Saturday, February 9, 2013

Journal Meme 3 out of 3 : Tagless tag revisited

From AGirlintheRain @ deviantART --

The rules:
★. You must post these rules.
★. Each person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal.
★. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create ten (10) new questions for the people you tag to answer.
★. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
★. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
★. No tag backs.
★. No nonsense in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this."
★. You have to tag 10 people.

★ Ten things about me

1. I like to people watch. 
2. I have an odd sleeping schedule.
3. I like to travel.
4. I like to try to keep an open mind.
5. I've accepted that live can be unpredictable.
6. I tend to be a slow recoverer when I'm sick. 
7. I enjoy the cold.
8. I like the sound & smell of rain.
9. I like watching cartoons.
10. I have over 70 plushies in my room.

★ Answering 10 questions by the tagger

1. What is your favorite past time? - Listening to music while drawing. 
2. If you were stuck on an island for a year, who would you want to be stuck with? - Hum, I'd have to say my closest confidant. 
3. What is your favorite color and why? - Sapphire blue; close to my favorite gem. 
4. Going back to the island question. If you were stuck on the island with the person of your choice and you could only have three items, what items would they be? (just pretend you knew you were going to be on the island.) - Supplies to live on the island, shelter & games!  
5. Who is your favorite historical person? - Hum, not sure. 
6. If you could go back in history and ask that person one question, what would you ask? Do you have any regrets considering how you've seen how society has turned out today?
7. Do you like anime? If you do which one is your favorite? - Yes; Sailor Moon still ranks high for me.
8. If a movie star came to your house and asked you to acted in a movie, what would your reaction be? Stunned, stall then accept humbly.
9. Can you play an instrument? What is it? If not what would you play if you could? I can play the piano - it'd be neat to play the flute too. 
10. Who is the one person you would completely trust with your life? Why? - My closest confidant of course. :)

★ My Questions!

1. Do you prefer to be hot or cold? 
2. Do you like to hear two sides to a story or just one source? 
3. Do you think you fulfilled your new year's resolution last year?
4. What is your ideal surroundings?
5. If you had 1 wish what would it be? (No you can't use that 1 wish to have infinite wishes.) 
6. If you had the opportunity to change anything within your lifetime, would you? 
7. Do you judge people without knowing them first?
8. Do you like challenging yourself?
9. Would you like to live forever or see the future?
10. Do you trust what people tell you online?

★ Tags: None - I guess I'm too lazy to follow these rules. Choose if you wish to do this.

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