Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mmm cheddar! The beginning of March Madness

"That's a lovely shade of green you're wearing. It matches the color of your eyes, but unfortunately not the darkness of your soul." whoa whoa whoa, wait whut? D: hehe :)

Not exactly how I expected my month to start. There is a lot of highs and lows since after February 28th. Now what hell are you asking on what I'm talking about?

Before I go into a fun filled story of something completely mundane. The month of March holds full of promises. Still working on that project which now has possibly grown to 10 paid commission pieces, I have decided to buckle down to write out a thoughtful commission price so I don't get caught offguard again. There are plans in the distant-future of going through with a comic story told of my choosing. I look forward to working on that too.

With good news & hopefully a positive turn-around those are perhaps the only mention worth moments without delving into the recesses of my real reality.

As I promise, here's a fun little story:

From the incomparable CherBear, she writes.: "Well lets see...last month while working with my Audition Family on a Fam contest, FAM Love Event 2011, we had taken the grand prize yet again. Again you say? Yes because the other fam creative event that was held a long time ago, FAM Contest 2009, my Audition Family had won that too. Granted with a 2nd win & a back to back successful victory, it was all yet again bitter sweet.

Afterall, you just can't please everyone...

Like then, people questioned, disagreed & disliked the fact that my family won. It all holds true again this time. Unfortunate because my fam did work just as hard as everyone else. Of course, no one will ever believe that or will care, because ultimately in the end, they felt they should've won & that their victory was rightfully theirs. This is understandable & respectably their right to voice it. Not to mention, everyone has their own opinion, their own view & their own perspective of how the victory should have been decided. This is all fine & respectable, in the end, it doesn't change the fact I, nor my family had no control over the ultimate outcome of what had happened.

We are also prepared that with these results there would be some subjection to possible ban from rooms, sneered comments & hateful whispers.

A reinforced reminder of a lyrical quote said best in one of the songs I find myself listening to: "And it seemed like nothing we could do would ever get us respected." - We Made It by Busta Rhymes ft. Linkin Park. Holds ever so true once again.

Though the very few who voice their opinion can never overshadow nor shake the foundation of what was held true about this Audition Family, close knit through & through. A family in-game, very good friends we've become out of it. This, to those who were shaken should remember this. :-) We still have plenty of memories to share in distant future too.

As the mayhem & chaos continues, the complaining & the discontent of decisions being made. The reality is this, it'll blow over, a new contest will commence & ultimately, in the end, there will be a new thing to complain about & the cycle starts all over again.

To those who appreciate & said that congratulations were well deserved, my humble thank you ~ in my personal opinion with all the entries, they were all wonderful & beautiful in their own right, they had their own characteristic features & ultimately defines who their family is & what they represent. In the end, these FAMs worked together, had fun & made their own set of memories like we did. This cannot be changed nor taken away.

With this story reaching a conclusion, as a good friend tells me after witnessing the moment of madness. This quaint little family shall continue to hold their heads high, soak in the victory & move on with their lives."

Ta da! I know, not as good as my friend but hey its fun to put a perspective spin on such. :) Either way. Its been fun! :D

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