Tomorrow is August & its amazing how we're nearing the end of the year...
I know...I know...but c'mon have you not come across your social media feeds of countdowns for Halloween? Christmas? Next thing you know New Year's will be the next thing I talk about.
Anyways, I think I've successfully recovered over earlier this month. My convention will be quiet until January - granted I will still be busy in one form or another but that's what I'm essentially looking at.
Granted; on my end, its been rather muggy & humid. Familiar weather on my end but hasn't been made present for a few years so its just a matter of adjusting...& plenty of complaining.
So what's in the horizon? Well let's see.
More little artwork pieces for Pacific PonyCon [ + @ pacific_ponycon *twitter* ] here in San Diego, CA from now until January.
Looking for work once again in some capacity since my previous line up of work fell through. Don't get me wrong! I have no regrets there - glad to know they're doing a lot better.
More individual works / fan art pieces / etc. in the meantime.
Gaming? Probably...been peeking around Audition Online, gotta see what this fuss over the new patch on WoW is & start working on that before this supposed rumored expansion they're announcing, try out maybe World of Warships?...the list goes on, for now - I will see ya'll on Wondertrade in ORAS ^_~ <3 p="">
Afterall, the intention is there just at the moment - the weather has been canceling out my renewed inspirational drive to create more after San Diego Comic Con.
Besides, this year has been alright; hasn't been spectacular - but at the same time - its not as bad as other years...I'd like to think I'm slowly progressing forward in that capacity.
Also, some silly mundane things as prepping my DVR for fall shows. Been enjoying some such such as We Bare Bears.
But other than that I've been focusing on myself or my family to that capacity.
We'll see how August will treat me as I slowly inch closer towards 2016.3>