I guess I will pass along what people have posted ~ whether or not it has been taken care of; I honestly have no clue. Just playing the catching up game since my unexpected hiatus.
From EvilTruth24 @ deviantART [ C&P from journal ] -
I heard that there is a hacker going around on Da and hacking people.
I could be the next, or you so be careful.![]()
The hacker does penis pictures around in the account page and writes in journals: "I hate you all, go die" And he/she also remove all your watches.
If this happens to me, then you know that isn't me. I write this journal to warn everyone here. Write it yourself on your Page. I think the hackers will not have more fun with hacking you if you and your watchers already know what could happen.
Apparently, there's a hacker going around and hacking into other people's accounts to block your friends so that your friends block you, get you in trouble, and could get you banned from DeviantART. If you get this warning, copy and paste this into your Journal and spread this to everyone.
TELL EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST BECAUSE IF SOMEBODY ON YOUR LIST ADDS HIM THEN YOU WILL GET HIM ON YOUR LIST. HE WILL FIGURE OUT YOUR ID COMPUTER ADDRESS, SO COPY AND PASTE THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE EVEN IF YOU DON'T CARE FOR THEM AND FAST BECAUSE IF HE HACKS THEIR EMAIL HE HACKS YOUR MAIL TOO (I think what it means by that is that he could assume the identity of your friends, and FOOL you into opening the letter since you think it's your friend that's sending it )!!...
Anyone using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail titled 'Mail Server Report'
If you open either file, a message will appear on If you open either file, a message will appear on your screen saying: 'It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful.'
Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC,
And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail and password.
This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the anti virus software's are not capable of destroying it .
The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself 'life owner'..
Remember, always be careful of messages you receive in email-don't open them unless you're 100% POSITIVE they're safe. If you have even the SLIGHTEST doubt, DON'T open it-DELETE it, it's the smart thing to do!
There is a hacker going around and this one is a bad one.... -.- if he hacks your account he will post pornagraphic pictures especially a male's nether regions. And he will delete all of your watchers and he will write a journal saying "I hate you all. Go die" please if something were to happen to me please understand that I got hacked. As you all know I would never go and tell all of you I hated you all. I love all of my friends to bits. Please spread this around because if he knows you know about him he might not hack you. I'm not worried about this hacker but I'm his making sure I want to ensure my safety. And I want to make sure you guys are aware so I can save you guys from this as well.
I could be the next, or you so be careful.
Full size
The hacker does penis pictures around in the account page and writes in journals: "I hate you all, go die" And he/she also remove all your watches.
If this happens to me, then you know that isn't me. I write this journal to warn everyone here. Write it yourself on your Page. I think the hackers will not have more fun with hacking you if you and your watchers already know what could happen.
Apparently, there's a hacker going around and hacking into other people's accounts to block your friends so that your friends block you, get you in trouble, and could get you banned from DeviantART. If you get this warning, copy and paste this into your Journal and spread this to everyone.
TELL EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST BECAUSE IF SOMEBODY ON YOUR LIST ADDS HIM THEN YOU WILL GET HIM ON YOUR LIST. HE WILL FIGURE OUT YOUR ID COMPUTER ADDRESS, SO COPY AND PASTE THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE EVEN IF YOU DON'T CARE FOR THEM AND FAST BECAUSE IF HE HACKS THEIR EMAIL HE HACKS YOUR MAIL TOO (I think what it means by that is that he could assume the identity of your friends, and FOOL you into opening the letter since you think it's your friend that's sending it )!!...
Anyone using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail titled 'Mail Server Report'
If you open either file, a message will appear on If you open either file, a message will appear on your screen saying: 'It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful.'
Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC,
And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail and password.
This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the anti virus software's are not capable of destroying it .
The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself 'life owner'..
Remember, always be careful of messages you receive in email-don't open them unless you're 100% POSITIVE they're safe. If you have even the SLIGHTEST doubt, DON'T open it-DELETE it, it's the smart thing to do!
There is a hacker going around and this one is a bad one.... -.- if he hacks your account he will post pornagraphic pictures especially a male's nether regions. And he will delete all of your watchers and he will write a journal saying "I hate you all. Go die" please if something were to happen to me please understand that I got hacked. As you all know I would never go and tell all of you I hated you all. I love all of my friends to bits. Please spread this around because if he knows you know about him he might not hack you. I'm not worried about this hacker but I'm his making sure I want to ensure my safety. And I want to make sure you guys are aware so I can save you guys from this as well.
just what I've heard. . . .
From PrivateDoomsday @ deviantART [ C&P from journal ] -
(Copied and pasted from pagesofangels @ deviantART )
I have just read a very important journal by pagesofangels @ deviantART , informing us that there is a site out there that is deliberately stealing dA/tumblr artists' work and putting them up for free download (I've even heard rumors that they're using these free downloads to spread malware and viruses, so be careful): kibathemonster.deviantart.com/...
The site in question: axsoris.com
I went searching on the site to see if anything of mine had been stolen. In pure rage most of mine were and saw tons of pieces from artists whom I enjoyed very much are also have been stolen! I'm spreading out the word and urge everyone on DA to sent the same message, post it on their journals and to make this site ( axsoris.com ) to be SHUT DOWN FOREVER!!! I'm making this journal for everyone else who's art may be there.
This is absurd. That site has no right to steal dA's beautiful artwork and use it to trick innocent people into downloading a virus onto their computer! It just makes me so angry!
dA needs to do something about this, so :iconpagesofangels: set up a petition on this journal. If your artwork has been stolen by these people, or if an artist you admire has been stolen from, please sign this petition and show your wishes for this issue to be solved.
To sign, simply leave a comment below saying "I sign!" and fave this journal to spread the word around.
This petition proposes:
-For dA to put a stop to this insulting art theft.
Due to the explosion of comments overnight, I will not be keeping a list of all the participants. A simple comment count will be enough to get our point across. Thank you.
~~CCgonzo12 ![]()
ZiBaricon has brought to my attention that there is a way to report the site. This is what she said in her comment:
According to the whois of AXsorIs, they own a registered domain under name.com, therefore we can go directly to name.com and report the abuse.
1) gain evidence that this has happened. Go to the webpage, right click, save as whole website in a safe place. This will show that even if they take the offending images down that at one point, they had artwork up without consent.
2) Visit the page I linked before ( www.name.com/abuse ) and report the abuse in a professional manner. DO NOT YELL AT THESE PEOPLE. They simply supplied the domain and hosting and are probably a perfectly legal running site themselves. Tell them about the stolen artwork, linking the pages and the pages you have to them. Also inform them that in the case the artwork is taken down, you have saved the webpage for further evidence. AGAIN, DO NOT YELL AT THESE PEOPLE.
3) Tell others to do the same!
4) And sit back and wait. If everyone does this, name.com will have to take action regarding all the files placed against Axsoris.com and take it out themselves.
There is another petition that you NEED to be aware of too.
copied from: skythewolf3 @ deviantART
TELL EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST BECAUSE IF SOMEBODY ON YOUR LIST ADDS HIM THEN YOU WILL GET HIM ON YOUR LIST. HE WILL FIGURE OUT YOUR ID COMPUTER ADDRESS, SO COPY AND PASTE THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE EVEN IF YOU DON'T CARE FOR THEM AND FAST BECAUSE IF HE HACKS THEIR EMAIL HE HACKS YOUR MAIL TOO (I think what it means by that is that he could assume the identity of your friends, and FOOL you into opening the letter since you think it's your friend that's sending it )!!...
Anyone using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail titled 'Mail Server Report'
If you open either file, a message will appear on If you open either file, a message will appear on your screen saying: 'It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful.'
Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC,
And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail and password.
This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the anti virus software's are not capable of destroying it .
The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself 'life owner'..
Remember, always be careful of messages you receive in email-don't open them unless you're 100% POSITIVE they're safe. If you have even the SLIGHTEST doubt, DON'T open it-DELETE it, it's the smart thing to do!
TELL EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST BECAUSE IF SOMEBODY ON YOUR LIST ADDS HIM THEN YOU WILL GET HIM ON YOUR LIST. HE WILL FIGURE OUT YOUR ID COMPUTER ADDRESS, SO COPY AND PASTE THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE EVEN IF YOU DON'T CARE FOR THEM AND FAST BECAUSE IF HE HACKS THEIR EMAIL HE HACKS YOUR MAIL TOO (I think what it means by that is that he could assume the identity of your friends, and FOOL you into opening the letter since you think it's your friend that's sending it )!!...
Anyone using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail titled 'Mail Server Report'
If you open either file, a message will appear on If you open either file, a message will appear on your screen saying: 'It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful.'
Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC,
And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail and password.
This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the anti virus software's are not capable of destroying it .
The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself 'life owner'..
Remember, always be careful of messages you receive in email-don't open them unless you're 100% POSITIVE they're safe. If you have even the SLIGHTEST doubt, DON'T open it-DELETE it, it's the smart thing to do!
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