystery / Sci-Fi

18. What is your least favorite genre of anime?
Not sure.

19. Are you open about watching anime with people you know?

20. Have you ever been to Japan?

21. What anime was the biggest let down for you?
Maids vs. Butlers

22. What anime was better then expected?
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

23. What is the best anime fight scene?
Roy Mustage vs. Lust

24. Who is your anime waifu?
Lol? Uh dunno...Hotaru Tomoe.

25. What was your favorite video game as a child?
I played video games? Dx; I dunno Harvest Moon count? Earthbound? Dx;

Questions about me

26. Most Embarrassing moment?
I can't recall.

27a. Can you drive? 27b. Do you own a car?
Yes. Yes.

28. Are you mature?
Only when I have to be.

29. What year were you born?
Some year.

30. Do you prefer cats or dogs?

31. Describe yourself physically.
I have a head, a neck, a body, two arms, legs, hands & feet, a body O.o'?

32. What would you name your first child?

33. What is the worst injury you have ever had?
I dunno...sprained ankle but that was more of a constant injury after 10? <_ p="p">
34. What is your worst habit?

35. Do you drink or smoke?
Drink, yes. Smoke, no.

36. Do you have a tattoo?

37. Are you a morning person or a night person?

38. Have you ever slept past midday

39. Do you regret anything?

40. Can you count the number of friends you have on one hand?

41. Do you wear glasses?

42. Are you a picky eater?

43. Would you die for someone?
Dunno, maybe?

44. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

45. Do you believe in the supernatural?

46. Would you rather be rich or famous?

47. Have you ever committed a crime?
Maybe? idk...

48. Pirates or ninjas?
Robots? How about bears?

49. Does someone have a crush on you?
If they do, I haven't heard anything.

50. Are you in a relationship?
Yep. I love you sketchbook, pen/pencil & eraser. :D

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