Hello everyone!
Today is the last day of August & I'm feeling a bit warm. No, its not what you think, its because its literally warm in my neck of the woods. I know I shouldn't be complaining about the weather considering other places are much warmer & could be even more miserable than I am, but for now, I'll stick to my mild complaining, its warm & the warmth subjects me to leaving feeling rather sluggish.
Fair warning - the following is long & just thoughts while I sit & write in warm weather.
- Art
- Videos / MMOs - thoughts on a aging game
- September apprehensions / maybe a contest?
Artistic wise, I've been working on the commission stuff, I did finish one, but slowly muddling my way through the others. Its difficult to be on the laptop where it warms up & you're just sitting there feeling uncomfortable. As for the left over requests, I haven't heard back from a couple of folks, so I'll give it one more shot before I even go through those. I hope to look to do some special sales & commissions once I get through them.
In terms of video games / MMOs;
Audition - I've been coming & going but without my cohor- I mean Audition couple, there hasn't been too much of a reason to roam around. I come by on occassion, check on things then go do other things than play Audition. Apparently even though I've confided to some folks about my contemplation of leaving the community as a whole, they've protested against those thoughts & as much as I don't like to try & draw attention to myself, getting those few reactions from folks instead of blasting it out on the forums; makes me feel a bit appreciated for all my efforts this far.
World of Warcraft - I've been just goofing around there, mainly because, with the next patch; 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, I look forward to seeing what happens. Granted, yes, we will have all the criticisms of bad lore, bad features, or just bad overall on a constantly aging game, I am curious since this is sorta something that happens literally at a Horde capital.
A thought that was discussed: With WoW just getting older & older, the question begs to ask, why have I stayed around? Mainly, it has been the remaining MMO that I've stuck with ever since CoH. My one minor regret about leaving CoH is I lost touch with friends from there. When I came back, some folks were surprised to me, frankly, I was shocked they still remembered me. I tried to get back into it, when it became FTP, but with all the restrictions & trying to figure out the new odds & ends, plus time, I just couldn't & as the story goes - the game ended & I sorta wished I was there for its final closing (all hail the Liberty Server!). Realistically, I do know WoW will have an inevitability; the fact it lasted this long has been impressive. Unless they change & improve the models & do something which a lot of new MMOs are doing, I'd imagine it'll still continue to lose more folks & eventually become a FTP too then its a matter of time before it'd make it its end. Some have protested of the ongoing features & changes that happen to the game, the lore not being written as well or the lack of social interaction with easy LFR/LFD that just makes it easy to queue up & move on. Out of all of that ... why? When there are clearly better games out there. I think, if anything, I have no real reason to start a new MMO, the time, money & effort wouldn't be worth it, when I tried to juggle CoH, WoW & Audition, something had to give. Granted, I'm still around Audition, its been fine switching between that game & WoW. Would I drop WoW altogether? Not necessarily, I've been fortunate enough to meet some new folks; now whether or not it develops past that, cool, if not, no big deal. The current company I do keep & when I do roam around Azeroth has been fun, even if its late raiding or LFR. Either way, I think, if anything, whenever the end approaches, I'd like to be there when it does - simply a sentimentality for all the time, effort & friendships that have been made.
September is coming around & yes, I know, my birthday is in the horizon. With the points commissions & donations, I've been highly considering putting some up points up for a contest of some sort (enough points for a 3 month premium deviantART membership). I haven't considered what I wanna do (most likely draw my Audition character) or if I wanna do it. If I do & maybe there's enough support (and people who'd like to contribute any prizes too), I may start one? I need an immediate response before the 1st of September or it'll just be a lingering thought.
Anyways, that's all for now, its warm & I am gonna try to cool off.