Saturday, May 31, 2014

CherBear's Thoughts: End of May...

While I write this - I write this in good faith that I in hopes of my lack of activity artistically was made up in with attempting to work on other aspects to help me progress forward. 


I had ended up revamping all my tumblr blogs to my liking but it was a bit daunting due to reworking html code around current themes. Either way, please by all means, check those out when you have a chance, thank you.


Past that, I've been doing more meet ups, went to a concert & working on more artwork. Mainly examples so I can push doing more commission work again. I've been trying to contact prior people but they haven't gotten back to me. I'll try once again & hopefully I'll get some response back.


Personally I've just been stressed mentally & physically. I won't go into it but I will try my best considering how things are going. I'll keep on smiling & keep trying to move forward.


Artistic wise - you'll see more next month but with the convention scene in full swing I'm not quite sure. Anyways - besides the major revamping of pages (and there will be more depending on the personal feedback I'm gonna get) I'll focus more on my artworks. 

That does wrap up May & I attempt to look on optimistically towards June. Take care everyone!

Journal Meme: 4 out of 4 - Last moment of boredom

Taken from cadaverr @ deviantART --

1) What gender are you?

2) What is your age?
Enter some number here.

3) Do you want a hug?
They are nice but not necessary.

4) Do you have any bad habits?
Probably plenty.

5) What is your favorite food?
Sushi, steak & steam crab.

6) What is your favorite ice-cream flavor?
Chocolate Malted Crunch.

7) favorite movie?
Too many in that catagory.

8) Have you killed anyone?

9) Do you hate anyone?

10) Do you have any secrets?
Of course.

11) What is your favorite season?

12) Who is your best friend(s)?
I have some xD; hehe

13) What are your hobbies?
Art & Anime mainly.

14) What is your favorite drink?
Depends on the mood.

15) When is your birthday?
September 20

16) What age did you die?

17) Are you nice or mean?
Generally nice.

18) Are you social or shy?
A lil of both.

19) What do you think of your parents?
Mom - a good woman, Dad - a good man.

20) What's your weakness?
Plenty that I won't list.

21) How long can you stay under water?
Haven't timed myself recently.

22) What do you do on a regular daily basis?

23) Do you love someone?

24) When was the last time you wet your self.

25) What's your favorite band(s)?
A lot to list honestly.

26) Ever worn a dress?

27) Willingly?
Heh no?

28) What do you consider fun in the day-time?
Depends really.

29) At night?
Home is always nice.

30) Ever kissed anyone?

31) ...Of the same gender?

32) If you could have any super power, what would it be?

33) whats your favorite time of day?
Night time.

34) Anyone loves you?
Probably a lot of people.

35) What's your favorite colour(s)?
Mainly, blue, gold & silver.

36) When was the last time you cried?
Earlier today.

37) Do you have a pet?
1 dog.

38) What did you name your pet?
Not really an option of naming my pet, kinda got this one inherited, her name is Mini.

39) Are you crazy?

40) What are you?

In terms of?

41) What's your nickname?

42) Do you consider yourself a happy or a down person?

43) If you were a superhero, you'll be...?
My own super hero?

44) favorite book?
Too many to list.

45) What is your current occupation?
I'll get back to you on that...

Journal Meme: 3 out of 4 - South Park

Taken from RieWiggles @ deviantART --

[ ] You're the normal kid
[x] You have an older sister 
[ ] You often puke 
[ ] You have a poofball hat 
[ ] One of your parents is a geologist
[ ] Your dad can be really stupid/stubborn 
[x] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend
[x] You have a lot of talents
Count: 3

[ ] You're Jewish
[ ] You own an ushanka
[ ] You have an adopted sibling
[ ] You easily get mad 
[x] Your hair is curly 
[ ] You're diabetic
[ ] Green and Orange are one of your favorite colors
[ ] One of your parents is a lawyer
Count: 1

[ ] You're fat/big-boned 
[ ] You get made fun of because of your body weight 
[ ] People make fat jokes about you
[x] You eat a lot of junk food
[ ] You love acting/dressing like Hitler
[ ] You think Ginger Kids have no souls
[ ] You've once made over 10,000 dollars
[x] You have a single mother for a reason
Count: 2

[ ] You hide your face
[x] You're quiet
[ ] You love boobies
[ ] You're such a pervert with a dirty mind
[ ] You have cheesed before
[x] You're poor 
[ ] Your parents fight all the time
[ ] You beg for money 
Count: 2

[ ] You often get called "gay"
[ ] You get grounded all the time
[ ] You don't have a lot of hair
[x] You've seen your parents naked before 
[ ] You have a fatass friend
[x] You're not that popular at school
[ ] You dance 
[x] You've fallen in love with the opposite sex
Count: 3

[ ] You flip people off 
[ ] You're one of the cool kids at school
[x] You've gotten ripped off before 
[ ] You think you're cool
[x] Most of the time you're not happy 
[ ] You don't participate in anything you think sucks
[ ] If you did something you have never done before, you would be sooo happy
[ ] Your last name starts with a T 
[x] You like things nice and boring
Count: 3

[ ] You have tourettes
[ ] You scream obscenities a lot
[ ] You can say shitballs to the principal 
[ ] People offer to do your laundry
[x] You get embarrassed in public
[ ] You go to therapy 
[ ] You hate Eric Cartman
[ ] Your mother supports you
[x] You don't see your dad a lot
Count: 2

[ ] You're attractive 
[ ] You love tacos 
[ ] Girls/Guys love you 
[x] You love parties
[ ] Your friends are mean to other people
[x] Your hair is messy at times 
[ ] You often wear red and/or blue
[ ] You look at Playboy Magazines
Counts: 2

[ ] You're African American
[ ] You're rich 
[ ] Anything racist gets you mad
[x] You're a nice guy/girl
[ ] You wear purple and yellow
[ ] You know/knew someone with the last name "Black"
[x] You live in a big house
[ ] You've kicked a fat kid before
Count: 2

[ ] You're a Straight A Student
[ ] You're a feminist
[x] You have a cute boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] You fall in love with other boys/girls
[ ] You get called a "hoe" 
[ ] You get mad easily at things against you 
[ ] School is fun to you 
[ ] You're a bitch
Count: 1

[ ] Your hair is blonde
[ ] You love boys/girls with hot asses 
[ ] Your boyfriend/girlfriend is the eye candy
[ ] You are/were a head/regular cheerleader
[ ] You like playing Truth or Dare
[ ] You love girl talk 
[ ] You think your boobs are too big for your age 
[ ] You're part of a Secret Committee
Count: 0

[ ] You have straight red hair
[ ] You wear violet 
[ ] You can be a total bitch at some times
[x] You love talking on the phone
[x] You get called by your nickname
[ ] When your parents are gone, you invite people over
[ ] You have fallen in love with the eye candy
[x] You talk only to your friends 
Count: 3

[x] You get frightened easily 
[x] You drink coffee
[ ] You tend to twitch 
[x] You see things that other people don't
[x] Your hair is usually messy
[ ] Your parents aren't helpful 
[x] Your clothes are messy/ placed incorrectly without your notice
[x] You stutter
Count: 6

Randy Marsh:
[ ] You've been so startled before
[ ] You are often stupid
[ ] You want to become a geologist one day
[ ] You fight with baseball fathers/mothers
[ ] You have gotten arrested for a stupid reason
[x] You play childish games
[ ] You've once did something gay in your life 
[x] You love beer
Count: 2

[ ] Your British
[x] You're overly nice 
[ ] You speak like an olden style British person
[ ] Nobody likes you 
[x] You're naive
[ ] People think you're gay
[ ] You're an orphan
[x] You find it hard to make friends 
Count: 3

[ ] You are the spawn of Satan 
[x] You wear mostly black
[ ] Puberty never dared to touch your high pitched voice
[x] You love fire 
[ ] You're evil 
[ ] You speak like an olden style roman
[ ] People fear you 
[ ] Your best friend is a fag
Count: 2

Goth kids:
[ ] You're Gothic
[ ] You are a non-conformist
[ ] Everyone else besides you are Britney Spears/ Justin Timberlake wanna-be's
[ ] You think Vampires are lame 
[x] You drink coffee
[ ] You smoke
[x] You are NOT emo 
[ ] Vampires are still lame 
Count: 2

[ ] You hate God 
[ ] You call God a cocksucker 
[ ] You like to dig 
[x] You don't care about getting dirty 
[x] Your appearance is unkempt
[ ] You're French 
[ ] You are anti-theist 
[x] You take your work seriously
Count: 3

[ ] You've been called "Faggot" 
[ ] You work too much 
[ ] You have a british accent 
[ ] You have blonde hair 
[ ] Your appearance is well kept
[ ] You take interest in politics 
[ ] You like the colour orange
[ ] You don't like Terrence & Phillip
Count: 0
Huh, go figure...Tweek xD;

Journal Meme: 2 out of 4 - Stolen Again

Taken from AdmiralMaggot @ deviantART --
Rules: What rules?

10 Facts About Myself
- I enjoy food.
- I have recently started to take an interest into cooking.
- I feel I haven't been doing much art wise.
- I'm looking to progress further personally.
- I'm looking to progress artistically.
- Convention scene is coming closer for me.
- I've started to get more into brony fan art.
- Still have mental stressors.
- Desktop was previously dead.
- Its been humid around my area.

My Questions

1. Traditional or digital art?
2. What genre of anime do you like? 
3. Besides deviantART, what sites do you like?
I gotta say, Tumblr is fun.
4. Do you like yaoi?
5. What program/materials do you use to make your art? 
Traditional - pencil, paper & occasionally pens & copic markers. Digital - Laptop: Paint Tool SAI & Photoshop CS3
6. Your favorite flower?
Morning Glories.
7. What fandoms are you in?
Plenty, just not gonna list them.
8. How high is your self esteem in your opinion? 
Sadly, its not really there as much as I put up a front.
9. Celebrity you would like to meet the most? 
None? 'sides, no need to be swooning or star struck, they are in the end a regular person like you & me.
10. Thanks for bothering to answer! One last question though: Do you think I'm nice?

Journal Meme: 1 out of 4 - Optional

Taken from sheepclaws @ deviantART --

Optional to fill out if you want me to know more about you. Keep in mind, some of these questions are personal so feel free to skip them if you want to or share.

[1] Who are you?
[2] Are we friends?
[3] When and how did we meet?
[4] How have I affected you?
[5] What do you think of me?
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
[8] Do you love me?
[9] Have I ever hurt you?
[10] Would you hug me?
[11] Would you kiss me?
[12] Are we close?
[13] Emotionally, what stands out?
[14] Do you wish I was cooler?
[15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
[16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
[17] Am I loveable?
[18] How long have you known me?
[19] Describe me in one word:
[20] What was your first impression?
[21] Do you still think that way about me now?
[22] What do you think my weakness is?
[23] Do you think I'll get married?
[24] What about me makes you happy?
[25] What about me makes you sad?
[26] What reminds you of me?
[27] What's something you would change about me?
[28] How well do you know me?
[29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
[30] Do you think I would kill someone?
[31] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?