Thursday, August 8, 2013

Journal Meme: 2 out of 4 - Disorder?

Taken from Broken-and-Scarred on deviantART -- 

***Avoidant personality disorder***
[x] You have low self esteem.
[x] You have a fear of embarrassment that results in avoidance of new activities.
[ ] You retreat from others in anticipation of being rejected from them.
[x] You have a preoccupation of being rejected or criticized in social situations.
[ ] You yearn for social relations yet you feel you are unable to obtain them.
[ ] You have created an imaginary world for yourself to escape your loneliness.
[ ] You often appear self-involved and unfriendly to others.
Score: 3

***Paranoid personality disorder***
[ ] You usually shift blame to other people.
[x] You are very distrustful and rely more on yourself than on others.
[ ] You search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others.
[x] You're consumed by anticipation of betrayal of friends/families/etc.
[x] You are quick to challenge loyalties of friends and loved ones and try to avoid close relationships.
[ ] You often appear cold and distant to others.
[ ] You tend to carry long grudges.
Score: 3

***Borderline personality disorder***
[x] You are prone to constant mood swings and bouts of anger. 
[ ] You'll often take your anger out on yourself by injuring yourself or you even attempt suicide. (Never suicide o-o)
[x] You have low self esteem.
[ ] Your relationships with friends/family/bf/gf are quite unstable.
[ ] You are quick to anger when your expectations aren't met.
[ ] You're very impulsive.
[ ] You think in black and white terms.
Score: 2

***Narcissistic personality disorder***
[ ] You take advantage of others.
[ ] You require excessive praise and admiration.
[ ] You have a lack of empathy.
[ ] You exaggerate the things you did so others see you as superior.
[ ] You are picky with choosing friends since not everyone deserves to be with you.
[ ] You have a grandiose sense of self-importance.
[ ] You make a good first expression but you have difficulty maintaining long lasting relationships.
Score: 0

***Schizotypal personality disorder***
[ ] You were told that your mannerisms or appearance is odd or eccentric.
[ ] You believe you have an extra sensory ability or that an unrelated event relates to you in some important way.
[ ] You were told that you have a odd way of thinking or that your speech patterns are difficult to follow.
[x] You often appear shy, aloof, or withdrawn to others.
[ ] You have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time.
[ ] You seek isolation from others.
[ ] You have feelings of anxiety in social situations.
Score: 1

***Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder***
[ ] You are overly focused on orderliness and perfection and not very flexible.
[x] You tend to get caught up in the details and miss the bigger picture.
[x] You avoid making decisions because you fear making mistakes.
[x] You often have difficulty expressing emotions.
[x]  You avoid working in teams, believing others are too careless or incompetent.
[x] You aren't very generous with your money or time.
[ ] You set unreasonably high standards for yourself and others, and you tend to be very critical of others when they do not live up to these high standards.
Score: 5

***Antisocial personality disorder***
[ ] You lack remorse for harm done to others.
[ ] You tend to steal, lie or have other criminal behaviors because you believe your victims are weak and they deserve to be taken advantage of.
[ ] Your decision-making is rather impulsive and irresponsible. 
[ ] You are much more concerned with your own needs than the needs of others.
[ ] You don't care about the feelings of others.
[ ] You are usually very aggressive.
[ ] You disregard the safety of yourself and others.
Score: 0

***Histrionic personality disorder***
[ ] You NEED to be the center of attention.
[ ] You dress or act provocatively in order to get attention.
[x] You are overly-dramatic and your speech is theatrical.
[x] You exaggerate friendships.
[ ] You are manipulative.
[ ] You think everybody loves you.
[ ] Your emotions change rapidly and are shallow.
Score: 2

***Dependent personality disorder***
[x] It's very difficult for you to make decisions.
[x] You might cling to people because you fear losing them.
[x] You have bad thoughts when someone rejects you.
[x] You often feel helpless and/or depressed when you're alone.
[x] You get deeply hurt by mild criticism or disapproval.
[x] You're really submissive.
[ ] You jump from relationship to relationship.
Score: 6

***Schizoid personality disorder***
[ ] You don't show much emotion.
[ ] Your interpersonal skills are weak.
[x] Some people call you a 'loner'.
[ ] You don't seek relationships with others and prefer to be alone.
[x] You don't show a need for acceptance and attention and you are unresponsive to praise or criticism.
[ ] Your desires are low.
[ ] You often appear to others as remote, aloof, humourless and unengaged. 
Score: 2

Well...okay then!

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