Wednesday, July 31, 2013

CherBear's Thoughts: July is over + SDCC 2013

End of the month; I must admit - for some odd reason. I'm still exhausted & I'm not quite sure why. 


I will break down my thoughts from the overall & going into a little bit of San Diego Comic Con 2013 near the end.

Overall July:

I honestly can't complain - minus the warm weather & the minor setbacks, its been fun. From Anime Expo to San Diego Comic Con, I got to hang out with friends & family which I apparently have been long overdue in doing such. Near the end, as I had mentioned, my faulty video driver gave out right during the summer yet again but thankfully with some help / company & just basically making sure things were set by the time all my company had left. I got my laptop up back & running. From this point on, I gotta sort files & make sure everything is there before I run a full backup. I've been cautious but still, it still makes me feel a lil unnerved that my laptop is possibly seeing its twilight years.

I've been running small tests for feedback & play on livestream, checking my settings on sai & I still have yet to check Manga Studio 4 & Photoshop to see if the settings are fine along with my current tablet settings. So it'll take a couple of more days before I get back to my commissions & requests, please be patient.

Lastly - I still would like to humbly thank all the viewer support, hitting 20k on deviantART. I hope to continue working on artwork. Some other thoughts; after going through Anime Expo & San Diego Comic Con - I'd like to sincerely give some thoughts getting into artist alley 5-10yrs down the line. If anyone who has been at artist alley in a convention - I'd like to pick your brain privately, yes, I know there's the instructions on how to go about it, but I would like to hear your personal experience of what you guys had to go through. 


Now, for San Diego Comic Con 2013:

First; I simply won't break it down into days or discuss all the ongoing things in detail. If you had been following San Diego Comic Con 2013, there's plenty of ads & vids uploaded. I will discuss the general experience & how much it has changed.


Personally; seeing San Diego Comic Con 2013 was a larger turn about. 

Think about it...this is, like many prior convention scenes is the convention that started from a small modest hotel has grown into such a large event that has fully extended out into Downtown San Diego. Least to say, the sight has been awe inspiring. 

Yes yes, I do know that they've been doing this for the past couple of years or so - but looking back the past couple of years, its just grown so much. You're coming from a convention event that solely was kept in a hotel or convention & now there are offsite events & other places you can go to that doesn't necessarily require a badge. As I had covered earlier; there were plenty of offsite events you can go to that did not necessarily require a badge. Hopefully people who have went, at least checked out what was going on around Downtown San Diego during the Comic Con event. 

I tho, did have a badge & was fortunate to check out the scene within San Diego Comic Con 2013 convention center. The attendance by no means hasn't dwindled & reading over tweets & other people commenting; it is a event that is quite difficult to get into. What have I learned? People regardless of how many years they go or newcomers, they are never really prepared. Before I continue on that thought ...

Hopefully - folks are aware that discussions for a 3rd expansion to the San Diego Convention Center is there. It hasn't been fully cleared due to legalities & red tape but like many a speculation ... I think it is an inevitable. The 3rd expansion from rumors will extend back & be 3 stories built. So possibilities for even more panels & exhibition floor space ... oh did I mention a possibility maybe even more tickets sold? Afterall, the main reason why ticket sales are always capped is due to the fire marshal. So there are some things to look into within the next 3-5yrs possibly. Please don't take this as legit information but all speculation with all the information that is currently out there.

As for the preparedness of folks coming to San Diego Comic Con never seems to amaze or astound me. Within my group, I've had 3 little events that only further my case.

1. Eating a sandwich & a person within the area watching you eat & looking really hungry.
2. A girl trying to use her cute charms to get a snack when she saw there were snacks in the bag.
3. A professional guest, 1 bystander walking by & a security guard either applauding or asking for a bite a cake.

Oh I could list more, such as other people who have mildly complain about the prices of food within the convention ...

Whether this is a choice or not by folks who opt to be hungry or complain about expensive food prices just furthers my case of people's lack of being prepared. The folks who do complain about their experiences I imagine fall within that category too. I'm not quite sure but either way, I overall can't complain my experience this year, I was prepared, fed & enjoying my time. 

In the future; nearing the convention scene again - perhaps another extensive how to guide to survive comic con will be made, if I have some cooperative people who'd be up for it. 

Lastly, after my wandering around & managing to catch panels & check out the exhibition floor, I guess after my observations for this year, I wish there would perhaps be one minor change - the arrangement of autograph signings to be moved somewhere other than the exhibition floor. Granted it is a crowded floor already but when people start to cram around to take a pic of their celebrity gets a lil cumbersome. 

Other than that; I do look forward to San Diego Comic Con 2014. A special thanks to all the volunteers who worked hard to make 2013 go as smooth as it can for this year.

Random PSA 2 of 2 - Passing the word along...

I guess I will pass along what people have posted ~ whether or not it has been taken care of; I honestly have no clue. Just playing the catching up game since my unexpected hiatus.

From EvilTruth24 @ deviantART [ C&P from journal ] -

I heard that there is a hacker going around on Da and hacking people.
I could be the next, or you so be careful.

Full size

The hacker does penis pictures around in the account page and writes in journals: "I hate you all, go die"  And he/she also remove all your watches. 

If this happens to me, then you know that isn't me. I write this journal to warn everyone here. Write it yourself on your Page. I think the hackers will not have more fun with  hacking you if you and your watchers already know what could happen.

Apparently, there's a hacker going around and hacking into other people's accounts to block your friends so that your friends block you, get you in trouble, and could get you banned from DeviantART. If you get this warning, copy and paste this into your Journal and spread this to everyone.


TELL EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST BECAUSE IF SOMEBODY ON YOUR LIST ADDS HIM THEN YOU WILL GET HIM ON YOUR LIST. HE WILL FIGURE OUT YOUR ID COMPUTER ADDRESS, SO COPY AND PASTE THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE EVEN IF YOU DON'T CARE FOR THEM AND FAST BECAUSE IF HE HACKS THEIR EMAIL HE HACKS YOUR MAIL TOO (I think what it means by that is that he could assume the identity of your friends, and FOOL you into opening the letter since you think it's your friend that's sending it )!!...

Anyone using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail titled 'Mail Server Report'

If you open either file, a message will appear on If you open either file, a message will appear on your screen saying: 'It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful.'

Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC,
And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail and password.

This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the anti virus software's are not capable of destroying it .

The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself 'life owner'..


Remember, always be careful of messages you receive in email-don't open them unless you're 100% POSITIVE they're safe. If you have even the SLIGHTEST doubt, DON'T open it-DELETE it, it's the smart thing to do!

There is a hacker going around and this one is a bad one.... -.- if he hacks your account he will post pornagraphic pictures especially a male's nether regions. And he will delete all of your watchers and he will write a journal saying "I hate you all. Go die" please if something were to happen to me please understand that I got hacked. As you all know I would never go and tell all of you I hated you all. I love all of my friends to bits. Please spread this around because if he knows you know about him he might not hack you.  I'm not worried about this hacker but I'm his making sure I want to ensure my safety. And I want to make sure you guys are aware so I can save you guys from this as well.

just what I've heard. . . . 

From PrivateDoomsday @ deviantART [ C&P from journal ] -
(Copied and pasted from pagesofangels @ deviantART )

I have just read a very important journal by pagesofangels @ deviantART , informing us that there is a site out there that is deliberately stealing dA/tumblr artists' work and putting them up for free download (I've even heard rumors that they're using these free downloads to spread malware and viruses, so be careful):
The site in question:
I went searching on the site to see if anything of mine had been stolen. In pure rage most of mine were and saw tons of  pieces from artists whom I enjoyed very much are also have been stolen! I'm spreading out the word and urge everyone on DA to sent the same message, post it on their journals and  to make this site ( ) to be SHUT DOWN FOREVER!!!  I'm making this journal for everyone else who's art may be there.
This is absurd. That site has no right to steal dA's beautiful artwork and use it to trick innocent people into downloading a virus onto their computer! It just makes me so angry!  dA needs to do something about this, so :iconpagesofangels:  set up a petition on this journal. If your artwork has been stolen by these people, or if an artist you admire has been stolen from, please sign this petition and show your wishes for this issue to be solved.
To sign, simply leave a comment below saying "I sign!" and fave this journal to spread the word around.

This petition proposes:
-For dA to put a stop to this insulting art theft.

Due to the explosion of comments overnight, I will not be keeping a list of all the participants. A simple comment count will be enough to get our point across. Thank you.

ZiBaricon has brought to my attention that there is a way to report the site. This is what she said in her comment:
According to the whois of AXsorIs, they own a registered domain under, therefore we can go directly to and report the abuse.


1) gain evidence that this has happened.  Go to the webpage, right click, save as whole website in a safe place.  This will show that even if they take the offending images down that at one point, they had artwork up without consent.

2) Visit the page I linked before (  ) and report the abuse in a professional manner.  DO NOT YELL AT THESE PEOPLE.  They simply supplied the domain and hosting and are probably a perfectly legal running site themselves.  Tell them about the stolen artwork, linking the pages and the pages you have to them.  Also inform them that in the case the artwork is taken down, you have saved the webpage for further evidence.  AGAIN, DO NOT YELL AT THESE PEOPLE.

3) Tell others to do the same!

4) And sit back and wait.  If everyone does this, will have to take action regarding all the files placed against and take it out themselves.


There is another petition that you NEED to be aware of too.

Or we might not see this character again.


copied from: skythewolf3 @ deviantART


TELL EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST BECAUSE IF SOMEBODY ON YOUR LIST ADDS HIM THEN YOU WILL GET HIM ON YOUR LIST. HE WILL FIGURE OUT YOUR ID COMPUTER ADDRESS, SO COPY AND PASTE THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE EVEN IF YOU DON'T CARE FOR THEM AND FAST BECAUSE IF HE HACKS THEIR EMAIL HE HACKS YOUR MAIL TOO (I think what it means by that is that he could assume the identity of your friends, and FOOL you into opening the letter since you think it's your friend that's sending it )!!...

Anyone using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail titled 'Mail Server Report'

If you open either file, a message will appear on If you open either file, a message will appear on your screen saying: 'It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful.'

Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC,

And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail and password.

This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the anti virus software's are not capable of destroying it .

The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself 'life owner'..


Remember, always be careful of messages you receive in email-don't open them unless you're 100% POSITIVE they're safe. If you have even the SLIGHTEST doubt, DON'T open it-DELETE it, it's the smart thing to do!

Random PSA 1 of 2 - Need dA points?

For all the deviantART users out there -- 

Need points?  Go to *dAhub
You just have to watch/fav/llama some fellow deviants.
Or make a journal about *dAhub 

Journal Meme: 5 out of 5 - Taggle

Taken from GodsAngelOfDeath @ deviantART --

1. You must post these rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal
4. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
5. No tag backs.


1. IF I OFFERED YOU A KISS... would you kiss me? Sure?
2. Ouran high school host club or soul eater? Ouran High School Host Club.
3. Fav ice cream? Vanilla
4. I love you c': I love you too?
5. What are you looking for in a person? Personality.
6. Cookies with...or with out cream? Both?
7. What's you fav eye colour? Blue.
8. Le dog or le cat? Puppy!
9. Do you like................ pickles? Yes?
10. You just lost the do you feel about that? I'm sure I'll get over it.

I tag:


Journal Meme: 4 out of 5 - I got a C in life

Taken from Seoul-Mate @ deviantART --

[ x ] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. 
[ x ] You have your own room.
[ x ] You own a cell phone. 
[ ] You have an mp3 player/ipod/discman. 
[ ] Your parents are still married. 
[ x ] You love your family.
[ ] There is a pool/spa in your backyard. 
T 0 T A L: 4

[ x ] You dress the way you want to. 
[ ] You hang out with friends more than once a week.
[ x ]There is a computer/ laptop in your room. 
[ x ] You have never been beaten up. 
[ x ] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to.
[ x ] Your room is big enough for you. 
[ x ] People don't use you for something you have.
[ x ] You have been to the movies. 
T 0 T A L: 11

[ ] You have over 500 friends on Facebook.
[ x ] You have pictures on Facebook.
[ x ] Your parents let you have a Facebook. 
[ ] You get allowance/loan.
[ x ] You collect something normal. 
[ x ]You look forward to going to college. 
[ ] You don't wish you were someone else.
[ ] You play a sport.
[ x ] You want to do something after school/college.
T 0 T A L: 16

[ x ] You own a car/truck.
[ x ] You usually don't fight with your parent(s). 
[ ] You have never got a failing grade on a report card in your life.
[ x ] You have friends.
[ ] You've never had a detention. 
T O T A L: 19

[ x ] You know what is going on in the world.
[ x ] You are happy with your life.
[ x ] You usually aren't sick.
[ x ] You know more than one language.
[ x ] You have a screen name.
[ x ] You own a pet.
[ x ] You know the words to more than 5 songs.
[ ] You don't have any enemies
T O T A L: 26

Total of all: 26

Multiply it by 3: 78

101%+: A+
90-100%: A
80-89%: B
70-79%: C
60-69%: D
00-59%: F
repost saying "I got a _ in life"

Journal Meme: 3 out of 5 - Taggie

Taken from YumiDinosaur @ deviantART --

Not really tagged but figured I'd answer:

The questions:

1. If you had been granted one wish and one wish only what would you wish?
Technically, for more wishes since I haven't been restricted to make it.

2. What is the happiest moment in life that you can think of (it doesn't need to have happen only what you can imagine)?
Too many to name.

3. If you could choose what would you choose air/earth/water or fire bending?

4. What kind of cellphone do you have?

5. What do you look for in a girl/boy?
Personality before appearance. 

6. Who's your anime crush?
Hmm not sure.

7. Yuri or Yaoi?
I guess yuri?

8. If you could meet anyone in the world/fictional world who would you meet?
Not sure!

9. Do you have a crush? (don't need to answer if it's privet  )
Sure I do?

10. Is there a special place you want to go?
Ironically ... not really.

Journal Meme: 2 out of 5 - Comic Book ~

Taken from StrangePleasures @ deviantART --

In spirit of comic con coming soon I did a meme thing based on comic books, here you go.
  1. Marvel vs DC: Neither ~ both have their strengths & weaknesses.
  2. Favorite Super hero: Nightcrawler
  3. Favorite super villain: Mystique
  4. Favorite super heroine: Psylocke
  5. Favorite comic series: X-Men
  6. If you could have 1 super power: Foresight.
  7. American comics or Manga: Both.
  8. Who would you cos play as: Dunno.
  9. Greatest battles: Too many to pick from.
  10. Favorite media based on comic books (ie movies cartoons etc.): 90's X-men animated series.

Journal Meme: 1 out of 5 - Challenge!

Taken from mixxy1kun @ deviantART --

Okay, let's see who truly reads my journals...


Using only FOUR words, what would you say to me?

NOTE: if you comment, you must copy and paste this to your journal so I can comment on your post as well. Be good and play along~

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

20,000 kiriban milestone ~ Winner found!

I'm excited ~ I realized I am nearing the kiriban milestone.

In celebration ~ I would like to do a commission for anyone who can screenshot & post when I hit 20,000 view here [ ] this will be my thank you for the views & support. 

Yes you'll be automatically a priority to finish since my restart on my laptop. 


Special thanks & congratulations x20,000 to ~dilettante-snaps for catching that milestone!

CherBear's Thoughts: A Minor Setback...again.

Well sorta a minor setback.

As I had mentioned through my twitter [ ] - that my laptop had died during Comic Con ~ I had managed to get it stabilized within the last couple of days but I'm moving & setting up things. I'll be wrapping up my thoughts 'bout this month among other things tomorrow so stay tuned for that.

So hopefully once I get the laptop settings settled I will get back to working on those commissions / requests. 

Sorry for that unexpected delay.

Friday, July 12, 2013

CherBear's Thoughts - Summer Ongoings!

Greetings & salutations!

Its been quite busy & I wasn't kidding when I said I would be. 

The month ended & started off with going to Del Mar Fair, not only for the food - but checking out the farm animals & the overall theme for this year's fair. It was basically well ... family game night & I won't lie, I totally enjoyed the theme.

But ... I'll cut right to the chase, between myself & 3 other people, we didn't over do the fair food too much in fear of getting sick over it, but we had the following:
- 2lb turkey leg wrapped in bacon
- bacon cotton candy
- raspberry funnel cake
- nutella funnel cake
- big sundae cone
- smores ice cream
- bacon nutella sourdough
- bacon beer
- garlic butter bacon fries
- truffle butter bacon fries
- bacon cheese bomb

A few days later was pretty much Anime Expo, went Saturday & Sunday ...

Saturday - started off late, got there late. Managed to hang around the exhibition floor. We hoped to get into Masquerade, did we? Yes. In short - regardless of all my personal feelings towards Anime Expo - the skits were good, the format was great & the costumes were impressive, not to mention the show in-between the judging. This 'sold out' masquerade that everyone may or may not have heard? In short ... was a lie in my opinion.

Sunday - a reasonable earlier start. Managed to cover the rest of the floor, did I mention I saw Nexon there? First time since 2008 since they've been there, so I was genuinely shocked. After that, we checked out the Charity Auction then watched closing ceremonies. It was overall fun as usual & I had fun. PieBear- checked out chicks, got a couple of brain cells knocked loose, bought some more & caught & gave mono in the process.

During that whole process, I have been feverishly trying to get through requests & working on commissions, all before the main event.

Which event is that? - San Diego Comic Con. 

Well I am currently cleaning up & getting ready to host people over at Comic Con but working on requests & commissions before my 1 week hiatus beyond that, regardless of company, I'll see if I can continue working on them, if not, I'm looking definitely to buckle down & finish near the end of July. 

So this is my minor update for now. By the way, thanks to all the request people who have been patient & happy with the end result (if you pass the word along, I'd appreciate it so much!). 

That's it for now - I will be covering Comic Con when I can!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

San Diego Comic Con 2013 Guide + Chatter!!

Warning - this is a large massive post about San Diego Comic Con 2013.

Also seen @ the following links:

San Diego Comic Con 2013 is just over the horizon - I hope everyone is ready & already have planned to figure out where to go & what to do.

I can simply go into so much detail of what to do & what to expect from my own personal experiences. Not to mention, I will share what is already amounting to be a busy weekend over at San Diego Comic Con 2013. Not to mention - this journal will change w/ any additional mentions from my other friends who have come with me to San Diego Comic Con.

First off; some personal tips & ongoing things (this applies to season & new comic con goers). This is assuming you have already bought your tickets, have a place to stay & a car or something to get around in. -

- Always be prepared, this can go even days before the convention has started, Be sure to check out the schedule ( ), the comic con website itself, not to mention sign up for feedback of ongoing comic con stuff through facebook, twitter & other social media or even download an app for your smart phone - you can find those on your own. You can figure out where to go, what to do, autographs to get & what panel you want to see. This will be very important, especially for new con goers cuz it can be overwhelming. Not to mention, if you plan to go into the big events (that go into Hall H or Ballroom 20, I will emphasize a warning now, they are notorious for long lines.)
- Bring a backpack, you can carry water, snacks or find free swag that you can put into your bag. Its easier than toting around a swag bag or purse or man purse or whichever. 
- Shower! ( inside joke ) but I'm pretty sure it'd be a lil awful to walk by someone who has already brought some form of unnatural human musk. This is a good place to network & if your planning to network with people here; it is generally a good idea to make a good impression.
- Wear good shoes, this place is huge. You'll find yourself not walking only within the convention but around San Diego Downtown itself. There's events held everywhere & last thing you'll need is your feet to be hurting. 

Those are it for now ... I'll add more if necessary, here are some warnings that I may repeat once again.
- Cellphone reception can be horrible, it has been the last couple of years so either group up & make sure you stay with your group or agree at a meeting place for all of you at a certain time.
- If you don't mind paying for food there, go for it, there are plenty of other places to eat that may be a little cheaper.
- Events held in Hall H or Ballroom 20 : They are long & will be long so please calculate that time in to whichever big event panel you want to go to.
- Use the resources available to you; social media & the buses on site that will drive to each designated hotel spot / route - some events will be announced last minute or may tend to change & the fastest way to go about it is to always check. 

- - - - - -

Now the rest is simply some stuff that has been stated before around the internet - here are some easy to go link guides of what to do if you don't have a San Diego Comic Con pass & places to eat. 

For places to eat - please check here (Provided by Union Tribune: San Diego): 
There are also supermarkets, like Ralphs in Downtown if you're looking to stay within a budget.

Now - this is a long part; thanks to James H. Hay on Facebook, here are some ongoing events that do go on around in Downtown San Diego. 

Offsite Events Around Comic-Con 2013

So, you didn’t get that membership to this year’s San Diego Comic-Con. That’s no reason not to come down to San Diego the weekend of Jul 17 – 21 . There will be a huge number of events for those interested in comics, SF&F and related popular arts: art exhibitions, parties, concerts, meetups, zombies and more. Some are free and some charge admission, but all the events listed below can be visited without a Comic-Con membership. (Several events extend beyond the weekend as well.)
This list, with many more hyperlinks to locations and details, is available on the ConDor Science Fiction Convention Web Page at .

Multi-day events: Video Gaming Tournaments (Jun 1 – Sep 19; Fridays and Saturdays, 5 – 9 pm)
Microsoft Store, Fashion Valley Mall,7007 Friars Road, San Diego, 92108
Toy Cars (Jun 7 – Sep 28, 10 am – 5 pm) – Exhibition
San Diego Automotive Museum, 2080 Pan American Plaza, San Diego, CA
Admission: $8.50 at door, $4 for youths (6 – 15), Under 6 free

Wonder Women: On Paper and Off (Jun 8 – Sep 1) - An exhibition exploring women's roles in the comic industry.
Women’s Museum of California, 2730 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92106
Admission: $5

FLUXX Arcade (Friday and Saturday nights through Jul)
One of San Diego’s most prestigious clubs has been transformed into an arcade party. (No actual arcade.)
FLUXX, 500 4th Ave., San Diego CA 92101
- Jul 5 – DJ Scooter
- Jul 6 – DJ Karma
- Jul 12 – DJ Brett Bodley
- Jul 13 – DJ Sid Vicious
- Jul 19 – DJ Reflex
- Jul 20 – DJ Cobra
- Jul 26 – DJs Brett Bodley and Ricky Rocks
- Jul 27 – DJs Sid Vicous and Rico DeLargo

Approximately Infinite Universe (Jul 8 – Sep 1, 11 am – 5 pm daily. Closed Wednesday) – Art Exhibition
Work inspired by science fiction, the exploration of other worlds and the distinctions between human and alien.
Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, 700 Prospect St., La Jolla CA 92037
Admission: $10

Art Illustrated: Celebrating Comic Art, (Jun 20 - July 28; Thu-Sat: 10 am – 4 pm, Sun 1 pm – 4 pm) – Art Exhibition
An exhibition featuring over 250 pieces of art from many of the most popular comic artists of the last 80 years.
California Center for the Arts, 340 North Escondido Blvd. Escondido, CA 92025
Admission: $8

Course of the Force Marathon (Jul 9 – 16) – Charity Relay
Beginning at Skywalker Ranch and Ending at Chuck Jones Gallery, 232 Fifth Ave., San Diego CA
Registration: $150
• Tuesday, July 9, 2013 – Skywalker Ranch (Private Event – Invite Only)
• Wednesday, July 10, 2013 – San Francisco (Conival)
• Friday, July 12, 2013 – Malibu to Santa Monica (Conival)
• Saturday, July 13, 2013 – Santa Monica to Huntington Beach (Conival)
• Sunday, July 14, 2013 – Huntington Beach to Oceanside (Conival)
• Monday, July 15, 2013 – Oceanside to Pacific Beach
• Tuesday, July 16, 2013 – Pacific Beach to San Diego

Tr!ckster (Jul 17, 5 pm – Jul 20, 1 am) – Art show, sale and symposium
Tavern Bowl, 930 Market Street, San Diego CA
Comic book art event: Symposia, animation and live-action short film screenings, signings, drawing events, rooftop terrace with full restaurant menu, DJs, and live music.
Free, but there is a $40 fee for individual symposia
Tickets: TBA

Donate Blood (Jul 18 – 20, 9 am – 6 pm; Jul 21, 10 am – 4 pm)
Comic-Con’s Annual Robert A. Heinlein Blood Drive takes place outside the con itself, so non-members can donate too.
Omni Hotel Gallery, 628 L Street, San Diego, CA 92101

Hello Kitty Fashion Music Wonderland Interactive Experience and Pop-Up Shop
(Jul 18 – 20, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm; Jul 21, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm)
Hello Kitty’s band of Lolitas will cheerfully greet and guide fans through a colorful, anime-rich experience that will include fun activities, limited edition products, and special appearances by Hello Kitty.
Petco Park, 100 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA
Free (Excepting price of merchandise purchased).

Team Shifty and Pac-Man Project Gaming Event (Jul 18 – 19, 9:30 am – 11:00 pm or later; Jul 20, 9:30 am – 12 am or later; Jul 21, 9:30 am – 5 pm)
Freeplay arcade, live-streaming stage, cartoon and gaming demos.
Hilton San Diego Gaslamp Quarter, 401 K Street, San Diego, California, 92101

Regular Show Regular Zone (Jul 18 – 20, 10 am – 6 pm; Jul 21, 10 am – 2 pm)
New Children’s Museum, 200 West Island Avenue San Diego, CA 92101
An immersive experience, including Regular Show inspired video games and groovy neon lighting.
All Ages

Food Trucks (Jul 18 – 21, 10 am – 9 pm)
Super Q (BBQ) and STUFFED (burgers, mac and cheese and tots)
Interactive Zone, Petco Park Parking Lot, Park Blvd. and Tony Gwynn Dr., Bottom of pedestrian bridge over Harbor Dr.

Gam3rcon (Jul 18 – 21, 2 pm – 2 am) – Gaming convention
10th Avenue Theatre, 930 10th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101
Video game, tabletop games, retro arcade, geek theater, roof-top parties
Tickets: $34 to 6/5, then $47; Day pass $12 to 6/5, then $17

Adult Swim Fun House (Jul 18 – 20, 5 – 10 pm)
“Bubbles, Cephalopods, Spasm Chasm, Public Births”
Petco Park Parking Lot, Park Blvd. and Tony Gwynn Dr., Bottom of pedestrian bridge over Harbor Dr.
Free, but tickets required. Tickets available on site starting at 4 pm
Adults 18 and over only.

Nerd Machine HQ (Jul 18 – 21)
Celebrity panels, videos, Video gaming, Vizio tech demos, DJs, Dancing
General Admission: Free; $20 for each “Conversations for a Cause” panel (money to benefit Operation Smile)
Petco Park, 100 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101

Chuck Jones Extravaganza (Jul 18 – 21) – Art Exhibition
Chuck Jones Gallery, 232 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
Jul 18, 7 – 10 pm – Meet Craig Kausen, Chuck Jones’ grandson
Jul 19, 7 – 10 pm – Meet Artist James C. Mulligan
Jul 20, 7 – 10 pm – Meet Mike Kungl
Free Pop Up Shop (Jul 18 – 21) – T-shirt shop
Meet designers and talent and get autographs and photos.
Hilton San Diego Gaslamp, 401 K Street, San Diego CA 92101

Gamespot Base Station (with C|Net) (Jul 18 – 20, 11 am – 5 pm) – Video Gaming
Lou & Mickey’s Restaurant, 224 5th Avenue, San Diego CA 92101
Free, Register

History’s “Vikings” Interactive Waterway (July 18 – 20, 11 am – 8 pm)
Race miniature Viking ships on actual water. Photo Op area.
Parking Lot, 450 Second Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101

Hats off to Dr. Suess (Jul 19 – Aug 4, Hours) – National Traveling Art Exhibition
In celebration of the 75th anniversary of Dr. Seuss's second book, The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, Dr. Seuss's never-before-seen hat collection and Dr. Seuss's little-known Secret Art Collection.
Legends Gallery of La Jolla, 1205 Prospect Street, STE B, La Jolla, CA 92037

Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Jackdaw Ship (Jul 19 – 20; 10 am – 7 pm)
Three decks of new single-player demos and the multiplayer and Game Lab
Todd McFarlane signings July 19 4 pm to 7 pm and July 20 from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm
5th Avenue Landing, 600 Convention Way, San Diego, CA, 92101

The Walking Dead Escape (Jul 19 – 20, 4:30 – 10:30 pm) – Zombie Run
Petco Park, 100 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: Survivor, Zombie - $75, Spectator - $20, Hero – Sold Out

The Haunted Hotel: Zombie Invasion (Jul 19 – 20, 7 – 11 pm) – Haunted Attraction
424 Market St, San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: $16.99 on site
(Zombie Apocalypse Store open Jul 18, 10 am – 10 pm; Jul 19 – 20, 10 am – 11 pm; Jul 21, 10 am – 5 pm)

“Enders’s Game” Exclusive Fan Experience (Days and Times: TBA)
8 rooms representing environments of Ender's world, original film props and set pieces. See exclusive film footage, interact with digital content, and register to win a home make over.
Hilton Gaslamp, 401 K Street, San Diego, California, 92101

Geek & Sundry Event (Days and Times: TBA)
Jolt'N Joe's, 379 4th Ave, San Diego, CA 92101

Single Day Events:

Superhero Events Costume Party Run and Party (Jul 7, 6:30 am – 11 pm) – Half Marathon and 5K run
Qualcomm Stadium, 9449 Friars Road, San Diego CA
Tickets: Half Marathon - $110 to 6/10/13, $115 to 7/6; 5K - $50 to 7/6

Marked Men V (Jul 13, 8 pm – 1:30 am) – Pirate Party
Pirate Ship 1450 Harbor Island Drive, Gate (H), San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: $75 (limited $50 set, more for VIP tickets)

Lindley Lecture on Law & Comics 2013 (July 16, 12:00 – 1:00 pm)
Censorship: From 1950s Superheroes to Today's Manga
Charles Brownstein, Executive Director of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
San Diego Law Library, 1105 Front St.,San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: $10

The Heroes and Zachary Quinto Fans Meetup (Jul 16, 7:30 pm - ?)
La Fiesta Mexican Restaurant, 628 Fifth Ave, San Diego CA
Free, but food and drink at own cost
All ages

Wikipedia Meetup (July 17, 3 pm)
Downtown Johnny Brown's, 1220 3rd Ave, San Diego, CA 92101

Hop-Con: The w00tstout Launch Festival (Jul 17, 5 - 10 pm)
Launch party for new beer brewed by Stone Brewing CEO Greg Koch and actor Will Wheaton (both will attend)
Stone Brewing World Bistro and Gardens, 2816 Historic Decatur Rd #116 San Diego, CA 92106
Tickets: $49
Adults 21+ Only

Forbidden Panel annual SDCC Dinner (Jul 17, 7:30 pm) – Meetup
Dinner for staff and fans (and friends of fans) of Forbidden Panel Blog
Gaslight Strip Club, 340 Fifth Ave., San Diego, CA
(Note: It’s just a pun. This is a steakhouse, not a strip joint.)
Free (Except you pay for your own dinner.)

Adam Ant in Concert (Jul 17, 7:30 - 11 pm)
Balboa Theater, 868 4th Avenue, San Diego, CA
Tickets: $20 – 90

Comedy Bang! Bang! Live (Jul 17, 8 – 10 pm) – Comedy Show
Comedy Podcast with Scott Ackerman and Friends
House of Blues San Diego, 1055 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: $20 general admission (standing), $25 reserved Floor

The Doug Loves the Movies Podcast – Live! (Jul 17, 8 – 10 pm)
The American Comedy Co., 818 B 6th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $24

OTW’s A Meet-Up Of Our Own at Comic Con (Jul 17, 8 – 9:30 pm)
Meeting of the Archive Of Our Own archive for transformative works of fandom project of the Organization of Transformative Works
Tequila Bar, Marriot Marquis and Marina, 333 West Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101
RSVP: RSVPs Sold Out

Hammer Improv at SDCC 2013 (Jul 17, 8 – 10 pm) – Improvisational Comedy
Horton Grand Theater, 444 4th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $23.76; $28.94 for VIP tickets (includes service fees); $30 at door

The Nerdy Girls Blog 2nd Annual #Nerdioke (Jul 17, 9 pm – 12 am)
McFadden’s, 731 5th Ave., San Diego CA
Free (Buy your own drinks and food)
21 and older

Sidebar Superhero Party (Jul 17, 9 pm – 2 am)
Sidebar, 536 Market St San Diego, CA 92101
Free Cover
Adults Only

Psych The Musical Screening (July 17, Doors open 10 pm, screening starts 12 am)
Giveaways, complimentary concessions, cast appearances, and “plenty of pineapple-infused fun”.
Reading Cinema’s Gaslamp, 701 5th Ave, San Diego, CA, United States

Comic-Con Dive and Cleanup (July 18, 6:30 – 9:30 am) – SCUBA diving
With Roddenberry Dive Team, and aquarists and scientists from the Birch Aquarium at Scripps.
La Jolla Shores
Free. but RSVP required

The Elder Scrolls Online Food Truck (Jul 18, 11:30 am – 3:00 pm)
Part of a national tour promoting the online game, the truck will distribute FREE food (Pressed Eidarmelt sandwiches with a choice of dipping sauces accompanied with Tangy Ninroot, Corkbulb Crisps and Alocasia Fruit Juice and frozen yogurt).
Park Boulevard and Imperial Ave., San Diego
Did I mention it was FREE? (First come, first serve.)

Birch Aquarium Comic-Con Kelp Dive and Show (July 18, 12:30 – 1 pm)
Rod Roddenberry is special guest diver
Birch Aquarium, 2300 Expedition Way, La Jolla CA 92037
Free WITH AQUARIUM ADMISSION. Space is limited.

Walter Robotics Expo (Jul 18, 3:00 – 9:30 pm) – Steampunk event and concert
Steampowered Giraffe, Professor Elemental, League of Steam, L.O.S.E.R.S., Vendors
Four Points by Sheraton, 8110 Aero Drive • San Diego, CA 92123
Tickets: $26.87 in advance, then more?

Walking Dead Fan Meetup (Jul 18, 5 – 7:30 pm)
The Walker Stalkers and Walking Dead Cast
The Corner, 369 10th Avenue, San Diego, CA
Guests: Nick Gomez, Vincent Ward, and Theodus Crane
Tickets: $45 -

ComiXology’s ‘The Blank Page Project’ Charity Event (Jul 18, 5 – 7 pm)
The Hero Initiative partners with comiXology for this fully catered event where all fans are invited to watch creators fill “The Blank Page” – a 12 foot by 8 foot gigantic comic page that will auctioned off at a later date with proceeds going towards The Hero Initiative – a charity that helps creators in need.
Vela Restaurant, Hilton Bayfront , 1 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA, 92101

SherlockeDCC (Jul 18, 6 - 10 pm) – Sherlock Fandom Party
A night of sleuthing, tea, games, prizes, and general debauchery
Brick + Mortar, 820 5th Ave, San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: $15 General Admission, $30 Sherlock Brigade

Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour (Jul 18, 7 – 10 pm) – Meetup
The Commons Bar, 901 4th Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101

Thursday Food Truck Event (Jul 18, Time TBA)
New York on Rye (deli), God Save the Cuisine (British influenced, Slider House Burger Co, Pierogi Truck (Eastern European), Crepes Bonaparte, White Rabbit Truck (Filipino Fusion)
3rd Ave & J St, San Diego, CA 92101

“Not Quite Teen” Teen Wolf Fan Meetup (Jul 18, 7 pm)
Yard House, 1023 4th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101
Register at site above by Jul 10 and receive a goody bag and custom badge.
Cost: Free, but everyone will pay for their own food and drinks. Please bring cash to facilitate the splitting of the bill.
RSVPs are Closed!

W00tstock 5.0 (Jul 18, 7 pm) – Geek Vaudeville
Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., San Diego CA
Tickets: $37.50
Guests: Adam Savage, Will Wheaton, Paul and Storm

Thrilling Adventure Hour at San Diego Comic Con! (Jul 18, 7 – 9 pm; VIP party to 2 am) – Radio Theater Style Podcast
Paul F. Tompkins, Paget Brewster, Marc Evan Jackson, Autumn Reeser, John DiMaggio, Mark Gagliardi, Craig Cackowski, Annie Savage, and Hal Lublin and special surprise guests.
Horton Grand Theater, 444 4th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $25 Show, $35 Show and Signing, $45 Show and VIP after party

“Beauty and the Beast” Fan Meetup (Jul 18 – 7:40 – 9:40 pm)
Hard Rock Café, 801 4th Avenue , San Diego, CA
For more information contact Ruth Cassiday at call 619-922-0804 or @ruthjccassidy on Twitter
Free (except food)
All Ages

Enchantment Under the SDCC (Jul 18, 8 – 10 pm)
Meet the San Diego-Comic-Con Unofficial Blog team and fellow readers to discuss tips, tricks and have a great time on the eve of the convention.
Prizes and giveaways. Drink specials.
Henry’s Pub, 618 5th Ave, San Diego CA 92101
Free (but buy your own food and drink)
RSVP on their Facebook page -
Ages 21+

Eric Andre Live (Jul 18, 8 – 10 pm) – Comedy
The American Comedy Co., 818 B 6th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $22

The Aquabats! Live! (Jul 18, 8 – 10 pm) - Kid’s Show
House of Blues San Diego, 1055 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: $18, $20 at the door,

Battleship Pretension: Dial M for Meetup (Jul 18, 8 – 10 pm) – Film Discussion Podcast Meetup
Dublin Square Irish Pub, 554 4th Ave., San Diego
Free. Free Drinks.

San Diego Symphony – Distant Worlds: Music of Final Fantasy (Jul 18, 8 – 10 pm)
Embarcadero Marina Park South, 1 Marina Park Way, San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: $25 – 99

30 Minute Musicals: JURASSIC PARK in 4D AT SDCC ’13 (Jul 18, 8 – 10 pm)
Horton Grand Theater, 444 4th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $21.69 w/service fee ($25 at door)
All Ages (Some mild language and lots of dinosaur carnage.)

Mad Catz Unveiled Comic-Con (Jul 18, 8 pm – 2 am)
Mad Catz presents playable previews of upcoming game releases with pro players to teach and challenge you. Live gaming exhibitions in IMAX , plus a 12' x 6' LED wall streaming all of the action from inside the dome and display for playing games.
Reuben H. Fleet Space Theater, 1875 El Prado , San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $50 (Online tickets must be bought before Jul 15th) -

Black Sails Screening (Jul 18, 8:30 pm) – Preview of new Starz TV series
Reading Cinemas Gaslamp 15, 701 5th Ave., San Diego CA 92101
Free (RSVP)

Munky King Party (Jul 18, 8:30 pm – 1 am)
Live art, toys on display, DJs.
Basic Bar & Pizza, 410 10th Ave., San Diego CA

Defective Geeks and the Geek Girl’s Project’s SDCC Thurs Night Mixer (Jul 18, 9 pm)
Grand Lobby Bar, Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, 1 Market Place, San Diego, California 92101
Free. (Buy your own drinks.)

The Dark Side, an “official non-official” Comic-Con party (Jul 18, 9 pm – 2 am)
Featuring The Howls, Black Lodge, Neighbors to the North, Flaggs and Night Ritual
El Dorado, 1030 Broadway, San Diego CA 92101
Cover is $5.
Adults 21+ only.

Thrilling Adventure Hour at San Diego Comic Con! (Jul 18, 9:30 – 11:30 pm; VIP party to 2 am) – Radio Theater Style Podcast
Paul F. Tompkins, Paget Brewster, Marc Evan Jackson, Autumn Reeser, John DiMaggio, Mark Gagliardi, Craig Cackowski, Annie Savage, and Hal Lublin and special surprise guests.
Horton Grand Theater, 444 4th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $25 Show, $35 Show and Signing, $45 Show and VIP after party

Eric Andre Live (Jul 18, 10 pm - 12 am) – Comedy
The American Comedy Co., 818 B 6th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $22

Star Wars Fan Breakfast (Jul 19, 7:30 am)
3rd Annual fan breakfast hosted by Star Wars Action News
Edgewater Grill, Seaport Village, 861 W Harbor Dr., San Diego CA
Free Except for Cost of Food,
Must RSVP -

G.I. Joe and Cobra Photo Shoot (Jul 19, 7:30 – 10 am)
Staged by The Finest, a G.I.Joe and Cobra Cosplay Group
San Diego Maritime Museum, 1492 North Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets (to Museum. Event is free.) -

Petco Star Wars Day Yappy Hour (Jul 19, 4 – 7 pm)
Hotel Indigo , 509 9th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101

The Andy Paley Orchestra presents: Paley-Fest! (Jul 19, 4:30 pm)
Join songwriter/bandleader Andy Paley, cast members of the Thrilling Adventure Hour and very special guests for a musical show.
Horton Grand Theater, 444 4th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets $15 ($16.52 w/ service charge)

57 Degree’s 3rd Friday Food Truck Extravaganza (Jul 19, 5 – 9 pm)
57 Degrees, 1735 Hancock Street, San Diego, CA 92101
$2 for access to trucks and 57 degrees wine bar. Kids 10 and under free.

Steampunk Worlds Fair (Jul 19, 6 pm – 11 am)
Steamy Entertainment, Vendors, Steampunk Photo Booth and more.

Masons Lodge 3366 Adams Avenue San Diego, CA 92116
6pm. Counterpoint Culture
7pm. Gregory Page
8pm. Poplock Holmes
9pm. Nomads Danyavaad
10pm. Bella of Bella’s belly dancing and entertainment

A&E on the Ave 3538 Adams Avenue San Diego, CA 92116
7pm. Shadow presents: Aerial Exotica at 7:30pm
8pm. Intermission
9pm. Shadow presents: Dance Ethnicity at 9:00pm

ArtLab Studios 3536 Adams Avenue San Diego, CA 92116
6pm. Sara Grobam
7pm. Roxy King
8pm. Rich McGee
9pm. Octagrape

Broke Girls Coffee Bar 3562 Adams Avenue, San Diego, California 92116
6pm. Shyla Day
7pm. Jim Grosby
8pm. Michael Jay Dwyer
9pm. Kenny Eng

Andrea Rushing Academy 3535 Adams Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
6pm. Unwomen
7pm. Sweet Joyce Anne
8pm. Tim Hedrick
9pm. Ivan Cheong

Visual Shop 3524 Adams Avenue San Diego, CA 92116
6pm. JD Boucharde 30 min
7pm. Mix Thing with Patricia Maldonado
8pm. Half Moon Portrait
9pm. Poor Pilgrim

Cairos 3533 Adams Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
6pm. TBA
7pm. Tantric Ballroom dance
8pm. Zaria Dancers
9pm. DJ Lee Reynolds

All Free

FilmCon (Jul 19, 6 – 10 pm) – Film Networking Event for San Diego Area Projects
Film Consortium San Diego moves downtown along with co-sponsors So Say We All + Space 4 Art
Vendors, local film screenings, special presentations, pitches, storyboards, raffles, competitions, spoken word performances, and more
Space 4 Art, 325 15th Street, San Diego CA 92101
Tickets: $12 in advance, $15 at the door (Students: $8 in advance, $10 at the door (with student ID).
Register to Pitch a Project
Submit your work to be considered for screening

Steampunk Drinkup at SDCC (Jul 19, 6 - 8pm or later)
The Hopping Pig, 748 5th Ave, San Diego, CA 92101 Power Party (Jul 19, 7:00 pm – Close (late)) – He-Man fan group meetup
Hennessey's, 708 4th Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
Free (Participants must pay for own food and drink.)

Marian Call, Molly Lewis, and the Doubleclicks (Jul 19, 7 pm) – Geek Concert
Rebecca’s Coffeehouse, 3015 Juniper St., San Diego 92104
$10 suggested donation.

Thrilling Adventure Hour at San Diego Comic Con! (Jul 19, 7 – 9 pm; VIP party to 2 am) – Radio Theater Style Podcast
Paul F. Tompkins, Paget Brewster, Marc Evan Jackson, Autumn Reeser, John DiMaggio, Mark Gagliardi, Craig Cackowski, Annie Savage, and Hal Lublin and special surprise guests.
Horton Grand Theater, 444 4th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $25 Show, $35 Show and Signing, $45 Show and VIP after party

Animation Under the Sea (Jul 19, 7 – 9 pm) – Animation Industry Mixer
Special Guests. Free Beer and Ani-munchies. Event supports charity Music Saves Lives
Joes Crab Shack At The Rowing Club, 525 E Harbor Dr, San Diego, California 92101
Tickets: Premium Admission (Guarantees Admission) - $31.74, RSVP required

FXX Presents The Totally Biased Standup Tour with W. Kamau Bell (Jul 19, 7 pm; show starts 8 pm) – Comedy
House of Blues San Diego, 1055 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: $38.50

Engadget+gdgt Live in San Diego (July 19, 7 – 10 pm) – Tech show
Stingaree, 454 6th Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
Adults 21+ only

Radical Studio’s party (Jul 19, 7 – 10 pm)
The Keating Hotel, 432 F St., San Diego CA 92101
Radical Studios’swanky shindig showcasing of their last projects, including the film “Oblivion.”
INVITE ONLY, get on the guest list by emailing

Brian Posehn in Concert (Jul 19, 7:30 pm) – Comedy
The American Comedy Co., 818 B 6th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $24

Veronica Mars Fan Event (Jul 19, 7:30 pm) – Q&A session
Horton Plaza Regal Cinema, 324 Horton Plaza, San Diego, CA 92101
Guests: Rob Thomas and Veronica Mars Cast Members
Free on First Come/First Served Basis (Reserved Seating Sold Out) – Attendance line starts at 6:30 am

Bo Burnham in Concert (Jul 19, 7:30 pm) – Comedy
Balboa Theater, 868 4th Avenue, San Diego, CA
Tickets: $42.35

Costume Contest (Jul 19, 7:30 – 9:00 pm)
New Restaurant will award $150 for first place.
Spike Africa’s, 411 Broadway, San Diego CA 92101

Can you defeat Sheng Long? Streetfighter, The Art Exhibition Ultra Turbo Ex Edition (July 19, 7:30 – 10 pm)
Cosplay strongly encouraged.
Space 4 Art, 325 15th Street, San Diego CA 92101
$12 in advance, $15 at the door (Students: $8 in advance, $10 at the door (with student ID).
All Ages

Comic-Con Nerd-A-Thon: Geek Rock and Comic Vixens (Jul 19, 8 pm) – Geek Rock and Comic Book Burlesque
The Merrow, 1271 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92103
Nerf Herder, Kirby Krackle, H2Awesome
Tickets: $21.69 (two night tickets seem to be sold out) -

Funko Fun Days Event (Jul 19, 8:00 pm)
The Wyndham San Diego Bayside, 1355 North Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA
Prizes, food, dessert, drinks, awards
Tickets: $60

Heroes of Wrestling USA (Jul 19, 8:00 pm)
Spin Nightclub, 2028 Hancock Street, San Diego, CA 92110
Tickets: $21.59, $41.59 for Ringside -

Smashing Beats Presents Freaks and Geeks (Jul 19, 8:00 pm – 2 am) – Dance Party
Playing electronic dance music from Electro, Dubstep, Trap, Tech House, and Trance. Plus the best Cosplay will win a prize!
Taste & Thirst, 715 4th Avenue, San Diego, CA

Brian Posehn in Concert (Jul 19, 9:30 pm) – Comedy
The American Comedy Co., 818 B 6th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $24

Thrilling Adventure Hour at San Diego Comic Con! (Jul 18, 9:30 – 11:30 pm; VIP party to 2 am) – Radio Theater Style Podcast
Paul F. Tompkins, Paget Brewster, Marc Evan Jackson, Autumn Reeser, John DiMaggio, Mark Gagliardi, Craig Cackowski, Annie Savage, and Hal Lublin and special surprise guests.
Horton Grand Theater, 444 4th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $25 Show, $35 Show and Signing, $45 Show and VIP after party

Amy Schumer in Concert (Jul 19, 10 pm) – Comedy
Balboa Theater, 868 4th Avenue, San Diego, CA
Tickets: $37.25

Rich’s San Diego Comic Con Party (Jul 19, 10 pm – close) – Gay nightclub
DJ Marcel, DJ Will Z, Single release party for “Work” by Iggy Azalea
Rick’s San Diego, 1051 University Avenue, San Diego, CA 92103
No cover before midnight.
Adults 21+ only.

Stud Night Comic Con Weekend Party (July 19, 10:30 pm – 12 am) – Gay Leather Bar
Come dress and your best Leather, Fetish and Super Hero Gear.
San Diego Eagle, 3040 N Park Way, San Diego, CA 92104
Adults 21+ only.

Hollywood Babble-On (Jul 19, 11 pm) – Comedy
House of Blues San Diego, 1055 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
Kevin Smith, Ralph Garman
Tickets: $20 general admission (standing), $30 reserved seating

DC Cosplay Photoshoot (July 20, Time TBD)
Location: TBD
Free but must be dressed as DC character to get photos taken

Deathsquad Midnight Show (Jul 20, 12 – 3 am) – Comedy
The American Comedy Co., 818 B 6th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $19 -

Heroes Brew Fest (Jul 20, 1 to 5 pm; 12 – 5 pm for VIPs)
Superhero-themed craft beer festival benefiting San Diego Coast Keeper and Surfrider Foundation.
150 craft beers, solar-powered live music, costumed crusader contest, food trucks, and more.
Embarcadero Marina Park North, 500 Kettner Boulevard, San Diego, 92101
Tickets: $40, $60 VIP, $20 Designated Driver
Adults 21+ only

Superego! Live at SDCC (Jul 20, 4 pm)
A live performance of the Superego podcast, introducing you to a variety of curious characters.
Horton Grand Theatre, 444 4th Ave., San Diego CA
Tickets: $15 ($16.52 with service fee)

I Will be Chosen (Jul 20, 4 – 7 pm) – The Darkness Descending Fan Party
Meet the cast and see exclusive clips of upcoming Danny Trejo movie The Darkness Descending
Syrah Wine Parlor, 901 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, California 92101
Tickets -

Odd Ball 2013 (Jul 20, 5 pm – 1:30 am)
LOUNGEsix invites all oddballs. Drink specials all night. Costumes encouraged!
LOUNGEsix at Jsix, 616 J Street, San Diego, CA, 92101
No cover charge
Adults 21+ only.

We Put the Spring in Springfield: The Music of the Simpsons (Jul 20, 5:30 – 6:30 pm)
C3 Performing Arts Center , 4579 Mission Gorge Place, San Diego, CA
Tickets: $26.87 with fees -

Allison Lonsdale in Concert (Jul 20, 6 – 8 pm) – Music
Original songs about sex, science and God, full of metaphors from math, physics, biology, the supernatural, comic books, Tibetan Buddhism, and role-playing games.
Lestat’s Coffee House, 3343 Adams Ave., San Diego CA

7th Annual Comic-Con Zombie Walk and After Party (Jul 20, 6:00 pm, arrive no later than 6:20, Walk starts 6:30)
Children’s Park, Martin Luther King Promenade, San Diego, CA 92101
Come as a zombie or come to watch

Marvel Vs Capcom Zombies (Jul 20, 6:30 pm) – Marvel vs Capcom Cosplay event in coordination with Zombie Walk (above)

Kee and Peele in Concert (Jul 20, 7 pm) – Comedy
Balboa Theater, 868 4th Avenue, San Diego, CA
Tickets: $42.35

Brian Posehn in Concert (Jul 20, 7:30 pm) – Comedy
The American Comedy Co., 818 B 6th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $24

Comic-Con Nerd-A-Thon: Geek Rock and Comic Vixens (Jul 20, 8 pm) – Geek Rock and Comic Book Burlesque
The Ruby Room, 1271 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92103
MegaRan, DualCore, Wordburglar, Danimal Cannon
Tickets: $21.69 (two night tickets seem to be sold out) -

Gilbert Castellanos Presents Jazz Meets Star Wars (Jul 20, 8 – 11 pm)
Creative Jazz Trumpeter Gilbert Castellanos and his All-Star Ensemble showcase jazz arrangements of Star Wars music
98 Bottles, 2400 Kettner Blvd #110 San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: $16.52 including service fee, $20 at door -

Patton Oswalt Live (Jul 20, 8 – 10 pm) – Comedy
Spreckles Theater, 121 Broadway, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $36.45 -

Video Games Live (Jul 20, 8 – 10 pm) – Immersive event of game music created by the game industry
San Diego Civic Theater, 1100 Third Avenue, San Diego, CA, 92101
Free: RSVP at the Facebook site

Gotham Girls Burlesque (July 20, 8 pm) – Comicbook Adult Review
Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos Ave, San Diego, CA 92110
Tickets: $12.00 in advance, $15.00 at the door
Adults Only

Captain Comic Con’s DrinkaPalooza Party (Jul 20, 9 pm - ?)
Wet Willies, 555 Market Street, San Diego CA
Free, but pay for own drinks
Adults 21+ only

Chris Hardwick and The Nerdist – Live! (Jul 20, 9:30 pm)
Guest: Matt Smith
Balboa Theater, 868 4th Avenue, San Diego, CA
Tickets: $37.25

We Put the Spring in Springfield: The Music of the Simpsons (Jul 20, 9:30 – 10:30 pm)
C3 Performing Arts Center , 4579 Mission Gorge Place, San Diego, CA
Tickets: $26.87 with fees -

Brian Posehn in Concert (Jul 20, 9:30 pm) – Comedy
The American Comedy Co., 818 B 6th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $24

Superheroes vs Supevillains party (Jul 20, 10 pm – 4 am) – Gay nightclub
The Perry Twins, DJ Marcel Hetu. Cosplay strongly encouraged.
Spin, 2028 Hancock St, San Diego, CA 92110
Discounted cover for anyone who dresses up.
Adults 21+ only.

Patton Oswald Live (Jul 20, 10:30 pm – 12:30 am) – Comedy
Spreckles Theater, 121 Broadway, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $36.45 -

Adult Swim + iHEARTCOMIX Present The Eric Andre Show Live! (Jul 20, 11 pm) – Comedy
House of Blues San Diego, 1055 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: $12.50 general admission (standing) -

Deathsquad Midnight Show (Jul 21, 12 – 3 am) – Comedy
The American Comedy Co., 818 B 6th Ave, San Diego, CA, 92101
Tickets: $19 -

‘Super You & Me’ at Intervention Sunday (Jul 21, 12 – 7 pm)
Comic-Con themed pool party with Luminox and Deorro and DJ Laidback Luke
Hard Rock Hotel, 207 5th Ave San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: $30
Dress Code: Superhero

Comic-Concert 2013, The Comic-Con After Party (Jul 21, 7 pm)
Whiskey Girl, 702 5th Ave., San Diego, California 92101
$5 donation requested at door.
Adults 21+ only

Superhero’s Night Out (Jul 27, 5 – 8 pm)
Superhero-themed activities, dinner, dancing, prize drawings and costume contests!
New Children’s Museum, 200 West Island Avenue San Diego, CA 92101
Tickets: Adults $30 ($35 non museum members); children $25 ($30 non members)
All Ages

This concludes my San Diego Comic Con 2013 Guide & Chatter, this may be subjected to a lot of change if I run into more info - I'll be sure to post that up. Thanks again & enjoy your time during San Diego Comic Con!

(Additional credits go to UTSanDiego & James H. Hay for additional ongoing events & places to eat while staying in San Diego.)