Monday, October 4, 2010

The month of October...

What is in store for the month of October?

Well first off, Happy October to all your readers out there.

In the pursuit for improving my artwork, its been rather slow & painful. I can't really explain other than getting back to old habits of drawing & yet trying to adopt new methods. It really isn't as easy, considering that with old habits, you think it'd be easier to remember...not necessarily. Taking on & off again moments just because frustrations are lingering isn't really the best way to go about it. Next thing you know, you're doing new methods & when you find yourself not content with it you try to find something new. It isn't like I'm purposefully trying to drive myself crazy, of course not.

Either way, in-between short hiatus to recharge my batteries & finding my muse to draw once again, its been a roller coaster but hopefully....hopefully...this month I'll be able to get back into a reasonable drawing groove.

With some progressions, I've been taking some considerable time on larger projects. The perfectionist in me really did insist so for the most part, I'm trying not so much to impress others (mainly because if they love my artwork, hopefully they know I put in my 100%) but striving to impress myself. Please be sure to check out both sites for any progressions & latest work: SheezyArt | deviantART.

Now...I know Halloween is coming up at the end of the month, sadly I really don't have any immediate plans, no dressing up, no going to a Halloween party or anything along those lines. I really haven't found myself to be in the mood, nor do my friends end up wanting to go anywhere (maybe because they're stuck giving out candy that year). Either way, if the plans change, they'll change & I will change accordingly. In midsts of that & other real life priorities coming first, I will be sure to share. Not to mention, another side project with some folks on writing a little food journal of places. That is still in the works but I'll be sure to share that when it does come up.

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