Saturday, August 31, 2013

CherBear's Thoughts: Warm Summer Nights ...

Hello everyone!

Today is the last day of August & I'm feeling a bit warm. No, its not what you think, its because its literally warm in my neck of the woods. I know I shouldn't be complaining about the weather considering other places are much warmer & could be even more miserable than I am, but for now, I'll stick to my mild complaining, its warm & the warmth subjects me to leaving feeling rather sluggish.

Fair warning - the following is long & just thoughts while I sit & write in warm weather.

- Art
- Videos / MMOs - thoughts on a aging game
- September apprehensions / maybe a contest?


Artistic wise, I've been working on the commission stuff, I did finish one, but slowly muddling my way through the others. Its difficult to be on the laptop where it warms up & you're just sitting there feeling uncomfortable. As for the left over requests, I haven't heard back from a couple of folks, so I'll give it one more shot before I even go through those. I hope to look to do some special sales & commissions once I get through them. 


In terms of video games / MMOs;

Audition - I've been coming & going but without my cohor- I mean Audition couple, there hasn't been too much of a reason to roam around. I come by on occassion, check on things then go do other things than play Audition. Apparently even though I've confided to some folks about my contemplation of leaving the community as a whole, they've protested against those thoughts & as much as I don't like to try & draw attention to myself, getting those few reactions from folks instead of blasting it out on the forums; makes me feel a bit appreciated for all my efforts this far.

World of Warcraft - I've been just goofing around there, mainly because, with the next patch; 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, I look forward to seeing what happens. Granted, yes, we will have all the criticisms of bad lore, bad features, or just bad overall on a constantly aging game, I am curious since this is sorta something that happens literally at a Horde capital.

A thought that was discussed: With WoW just getting older & older, the question begs to ask, why have I stayed around? Mainly, it has been the remaining MMO that I've stuck with ever since CoH. My one minor regret about leaving CoH is I lost touch with friends from there. When I came back, some folks were surprised to me, frankly, I was shocked they still remembered me. I tried to get back into it, when it became FTP, but with all the restrictions & trying to figure out the new odds & ends, plus time, I just couldn't & as the story goes - the game ended & I sorta wished I was there for its final closing (all hail the Liberty Server!). Realistically, I do know WoW will have an inevitability; the fact it lasted this long has been impressive. Unless they change & improve the models & do something which a lot of new MMOs are doing, I'd imagine it'll still continue to lose more folks & eventually become a FTP too then its a matter of time before it'd make it its end. Some have protested of the ongoing features & changes that happen to the game, the lore not being written as well or the lack of social interaction with easy LFR/LFD that just makes it easy to queue up & move on. Out of all of that ... why? When there are clearly better games out there. I think, if anything, I have no real reason to start a new MMO, the time, money & effort wouldn't be worth it, when I tried to juggle CoH, WoW & Audition, something had to give. Granted, I'm still around Audition, its been fine switching between that game & WoW. Would I drop WoW altogether? Not necessarily, I've been fortunate enough to meet some new folks; now whether or not it develops past that, cool, if not, no big deal. The current company I do keep & when I do roam around Azeroth has been fun, even if its late raiding or LFR. Either way, I think, if anything, whenever the end approaches, I'd like to be there when it does - simply a sentimentality for all the time, effort & friendships that have been made.


September is coming around & yes, I know, my birthday is in the horizon. With the points commissions & donations, I've been highly considering putting some up points up for a contest of some sort (enough points for a 3 month premium deviantART membership). I haven't considered what I wanna do (most likely draw my Audition character) or if I wanna do it. If I do & maybe there's enough support (and people who'd like to contribute any prizes too), I may start one? I need an immediate response before the 1st of September or it'll just be a lingering thought.


Anyways, that's all for now, its warm & I am gonna try to cool off.

Journal Meme: 2 out of 2 - Questionnaire

Taken from pluizermuizer @ deviantART -- 

ONE-Spell your name without vowels: ChrBr
TWO-Are you single?:  
THREE-Whats your favorite number?:
FOUR-What color do you wear most?: 
 Black or dark earth tone colors.
FIVE-Least favorite color?: 
 Pastel colors in general.
SIX-Favorite candy?:  
SEVEN-What do you smoke?: 
I don't.
EIGHT-Are you happy with your life right now?: No
NINE-Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?: No
TEN-What is your favorite class in school?:  
ELEVEN-Do you shop at Hollister/DC/Bluenotes?:  
TWELVE-How do you make money?:  At the moment, commissions.
THIRTEEN-Who is your best friend?: I have plenty.
FOURTEEN-Where do you go to school?: I go to a school...over here :o.
FIFTEEN-Are you outgoing?: Yes and no.
SIXTEEN-One word to describe you?: 
SEVENTEEN-Favorite pair of shoes?: Comfy ones.
EIGHTEEN-Do you own big sunglasses?: NO
NINETEEN-Where do you wish you were right now?:
  In a nice cool place. 
TWENTY-What should you be doing right now?:  
Finishing these commissions.
TWENTY ONE-Do you have a crush on anyone right now?: 
No, like I said before, being crushed sounds painful.

Honestly, what's on your mind right now?:  How hot will it be today.
Honestly, what are you doing right now?:
 Filling this out obviously.
Honestly, have you done something bad today?: 
Stayed up late.
Honestly, do you watch Disney Channel?: 
Not really, no.
Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone?:
 My cousin/sis.
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?:
Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time?:
 Shallow people that make assumptions.
Honestly, do you bite your nails?:
Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment?: 
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now?: 
Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like?: 
Can you blow a bubble?:  
Can you dance?: Yes.
Can you do a cart wheel?: 
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: 
Can you whistle?: 
Can you wiggle your ears?: 
Can you wiggle your nose?: 
Can you roll your tongue?:  
Can you make a clover with your tongue?:

What do you do when you're mad?:  Brood I guess.
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?: I'm not quite sure on that one.
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?: 

Ever really cried your heart out?: Yes
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: 
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: 
Ever cried over the opposite sex?:
Ever cried over the same sex?:
Do you cry when you get an injury?:
Do certain songs make you cry?: 
Do certain movies make you cry?:

Are you usually a happy person?: 
I pretend to be
What makes you the happiest?:
 When others are happy.
Does being with your friends make you happy?:
Do you believe in yourself?:
Do you wish you were happier?:
Is being happy overrated?:
Can music make you happy?:

How many times have you had your heart broken?: A couple of times.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: Yes
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'I love you'?: 

HATE SECTION:Do you actually hate anyone?: 
Have you ever been on a hit list?: 
Are you a mean bully?: 
Do you hate George Bush?:  Eh?


Is your self-esteem extremely low?: 
From time to time.
Do you think you're good looking?: 
Do you wish you could be someone else?:

What is your current hair color?:
 Dark brown/black
What is your eye color?: 
Dark brown.
What is your skin tone?: 
Brown? Dx;
Current piercings?: 
2, my ears o-o!
Have any tattoos?: 
Straight hair or curly?:
 Bit of both

What shirt are you wearing?:
 Pink tank top
Shoes?:  None

Hugged someone?:
Been on the phone until the sun came up?:   Yes
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?:  No
Laughed so hard you cried?:
Got in a fight with someone?:
 Verbally yes.

Person you talked to in person?: My cow
Person you talked to online?: 
Person you hugged?:
 My younger cousins.

Do you like surveys?: They're OK
Do you get along with your parents?:
  Estranged with one, yes with the other.
Do you have mental breakdowns?:

Current mood: 
Current music:
Current hair style: 
Tied up. 
Current crush: 
Like soda crush? O.o;?
Current thing I ought to be doing: 
Working on commissions.
Current windows open:
 dA, FB, Tumblr, anipan, Blogger & Google.
Current desktop picture:

Did you ever get into a fist fight in school?: 
Did you ever run away from home?: No
Did you ever want to be a doctor?: No
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: 

Do you know how to swim?:
Do you like roller coasters?:
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?:

Does hair loss run in your family at all?:
Does your car get good gas mileage?: 
II suppose.
Does your family have family picnics?:

Have you ever been on a plane?:
Have you ever been to the ocean?: 
Have you ever painted your nails?:

How tall are you?:
 Short enough.
How much money do you have on you right now?: *sigh*

Last person you hung out with?:
 Technically? MiloticBear online.
Last thing someone said to you?:
 "Get your rest."
Last thing you said out loud?: 

What are you listening to?:
What is the weather outside?:
 Hot & humid.
What radio station do you listen to?:
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: 
What was the last thing you had to drink?: 
What was the last movie you watched?: 
I...don't remember! ><'

Journal Meme: 1 out of 2 - I am Kuudere.

Taken from Seoul-Mate @ deviantART --

Your Loli/Shota side:
[x] You tilt your head when you're confused.
[x] You love sweets and cute things.
[x] You are often confused and lost in conversations with your friends.
[ ] You blush simply thinking of sexual things.
[x] People often call you cute.
[x] You care a lot about your friends.
[ ] You embarrass yourself a lot with silly question or statements.
[ ] You like bright, soft colors.
[ ] You enjoy listening to cute, sweet, gentle songs.
[ ] You add things to the end of your friend's names (such as "-chan" or "-y", i.e. Hime = Himey.
[ ] People often say "aww" when you've done something clumsy/silly.
[x] You like anime/movies about romance, love and friendship.
Total:  6

Your Tsundere side:
[ ] You come off as tough and confident on the outside, when you are actually soft and emotional on the inside.
[ ] You often hide your true feelings for someone.
[ ] You are caring but deny it when someone tells it to you.
[x] You are protective.
[x] When someone bugs you, you tell them right away strongly, but are still on the inside worried that you've hurt them.
[x] You are easily embarrassed.
[x] Compliments make you feel awkward and you always deny them.
[x] You tease and bully the one you love to hide your feelings.
[ ] You can be violent at times.
[ ] You may hurt people a lot, but regret it right away.
[ ] When people say Thank You, you often reply by saying it was for yourself
[ ] You never cry in front of others.
Total:  5

Your Yandere side:
[x] You are often loving, caring, sweet - until someone upsets you badly.
[ ] When angry, you're normally hide it until the time for revenge is right.
[ ] You can at times, be obsessive.
[x] People have said you are "two-faced".
[ ] People tell you you're nice, but can be creepy at times.
[ ] You scare the crap out of your friends when you get upset.
[ ] People find it weird to see you anything other than gentle and smiling.
[x] When you're upset, sometimes you still smile, even when saying something harsh.
[x] You can get very violent.
[ ] You love to help people, but often love to help yourself more.
[ ] You like slow, sweet, but twisted songs.
[x] You like colors like dark blue or light red.
Total: 5

Your Kuudere side:
[x] You don't show your emotions to others.
[x] You hide your true feelings.
[x] When you become close to someone, you slowly open up.
[x] Although you don't show it, you are easily made happy.
[x] You care for others a lot, still you don't show it.
[x] People think you are mysterious.
[x] You can be shy.
[x] You aren't very loud, rather silent.
[x] You know who to trust and who not to.
[x] You choose your friends wisely.
[ ] You like simple colors, like light purple or white.
[x] You are rather mature.
Total: 11

Your Dandere side:
[x] You are a shy person.
[x] You are quiet and don't speak up for yourself.
[ ] You look downstead of straight forwards when walking.
[ ] You sometimes go to extreme levels just to get out of public speaking.
[ ] You have stage fright.
[x] You are stoic and not very open.
[x] You hide yourself with your hair at times.
[ ] Your face starts boiling when speaking with others.
[ ] You speak very quietly in case you say something silly or you sound weird.
[ ] You are afraid of meeting new people.
[x] You are a hard worker.
[x] You do not have as many friendships as others, but those you do have, you cherish very much.

Total: 6

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

CherBear's Thoughts: My summer comes to an end...

Some people view how summer ends for them, mine would be when school starts...even though it isn't necessarily me.


Thankfully, this summer rounded out with hanging out with all my cousins one more time, before one moseys off to college. We had fun, hung out & more important just ended off our summer memories like this...even tho my youngest cousin had already started school.

Advice was given to the oldest one heading off to college, some insight from other friends who have already been through it & amongst all that, that maybe he'll take that all in for him when he's over there. [ Do I have plans to visit him there? YOU BET! ] 

The youngest one wasn't left out, giving some advice w/ his start to high school. Stuff that was said before, but now it was really his turn.

Either way, I imagine they'll both turn out fine.

As for other cousins, one had oral surgery, the other had a rollercoaster of a trip & relationship all rolled into one. 

Just that last day, we all did agree & hope we can commit to it - hang out at least once a month.

Why is it so important?

Ironically enough, after some darker tragedy of sorts that happened to someone we all knew, reality sort of started to set in, seeing that we were older, the status of where family & relatives were & we can't go back to when we were kids, being lead by our respective adults to hang out, have fun but that we as being older have to start creating our own moments similar to that past not only with our peer age group of cousins, but with whatever generation we decide to escort in, whenever that happens. So in desperate attempt to pick up the broken pieces, that's why I've discussed so much about hanging out with such important people, because ultimately, the memories we've made have that mix of emotions of highs & lows where we were happy & where we were sad - we're family & we all have to move forward.

2013 Summer has been grand, from Anime Conji that started near the end of spring/early summer, the rollercoaster of family problems that arised, graduation, the County Fair, Anime Expo & San Diego Comic Con, a birthday, a funeral & then a farewell. That, I say was my 2013 summer nutshell. Was it better than the prior years? No, its another year I do cherish, appreciate & had fun not only with family but with good company...good friends.


Personally, I won't go too far but touch base on the following ...

Not to completely stray, I had fixed my laptop & I've been working on the commission works, they're being updated as soon as I've completed them & queue'd to be posted accordingly. I'm also trying to get through the requests too, once those are cleared & finished, I'll be holding more open commission / point commission specials.

While I do still look for work once again too - its a long lengthy process & expanding my options more so.

Last, I've been watching more anime, which has fun. I know I have so many more animes to watch so time to continue to check more off, oh by the way, if anyone has a My Anime List account, feel free to add me: (still updating constantly!) & I can hopefully check out what you've seen & maybe add that to my list too.

That is it for now, if you read this far, thank you for taking part of my mundane everyday kind of life.

Journal Meme: 2 out of 2 - OC Meme

Taken from AdmiralMaggot @ deviantART --

1. Pick one of your OCs.
2. Fill in the questions/statements as if you were your OCs.
3. Tag four people to do this meme!
4. Tell people that they been tagged with a link from your journal.


1. What is your name? - CherBear

2. Do you know why you were named that? - Seems appropriate for me!

3. Are you single or taken? - Very much taken!

4. Have any abilities or powers? - I don't...think so?

5. Stop being a Mary-Sue! - Haven't we done this before?

6. What's your eye color? - Dark sapphire blue.

7. How about hair color? - Light brown.

8. Have you any family members? - Plenty, I've lost count! Heehee!

9. Oh? How about pets? - Plenty, I've lost count of that too...oops.

10. That's cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don't like. - Shallow people.

11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? - Draw!

*What happened to 12?*

13. Ever… killed anyone before? - N-no! Of course not!

14. What kind of animal are you? - A bear obviously!

15. Name your worst habits. - I dunno...

16. Do you look up to anyone at all? - Not really...

17. Are you gay, Straight, or bisexual? - Bisexual! *wink*

18. Do you go to school? - No.

19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day? - Haven't I already done that?

20. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? - Supposedly I do, I'm still in denial.

21. What are you most afraid of? - Being alone again ...

22. What do you usually wear? - Ooo this cute little brown dress with a bear on it!....what....don't be surprised!

23. What's one food that tempts you? - Nutella.

24. Am I annoying you? - Not really no.

25. Well, it's still not over! - Okay?

26. What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)? - Supposedly high class but I'm never sure anymore.

27. How many friends do you have? - Not sure, I have close friends, but those I really trust.

28. What are your thoughts on pie? - My sister? Are you sure we haven't spoken before?

30. Favorite drink? - Hmm .. a nutella / toasted marshmellow / graham cracker milkshake! Mmm!

31. What's your favorite place? - My home, in my room.

32. Are you interested in anyone? - Interested in terms of...?

33. That was a stupid question. - You're confusing me.

34. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? - Doesn't matter!

35. What's your type? - What do you mean?

36. Any fetishes? - That's a secret!

37. Seme or uke? - One way to find out ;)

38. Camping or indoors? - Either or! Both sound fun!

Journal Meme: 1 out of 2 - 6 out of 72 fears

Taken from Seoul-Mate @ deviantART -- 

[ ] the dark
[ ] staying single forever
[ ] being a parent
[ ] giving birth
[ ] open spaces 
[ ] closed spaces 
[x] heights
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds
[ ] fish
[ ] spiders
[ ] flowers or other plants
[ ] being touched 
[ ] fire
[x] deep water
[ ] silk 
[ ] the ocean
[x] failure
[ ] success 
[ ] thunder/lightning
[ ] frogs/toads
[ ] my girlfriend's/boyfriend's dad
[ ] my girlfriend's/boyfriend's mom
[ ] rats
[x] jumping from high places
[ ] snow
[ ] rain 
[ ] wind
[ ] crossing hanging bridges 
[x] death
[ ] heaven
[ ] being robbed
[x] falling
[ ] clowns
[ ] dolls
[ ] large crowds of people
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] having great responsibilities
[ ] doctors, including dentists
[ ] tornadoes
[ ] hurricanes
[ ] incurable diseases
[ ] sharks
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] ghosts
[ ] poverty
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school
[ ] trains
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[ ] being alone
[ ] becoming blind
[ ] becoming deaf
[ ] growing up
[ ] creepy noises in the night
[ ] bee stings
[ ] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ] needles
[ ] blood 
[ ] dinosaurs
[ ] the welcome mat
[ ] high speed
[ ] throwing up
[ ] falling in love
[ ] super secrets


If you wish to post this in your journal, it's been requested that you title it "I'm afraid of _ out of 72 common fears".

[ ] If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
[ ] If you get more than 20, you're paranoid.
[ ] If you get 10-20, you are normal.
[ x ] If you get 10 or less, you're fearless

Random Online Tests 2 of 2: Disorder?

Taken from Broken-and-Scarred @ deviantART -- 

Major Depression: Slight
Dysthymia: Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: Very Slight
Cyclothymia: Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Slight
Postpartum Depression: N/A

Well okay then!

Random Online Tests 1 of 2: DnD Character?

Taken from T1p2 @ deviantART --

I Am A: True Neutral Human Cleric (4th Level)

Ability Scores:







True Neutral A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. He doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most true neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil after all, he would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, he's not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some true neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. True neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion. However, true neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it represents apathy, indifference, and a lack of conviction.

Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.

Clerics act as intermediaries between the earthly and the divine (or infernal) worlds. A good cleric helps those in need, while an evil cleric seeks to spread his patron's vision of evil across the world. All clerics can heal wounds and bring people back from the brink of death, and powerful clerics can even raise the dead. Likewise, all clerics have authority over undead creatures, and they can turn away or even destroy these creatures. Clerics are trained in the use of simple weapons, and can use all forms of armor and shields without penalty, since armor does not interfere with the casting of divine spells. In addition to his normal complement of spells, every cleric chooses to focus on two of his deity's domains. These domains grants the cleric special powers, and give him access to spells that he might otherwise never learn. A cleric's Wisdom score should be high, since this determines the maximum spell level that he can cast.

Find out What Kind of Dungeons and Dragons Character Would You Be?, courtesy of Easydamus (e-mail)

Random PSA 1 of 1 - Fake vs. Real Friends...

Taken from naya123gilda @ deviantART -- 

FAKE FRIENDS: Say they are too busy to listen to your problems, but when it comes to them they expect you to have all the time in the world.
REAL FRIENDS: Not only kick everything out of their schedule to listen to what's wrong, but help come up with vindictive plans to make you feel a whole lot better!

FAKE FRIENDS: Make you say sorry when you want to talk to them at odd hours of the night, or even just hang out at odd hours.
REAL FRIENDS: Come right over and hang out with you, until you either fall asleep, or kick them out.

FAKE FRIENDS: call your parents mr./ mrs.
REAL FRIENDS: call your parents DAD/ MOM.

FAKE FRIENDS: borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
REAL FRIENDS: keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours.

FAKE FRIENDS: will help you when you fall.
REAL FRIENDS: will jump on top of you.

FAKE FRIENDS: say "love ya" jokingly.
REAL FRIENDS: say "I love you" and they mean it.

FAKE FRIENDS: Will sit with you after a breakup and say "I'm sorry"
REAL FRIENDS: Will call them and ask what their problem is before devising a plan to destroy them.

FAKE FRIENDS: will read this.
REAL FRIENDS: will steal this.

Copy and paste this as a journal my friends  let this spread <3 i="">

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Livestream - 08.10.2013 : Finished


Starting in 5-15mins at .

On today's agenda:

Some livestreaming - gonna work on requests & commissions - again.

Mic: Off.
Music: On
On the spot requests: No
Pending requests: No.

Feel free to join!!


Edit - 1+hrs later:

Finished livestreaming.

1.30hrs. ; 1 drawings

Total for this week: 1.30hrs ; 1 drawings/sketches worked on or revisited to work on.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Journal Meme: 4 out of 4 - Urban Dictionary

Taken from Seoul-Mate @ deviantART -- 

Go to and type in your answers to the following questions.
Post a definition it gives you.

1.) Your name?
1:) A term of endearment for a person resembling or showing characteristics of the one and only, Cher

2:) A person with uniquely proportioned and highly positioned cheekbones

3:) A person who underwent too much facial plastic surgery

4:) A person addicted to botox injections; specifically, in the eyebrow and forehead region
My what big cheekbones you have, Cherbear!

2.) Your age?
Old enough
Someone who doesn't want to share their actual age to someone so they respond as "old enough".
Guy- "How old are you?" 
Girl- "Old enough."

3.) One of your friends?
Probably the sexiest pokemon in the world. Evolves from a shitty Feebas thats hard as anything to catch in the game. You can only evolve Feebas with 'Love' - whatever the fuck that is. But having a miltoic makes you a total bro. They're fucking dragons that live in the water!
Guy 1: Do you have a Milotic?!?! 
Guy 2: No.. i just have Feebas 
Guy 1: Love the shit out of that fucktard; Milotics are fucking epic!

4.) What should you be doing?
- Drawing is a form of visual expression and is one of the major forms within the visual arts. There are a number of subcategories of drawing, including cartooning, and certain drawing methods or approaches, such as "doodling," may or may not be considered as part of "drawing" as a "fine art." 
The word 'drawing' is used as both a verb and a noun: 

* Drawing (verb) is the act of making marks on a surface so as to create an image, form or shape. 
* The produced image is also called a drawing (noun). A quick, unrefined drawing may be defined as a sketch. 
1. The drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci are amazing. 
2. He was drawing a bridge.

5.) Favorite color?

The hue of the portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo, evoked in a human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 490 nanometers.
The sky is blue.

6.) Birthplace?

The State Capital of the Philippines.
I went to Manila this summer and it is very humid there.

7.) Month of your birth?

8.) Last person you talked to?
YOUR LORD AND MASTER!!!!!!!!!!!! Pie is the thread that holds this world together! You shall obey the pie, or suffer the consequences!!
PIE! Sweet glorious pie!!

9.) One of your nicknames?

Singer, songwriter, actress, movie director and entertainer, won an Oscar, a Grammy, several Golden Globes, an Echo, Bambi and a few others. Witty, sexy and all in all, one of the greatest people that ever lived. 
The name can also be used as synonym of "great" or "flamboyant".
"This is so fucking cher!"

Journal Meme: 3 out of 4 - Taggle response

Taken from TheNationMaker on deviantART --

Not exactly tagged but just wanted to answer the questions - here it goes.

1; What kind of art would you want to see more of me?
Good question

2; If you could spend a weekend with me, what do you want to do?
Just hang out.

3; You're home alone for a whole week, what will you do?
Work on art & other things I gotta take care of.

4; Junk food or fruit?
Depends on the mood.

5; Name 3 of your favorite bands.
No faves, too indecisive for that.

6; Did you ever meet a band member or artist? if so, who and how did you respond?
Politely say hello, no need to make a big fuss over them.

7; What are your thoughts on porn on the internet?
Something that was renamed & eventually made its way onto the internet when the internet took over.

8; Hot chocolate or ice-cream?
Depends on the mood & weather.

9; What do you think of tattoo's and piercings?
To each their own.

10; Who's your favorite anime character?
Oh hard call on that one.

11; What's your life quote?
"The people who have come & gone in my life ... it is you who I will miss the most ... if you're gone ... I will never forget you."

Journal Meme: 2 out of 4 - Disorder?

Taken from Broken-and-Scarred on deviantART -- 

***Avoidant personality disorder***
[x] You have low self esteem.
[x] You have a fear of embarrassment that results in avoidance of new activities.
[ ] You retreat from others in anticipation of being rejected from them.
[x] You have a preoccupation of being rejected or criticized in social situations.
[ ] You yearn for social relations yet you feel you are unable to obtain them.
[ ] You have created an imaginary world for yourself to escape your loneliness.
[ ] You often appear self-involved and unfriendly to others.
Score: 3

***Paranoid personality disorder***
[ ] You usually shift blame to other people.
[x] You are very distrustful and rely more on yourself than on others.
[ ] You search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others.
[x] You're consumed by anticipation of betrayal of friends/families/etc.
[x] You are quick to challenge loyalties of friends and loved ones and try to avoid close relationships.
[ ] You often appear cold and distant to others.
[ ] You tend to carry long grudges.
Score: 3

***Borderline personality disorder***
[x] You are prone to constant mood swings and bouts of anger. 
[ ] You'll often take your anger out on yourself by injuring yourself or you even attempt suicide. (Never suicide o-o)
[x] You have low self esteem.
[ ] Your relationships with friends/family/bf/gf are quite unstable.
[ ] You are quick to anger when your expectations aren't met.
[ ] You're very impulsive.
[ ] You think in black and white terms.
Score: 2

***Narcissistic personality disorder***
[ ] You take advantage of others.
[ ] You require excessive praise and admiration.
[ ] You have a lack of empathy.
[ ] You exaggerate the things you did so others see you as superior.
[ ] You are picky with choosing friends since not everyone deserves to be with you.
[ ] You have a grandiose sense of self-importance.
[ ] You make a good first expression but you have difficulty maintaining long lasting relationships.
Score: 0

***Schizotypal personality disorder***
[ ] You were told that your mannerisms or appearance is odd or eccentric.
[ ] You believe you have an extra sensory ability or that an unrelated event relates to you in some important way.
[ ] You were told that you have a odd way of thinking or that your speech patterns are difficult to follow.
[x] You often appear shy, aloof, or withdrawn to others.
[ ] You have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time.
[ ] You seek isolation from others.
[ ] You have feelings of anxiety in social situations.
Score: 1

***Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder***
[ ] You are overly focused on orderliness and perfection and not very flexible.
[x] You tend to get caught up in the details and miss the bigger picture.
[x] You avoid making decisions because you fear making mistakes.
[x] You often have difficulty expressing emotions.
[x]  You avoid working in teams, believing others are too careless or incompetent.
[x] You aren't very generous with your money or time.
[ ] You set unreasonably high standards for yourself and others, and you tend to be very critical of others when they do not live up to these high standards.
Score: 5

***Antisocial personality disorder***
[ ] You lack remorse for harm done to others.
[ ] You tend to steal, lie or have other criminal behaviors because you believe your victims are weak and they deserve to be taken advantage of.
[ ] Your decision-making is rather impulsive and irresponsible. 
[ ] You are much more concerned with your own needs than the needs of others.
[ ] You don't care about the feelings of others.
[ ] You are usually very aggressive.
[ ] You disregard the safety of yourself and others.
Score: 0

***Histrionic personality disorder***
[ ] You NEED to be the center of attention.
[ ] You dress or act provocatively in order to get attention.
[x] You are overly-dramatic and your speech is theatrical.
[x] You exaggerate friendships.
[ ] You are manipulative.
[ ] You think everybody loves you.
[ ] Your emotions change rapidly and are shallow.
Score: 2

***Dependent personality disorder***
[x] It's very difficult for you to make decisions.
[x] You might cling to people because you fear losing them.
[x] You have bad thoughts when someone rejects you.
[x] You often feel helpless and/or depressed when you're alone.
[x] You get deeply hurt by mild criticism or disapproval.
[x] You're really submissive.
[ ] You jump from relationship to relationship.
Score: 6

***Schizoid personality disorder***
[ ] You don't show much emotion.
[ ] Your interpersonal skills are weak.
[x] Some people call you a 'loner'.
[ ] You don't seek relationships with others and prefer to be alone.
[x] You don't show a need for acceptance and attention and you are unresponsive to praise or criticism.
[ ] Your desires are low.
[ ] You often appear to others as remote, aloof, humourless and unengaged. 
Score: 2

Well...okay then!

Journal Meme: 1 out of 4 - Geek lvl?

Taken from StrangePleasures @ deviantART --

Your Geek/Nerd Level. Answers the questions then at the end add all your exp points to find out your level.

1.Do you play video games (yes =1 No= 0) Yes. 1

2.Do you play video games a lot (yes=1 No= 0) Yes. 1

3.Have you ever watched an entire Anime series? (yes =1 No =0) yes. 1

4.Read or collect comic books? (yes= 2 No = -1) yes. 2

5.Do you debate and rant about fictional media a lot? (yes = 2 No =0) yes 2

6.How many TCGs do you play/collect (+1 for each one) I do Yugioh, Pokemon, Magic, and the old Digimon cards. 0

7.Dungeons & Dragons? (yes=3 No = -2) Not into it -2

8. Roleplaying? (yes=1 No =0) 1

9. How many fictional characters are you obsessed with, know everything about them etc. (+1 for each) Hmm +11

10. "May the force be with you" (pick an answer)
a. "say what?" (-3)
b. I'm cool with Star wars (1)
c. "I am your father" (3)
d. "f-ck Star Wars, Star Trek forever" (2)
I pick C. 3

11. Ever been to a convention, comic con, anime con, toy fare, medival fair etc. (+1 for each) 2

12. Ever dressed up at those conventions? (Yes =2 No=-1) 2

13. Collect toys or anything related to fictional media? (yes = 2 no= -2) Yeah 2

14. Are you the person to go to for info on certain fictional media series? (yes =2 no =0) 2

15. Are you an artist because of geek related stuff like comics, games, manga? (yes = 2 no =0)  2

16. Listen to music from video games, movies, cartoons etc? (yes= 1 no = -2) hell yes 1

17. World of Warcraft/other MMOs? (yes=1 no=0) 1
My Level: 32

Level 0-5 Noobish Geek Class: You're not a geek hell you're not even a normal person.

Level 6-11 Standard Hero Class: You're more normal as a normal person will be into some geek stuff but not that much.

Level 12-16 Upper Hero Class: You're getting there, keep gaining that exp you have potential and are already above normal geek levels.

Level 17-21 Legendary Hero Class: You're one to remember, your geek level is most impressive well done.

Level 22-27 Eternal Paladin Class: Us lower Geeks vow to your awesome might. You've done well may you share your knowledge with others.

Level 28-32 Dragon Slayer Lord Class: Sir it's and Honor to know one such as yourself, to question your geek authority is to make fools of ourselves.

Level 33+ Universal Dragon God Class: You've so much geek you need not have any life, well done geek of geeks. Use your power wisely.

I'm a level 24 Dragon Slayer Lord Class! 
Copy & paste the questions and see what you get.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Livestream - 08.03.2013 : Finished

First time back since my laptop crashed ~


Starting in 5-15mins at .

On today's agenda:

Some livestreaming - gonna work on requests & commissions - again.

Mic: Off.
Music: On
On the spot requests: No
Pending requests: No.

Feel free to join!!


Edit - 3hrs later:

Finished livestreaming.

3hrs. ; 2 drawings

Total for this week: 10hrs ; 6 drawings/sketches worked on or revisited to work on.
