Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Journal Meme: 16 of 19 - Another?

Taken from StarryNiaSky @ deviantART --

1. Everyone must post these rules.
2. Tag as many as you need - Don't auto-tag any readers or do tagbacks.
3. State 5 facts about yourself.
4. Answer my 10 questions and follow up with 10 questions for your victims.
5. This MUST be in a Journal entry
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥Questions from StarryNiaSky♥

1) Do you have a favorite character from any show? Depends on the show.
2) Chocolate or vanilla? Depends on the mood.
3) Do you have any pets? One dog.
4) Are you afraid of violence or do you take violence and impale it with a narwhal horn/tooth thing? Yes?
5) Did you realize 4 didn't make sense? Yes?
6) Are you confident in what you draw/make or not so much? Sometimes.
7) If you could have any fictional character living among you in real life, what character would that be? That one is tough to answer.
8) Pokemon or Digimon? Pokemon
9) I'm running out of questions That's okay.
10) I hope you didn't get annoyed by me running out of questions ;_; It's fine!


♥5 Facts from me♥
1. Currently sleepy.
2. Always seem to be thinking about something. 
3. Can suffer from artists block.
4. Never satisified w/ my artwork.
5. Its nice when the weather is cool.


My Questions For You To Answer!
1. Up or down?
2. Left or right?
3. Night or day?
4. Happy or sad?
5. Hot or cold?
6. Video games or a book?
7. Digital or traditional artwork?
8. PC or console?
9. Marvel or DC?
10. Movies or T.V. Shows?

♥I tag♥
No one, feel free to answer.

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