Wednesday, August 21, 2013

CherBear's Thoughts: My summer comes to an end...

Some people view how summer ends for them, mine would be when school starts...even though it isn't necessarily me.


Thankfully, this summer rounded out with hanging out with all my cousins one more time, before one moseys off to college. We had fun, hung out & more important just ended off our summer memories like this...even tho my youngest cousin had already started school.

Advice was given to the oldest one heading off to college, some insight from other friends who have already been through it & amongst all that, that maybe he'll take that all in for him when he's over there. [ Do I have plans to visit him there? YOU BET! ] 

The youngest one wasn't left out, giving some advice w/ his start to high school. Stuff that was said before, but now it was really his turn.

Either way, I imagine they'll both turn out fine.

As for other cousins, one had oral surgery, the other had a rollercoaster of a trip & relationship all rolled into one. 

Just that last day, we all did agree & hope we can commit to it - hang out at least once a month.

Why is it so important?

Ironically enough, after some darker tragedy of sorts that happened to someone we all knew, reality sort of started to set in, seeing that we were older, the status of where family & relatives were & we can't go back to when we were kids, being lead by our respective adults to hang out, have fun but that we as being older have to start creating our own moments similar to that past not only with our peer age group of cousins, but with whatever generation we decide to escort in, whenever that happens. So in desperate attempt to pick up the broken pieces, that's why I've discussed so much about hanging out with such important people, because ultimately, the memories we've made have that mix of emotions of highs & lows where we were happy & where we were sad - we're family & we all have to move forward.

2013 Summer has been grand, from Anime Conji that started near the end of spring/early summer, the rollercoaster of family problems that arised, graduation, the County Fair, Anime Expo & San Diego Comic Con, a birthday, a funeral & then a farewell. That, I say was my 2013 summer nutshell. Was it better than the prior years? No, its another year I do cherish, appreciate & had fun not only with family but with good company...good friends.


Personally, I won't go too far but touch base on the following ...

Not to completely stray, I had fixed my laptop & I've been working on the commission works, they're being updated as soon as I've completed them & queue'd to be posted accordingly. I'm also trying to get through the requests too, once those are cleared & finished, I'll be holding more open commission / point commission specials.

While I do still look for work once again too - its a long lengthy process & expanding my options more so.

Last, I've been watching more anime, which has fun. I know I have so many more animes to watch so time to continue to check more off, oh by the way, if anyone has a My Anime List account, feel free to add me: (still updating constantly!) & I can hopefully check out what you've seen & maybe add that to my list too.

That is it for now, if you read this far, thank you for taking part of my mundane everyday kind of life.

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