Thursday, May 3, 2012

CherBear's Aspirations: May 2012

Month of May begins - San Diego Comic Con countdown officially starts. Even though it is two months away, I need to start planning & getting my affairs in order with proper preparation. I know I can't get ahead of myself because Anime Expo is at the end of June, possibly AM2 too & I'm excited about that too. There's a lot to discuss about ever since April & my reflection plateaus.

AM2 - I know that is on the way, I have no idea nor the details behind it, it's still up in the air but we'll see

Anime Expo - I will at least be hopefully going for the weekend, catching the Masquerade once again & soaking in the scene. I haven't seen (if there's even any) what is on the agenda.

San Diego Comic Con - Plenty to prepare. Thankfully I am apart of one of the staff so I will be meeting up with the group for room assignments. Not to mention, need to get parking in order, prepare for guests to stay over, possibly refunding my initial tickets I had bought for this year. I know there's more that I'm missing but that's just some of the immediate thoughts in my head. Whew - just thinking about that & I'm getting tired, yet it hasn't even happened yet!

The patience of dog obedience training - well, further into my 8yr old shi tzu/chi's training. She been getting her cue's down a lil more. Trying to mix it up & keep her on her toes. In return, continued positive rewarding & new routines for her & I are now a more daily thing.

Artwork & projects - still in the works w/ careful planning & consideration. Hopefully I will be able to work on them while & when I can but priorities first. I'll be posting more of stuff I have done during livestream sessions.

Continuing w/ goal of moving on - it's a matter of seeing what will stick. There's plenty of ample opportunities ahead & hopefully they'll be much more promising than my current situation.

There is also my monthly anime meeting I'm looking forward to, mother's day is coming up as well, not to mention other things such as birthday celebrations & everything in-between. Plenty to do & all while watching Legend of Korra & seeing where this series will be going. May ahoy!

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