Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chasing after 493

Utter insanity...

Call me an weird gamer if you will...but back during generation 1 of Red & Blue of Pokemon ~ I found this game fun & the characters of the anime quite totally adorable. The slogan & pitch is catchy, I mean c'mon who doesn't wanna do the whole Gotta Catch'em All bit. I certainly fell for it. I somehow lost my way & didn't pay much attention to not only the series, but the games that came afterwards. Where the initial 151 flourished into massive proportions...seriously...493 now?! Where's the number gonna be at after Black & White?

Playing generation 1 I admit, I was relentless ~ I managed to get 151 (yes, that did include Mew). Took a lot of trading, searching, patience & leveling to even finish the game itself. I know I'm not the only one when I say I plugged hours of game play time in, why? Just to collect 151. Perhaps because I was...and still am...a completion-ist that way. Leveled & played until I got tired of the game. I lost that game that had that data and not to mention the huge ancient brick of the first generation game boy.

Pokemon didn't really come back into the picture until about 2yrs ago. 3 generations & hundreds of pokemon later...I learn there in a new region...there's more new pokemon...the characters that were focused in the game were switched, but there were some that still remained there. It is quite something. I admire the consistency of not only this as a game, but also an on-going anime & manga.

So finding myself playing this anime's game once again & wandering around generation 4 game platinum, pearl, diamond & now heartgold I figured, should I try again? It wasn't too difficult to get 151 when generation 1 red & blue had come out, keep in mind not only did I see that 151, I had caught, lvl'd & raised'em too...trying to find 493 would be something. To spot 493 would take time, now to have them would be a different & not to mention showing the extent of my insanity, but rest assured, I know I'm not the only one & I'm sure some already have achieved this feat.

With Pokemon Black & White coming out in Japan & about 1yr until it comes out in America, this would give me a time slot to see if I can make it as well. With the WiFi events, old GBA games & friends who are willing to help out, I imagine its totally with that...wish me luck!

Seen - 334/493
Obtain - 174/493

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