Sunday, September 17, 2017

CherBear's Thoughts: August + September 2017

 Some youtube livestream madness

Hello all!

September rolled around & the month is going by pretty fast - next thing I know; it's more than half way through the month! Regardless of how hectic it is, attempting to make some time to talk about what's been going on.


Game wise - not much; I've been playing more Audition Online than Touch still on occasion some Love Dance and Dance On, but past that, I've been drawing too but keeping busy in general.


Laptop has been fine, been keeping the other one away just in case if the one I'm currently using decides to go nuts. It hasn't thankfully but I don't wanna start jinxing that.

I have been still eyeing prospects of a drawing tablet & a regular tablet but its not within the immediate domain of what I need.


Past that I've been traveling to various places for one thing or another, whether its family obligations or whimsical moments. Regardless - been looking to find something more stable & lucrative while functioning around a set schedule for myself; this keeps me ever so busy.


As for my youtube channel [ ] - been commencing on posting once a week, been fairly consistent but I'm not gonna jinx it yet. I want to see how things will be after going through it for at least 3 months before I can confidently say I've been keeping at it. There's been more subscribers which has been motivating me bit by bit also, I hit over 100 likes on my FB page: [ ].

Here's a run down of past videos posted since the last journal:

With a set schedule; I've been dedicating the time to get what should be done in order to further promote my artwork. Whether its to queue more stuff due to what I did on livestream, what artwork I did manage to finish during livestream & showing off past livestreams of what I am doing. I intended to continue & so far I've disciplined myself to keep at it - so I hope this will lead to other possibilities of what I do want to do. Not to mention revisiting other styles I had not concentrated on & ultimately as an artist show the full extent of what I am capable of.


My fall shows are coming back - I do wanna eventually check out all the fuss of all the other shows everyone had been fussing about [ GoT, TWD, hell even anime! ] but one step at a time. I'd hate to binge & internally regret it later.

For now thanks for reading this lil bear rant, be sure to check out my twitter [ ] for any up-to-date agendas, such as livestream announcements, random thoughts & such or my instagram [ ] for some views of my SoCal life, food & art.


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