Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bacon...bacon...more bacon?!

...I apologize for the follow for apparently my fascination of bacon overwhelmed me...

Yes...a moment with uhm...bacon.

First off, my apologies for the sudden fascination with bacon. After talking to one of my friends, he manages to link me two things.

Bacon fragrance -
Bacon attire -

The origins of this odd fascination for bacon...well here's a funny fascinating story.

It was a question that extended from what women prefer to have their men smell like. Well, respectively, switching it around, I had to ask, "What would guys prefer to have women smell like?" The question had pretty much extended to all my 'guy friendly mmo games'. With this pending question after asking friends on their & guilds I've had some interesting answers. One that kinda came out to be roughly the same answer was bacon...(ham...was also mentioned...I dunno why.) This further continued with a family relative who had linked me to a video on youtube which was called "Epic Meal Time". With their undying love for bacon in almost (if not everything) they've done, it lead to those links & to where I am here today...

So now...just out of the random blue of those links! The random bacon search had begun & here are my finds...

The bacon bra...

The bacon mug...

The bacon bikini

The bacon gun...

Last...but not least....

I think my heart stopped from the bacon ... quick ... where's my nutella!?
Ah...yay! :)

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