Monday, September 28, 2015

CherBear's Thoughts: A surreal moment

First off, by all means - check out this video:

Yes, this is for Pacific PonyCon that'll be held in San Diego, CA January 8-10,2016. I know, I rarely don't push to promote...or maybe I do & I don't realize it, its really just neat to see this animation I think.

It is one of those moments where you know a creation you made & another creation you helped develop & create come to life like that & it being an animation promotion? Even better! Yes, I do mean MissionBelle & SilverStrand the OCs of Pacific PonyCon.

As for the rest of my wandering thoughts, I am really happy to see how another commission I did for someone else turned out & I really hope to do more commissions in the future.

Other than thank you for the birthday wishes, the Super Blood Moon eclipse that recently happened, a bunch of meet ups I went to, being generally exhausted from the warm weather, believe it or not...I am looking forward to Halloween...the end of the year quickly approaching & what not, still gonna keep working at it in one capacity or another.

Anyways, that is all folks! 'Til next time, keep creating!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Livestreaming 09.21.2015

Going to do some light livestreaming - we'll see how long this'll last. 

Livestream @ ~ My art @ ~!

Edit: Finished livestream in 8hrs. Thank you for watching :D !

Friday, September 18, 2015

Commission Guideline as of 09.18.2015

Status: (Under Current Status): CherBear's Sketchbook

Commissions Price Guide
[[ Taken from prior commission guide: Commission Guideline as of 04.29.2013 ]]

Hello everyone! This guide is used for my personal reference & for inquiries for all interested folks who wish to commission from me.
Why a commission price guide? – The reason behind this guide as a personal reference has been a long time coming. Due to folks who have requested in the past before & not being prepared, I finally have a price guide line down not only for my preference but also be prepared to discuss any & all inquiries someone may ask later down the line. After-all folks who have asked & paid in some way, shape, or form in the past like & support my artwork have left me humbled & grateful, for that sentiment, I am very thankful.

                These are my personal preferences that may answer any inquiries of how I prefer to handle things in terms of commission work.

    1.       Interested, send me a note or msg on this social media account [all accts are at least checked once a day] or a direct e-mail @ . Please make sure the title of the e-mail/note/message indicates you wish to commission me.
    2.       All drawings specifications will be asked – so there will be back & forth e-mails asking a lot of questions about your commission specifications, after-all they are all done the way you want them to be done ~ so negotiations may be long.
    3.       Multiple artworks can be requested.
    4.       Final works are done & signed off by me. Client commissions will be their property; in return, both parties are in agreement all client requested commissions will be used as part of my personal art portfolio.
    5.       All commissions are scanned or digital & sent via e-mail [or social media site] & eventually showcased as examples of my artwork on social media sites. All original artwork will be kept with me. Discussions of this option may change on a case by case basis.
    6.       Clients may request for their commissions to be withheld from being showcased on any of my social medias – just please make sure to address this if you wish to withheld your commission [& a reason why].
    7.       All digital commissions have the following:
    a.       All WIP work is done on a smaller DPI/Res scale.
    b.       All final work DPI/Res scale is set to be made as a print.
    8.       Payment goes as follows: half before WIP [this will include line art progress] – 2nd half just before completion.
    9.       Payments are all done through paypal only so there will be a paypal fee for each transaction.
    10.    Negotiation from what is stated from the guideline is always possible as long as its reasonable.
    11.    All prices may change during time. (Such as special price runs & spots)
    12.    Artwork commission requests will be done in the order as I see fit deemed important & need to be done a.s.a.p. (Paid Commission always done before Point Commissions)
    13.    Commission may be subjected to delay due to real life reasons.
    14.    I have every right to change the FAQs as needed.

Paid commission: (All prices have been set due to past records. Look to notes at the bottom of the list.)

For one reg. character drawing --
$5 – Head 
$10 – Bust 
$15 – Half Body
$20 – Full Body

Chibi character drawing –
$3  - Head
$8  - Bust
$13  - Half Body
$18  - Full Body

Additional character (in same picture) --
+ $2 – head
+ $7 – bust
+ $12 – half
+ $17 – full

Chibi additional (in same picture) –
+ $1 - head
+ $6 - bust
+ $11 - half
+ $16 - full


Medium (of what is offered) –
(In any conditions where previous medium artwork has already been paid prior, the prices below still apply w/o being charged a separate price from above.)
$2 – Pencil sketch
$3 – Digital Line Art
$4 – Pen sketch/line art
$5 – digital color
$6 – Mix Media 1 (copic marker/color pencils/pen)
$7 – Mix Media 2 (copic marker/pen)

Background (no background no charge…of course) –
$3 – Simple (at my discretion)
$5 – Specific Background (details & specifications)

Transaction fees --
$1 – Paypal transaction fee

Reminder --
Though I may be offering anime-ish style drawings, I am quite flexible. If you have something different in mind or want something drawn from what is stated above, this can be discussed on a case by case basis too.


Point commission (deviantART only):

With all prices above, here is a conversion of guideline prices.

$0.50 = 80points

No paypal transaction fee (afterall your donating points)


Alternative payment proposals: If I miss anything that is mentioned from above that I may be interested – I am inclined to negotiate that option as well.


Head – All drawings encompassing the head only & go as far as to the base of the neck.
Bust – All drawings encompassing the bust area only & go as far  as just below the pectoral area.
Half – All drawings encompassing half the body & go as far as to the waist.
Full – Complete full drawing.

Examples of past requests & commissions: Click Here ~
All other requests outside of the link & my gallery can be given upon by request.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Livestreaming 08.08.2015

Going to do some light livestreaming this morning - we'll see how long this'll last.

Livestream @ ~ My art @ ~!


Edit: Finished livestreaming in 4hrs. Thank you for watching!

Friday, August 7, 2015

CherBear's Thoughts: DeviantArtist Questionnaire

1. How long have you been on DeviantArt?
♥ - Roughly 7 years; technically a lil longer than that considering I do have an older account that I'm barely/rarely active on.

2. What does your username mean?
♥ - It is technically a nickname given to me by someone that kinda basically stuck with me for awhile, it only became more apparent when I used it as an ign for in-game names & I guess a 'persona' flourished from it.

3. Describe yourself in three words.
♥ - Thoughtful, Observant & Cheerful

4. Are you left or right handed?
♥ - Right.

5. What was your first deviation?
♥ - Let's see if I can find it...ah here it is:
6. What is your favourite type of art to create?
♥ - It really does depend on my mood strangely enough.

7. If you could instantly master a different art style, what would it be?
♥ - Painting, definitely painting.

8. What was your first favourite?
♥ - Huh, how funny it would technically be this:

9. What type of art do you tend to favourite the most?
♥ - I'm a sucker for cute things...won't lie.

10. Who is your all-time favourite deviant artist?
♥ - I do have favorites but strangely they do not have a deviantART site that I'm aware of.

11. If you could meet anyone on DeviantArt in person, who would it be?
♥ - No one really; if I meet them - that would be neat, if not it really isn't a big deal. I'm not the type to fan girl over anyone online famous or not.

12. How has a fellow deviant impacted your life?
♥ - Numerous really; here & on other sites - they've left me messages, asked questions & have told me how I had impacted them in one form or another artistic wise & that's honestly quite flattering & humbling all in the same.

13. What are your preferred tools to create art?
♥ - Preferably a pencil & sketchbook.

14. What is the most inspirational place for you to create art?
♥ - Anywhere that strikes inspiration because it can literally come from anywhere.

15. What is your favourite DeviantArt memory?
♥ - Let's see...that's a good question. I guess one out of many that could stand out was when I posted up my fan art crossover & tweeted to Tara Strong & she retweeted that to her followers...that was something.
Happy 15th Birthday deviantART ~ may you have more years to come! #DeviantArtistQuestionnaire

Friday, July 31, 2015

CherBear's Thoughts: July Wrap Up

Tomorrow is August & its amazing how we're nearing the end of the year...

I know...I know...but c'mon have you not come across your social media feeds of countdowns for Halloween? Christmas? Next thing you know New Year's will be the next thing I talk about.

Anyways, I think I've successfully recovered over earlier this month. My convention will be quiet until January - granted I will still be busy in one form or another but that's what I'm essentially looking at.

Granted; on my end, its been rather muggy & humid. Familiar weather on my end but hasn't been made present for a few years so its just a matter of adjusting...& plenty of complaining.

So what's in the horizon? Well let's see.

More little artwork pieces for Pacific PonyCon [ + @ pacific_ponycon *twitter* ] here in San Diego, CA from now until January.

Looking for work once again in some capacity since my previous line up of work fell through. Don't get me wrong! I have no regrets there - glad to know they're doing a lot better.

More individual works / fan art pieces / etc. in the meantime.

Gaming? Probably...been peeking around Audition Online, gotta see what this fuss over the new patch on WoW is & start working on that before this supposed rumored expansion they're announcing, try out maybe World of Warships?...the list goes on, for now - I will see ya'll on Wondertrade in ORAS ^_~ <3 p="">
Afterall, the intention is there just at the moment - the weather has been canceling out my renewed inspirational drive to create more after San Diego Comic Con.

Besides, this year has been alright; hasn't been spectacular - but at the same time - its not as bad as other years...I'd like to think I'm slowly progressing forward in that capacity.

Also, some silly mundane things as prepping my DVR for fall shows. Been enjoying some such such as We Bare Bears.

But other than that I've been focusing on myself or my family to that capacity.

We'll see how August will treat me as I slowly inch closer towards 2016.

Monday, July 13, 2015

CherBear's Thoughts - SDCC2015 Day 4

Its a bittersweet moment, after the complaining of how exhausted I am, wondering if SDCC was over & just overall being 'con tired' it is finally over.

I'm not sure why but it always tends to happen, near the end on Sundays are very lazy moments. Got there fairly late to the convention only to put in my remaining time. In the meantime I was able to meet up w/ old friends & catch up. Got to watch some new & old anime then head out to another meet up. The night ended up w/ a lil celebration before just finally getting some rest.

Was able to actually score an exclusive & get extras in hopes of a return in investment but we'll see how that'll go. Past that it was nice for me & the group I had been with for the past 4 days to watch the convention pack up, I thanked them & hope to work w/ them again next year.

As for my final thoughts: I think this year was different like every other year, it wasn't too bad & I think the layout & lines were a bit more orderly. The new location where I've been putting time in I think was a lil more successful this year & hope that our group will remain for the following 2016.

My cousin, who I was able to get him in, asked if he would do this all again & he said yes. With that, here's hoping we get to return for another year w/ SDCC changing their registration policies.

So even though the convention is over & I think essentially my con season too, I would chalk this to another successful year. Time to go back into hibernation!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

CherBear's Thoughts - Day 3: Masquerade Madness

Woke up after passing out, technically day 4 has started but I wanted to briefly sum up about Day 3.

Even though Day 3 is usually my relaxed Day due to sitting around in line for Masquerade Ball later in the evening; didn't really change any facts of what I had to do that day. Guess there's truth in the idea of each year tends to be a little different from the last & this time isn't any different.

With an early start off w/ me & an extended family of sorts that gather in a line for Ballroom 20 Masquerade Ball happens about as early as 6am. Line management seemed to be attempting to be as strict as usual but at the same time - things were rather orderly. Picking up for tickets were fairly early too, 12:00? Well it isn't too bad considering that I did have to put in my time to give back to the con in an hour...we ironically only needed about 40 tickets for our group this time...heh.

I didn't see much of the floor but more of the upstairs for once, I got to wander around the sails pavillion on my way to my 1 priority.

Granted I know there were other things going on, I did manage to go to the Person of Interest panel a lil later that afternoon. As much as I was on the fence 'bout going [like most panels because I can look for it online in a few weeks] I'm glad I went. Seeing the cast there & being surprised that it'll only be 13 episodes this time around as a mid-season series. I guess when your ratings starts to be in question; things do tend to happen.

We had our pizza run later into the evening, picked up & delivered to our line spot before going into the main event: Masquerade Ball.

Now I have to admit; I admire all the time, effort & imaginative creativity cosplayers go through to perform & w/ 33 entries, it wasn't too bad.

After the showcase; a lil live entertainment from Saber's Guild was pretty good & some shorts & clips afterwards before announcing the winners that night.

It was a good night w/ friends, family, new, extended & old into the mix. With that being said, time to get ready for the last day.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

CherBear's Thoughts - SDCC2015 Day 2

Into the wee morning hours once again, I took a brief nap once I got home, mainly because I was trying to unplug myself so to speak from another day - it worked but eventually I should go to sleep for another day is approaching.

So what to discuss about...oh yes...venturing outside the Con; no I know I preached it but some of ya'll wonder do I really do it? Well I did, I managed to check out into the Downtown Gaslamp area for San Diego & I do stand by my statement. The interactive zone over at Petco Park was cute this year tho I have heard it was more lively last year w/ what was taking over the area & its fine, every year is different. Gaslamp Downtown was just another site within itself that just makes things rather different & unique. To see Downtown San Diego especially within the Gaslamp area transform for these events is something. In short of my adventure of taking in the sites & sounds, some free swag, some free snacks & a lot of relaxing. I also made my way over to the Marriot & Hyatt to see how things were as well. Ppl still went & there was plenty to do as I say once again...y'really don't need badges. Observing, I can safely guess the ratio of badge to non-badge folks wandering around is respectably 1:3.

Submitting my time to give back & seeing all the announcements; Star Wars, MLP: FiM & other sorts were pretty cool. Also, managed to go to the Kung Fury panel & as funny & great as that had been, the message was pretty sound - pursue your dreams & risk everything.

Some folks have been voicing how its not the same or its lost its luster, others wonder why ppl go there when they themselves aren't into the comic pop culture. As, as I would like to say, a veteran going for over 10+ years can understand the reasonings why ppl have been voicing their opinion. I can only humbly speculate as I think over these thought provoking voices stating their opinions. Why have I been going? Why have others flocked here if they are completely obvious to the pop culture that SDCC is providing to the masses?

I have to agree to one sentiment; its not that one con is better than the other, it is about friends going w/ friends & w/ me hanging out w/ good company for about 10+ has helped. My purpose has changed within the 10+ as an attendee, a good part of it has become apart of the volunteering, its a different insight, greater appreciation of how things are run in a convention, more friends [to hug fellow volunteers that y'work w/ in the same department is nice...granted its not everyday friends it is like I guess the best way to put it, long time friends coming together for 5 days] & the opportunity to show other friends the SDCC experience because they've never been or help folks who couldn't score tickets to come.

As for that anamoly, I think w/ ppl hyping how SDCC is; it became a curiousity factor. They may not be initially pop culture fans at first but after being there, some either become hooked or are satisified & feel there's no reason to go again...I wish the latter was more common but I think my first hunch is a more accurate statement. Afterall; especially w/ ppl I work with in volunteer staffing & even my long time local friends - it became a 'you're going to what con again?' to 'OMG you're going to Comic-Con, can you get me tickets?!' As much as ppl think this has long stopped being a convention 'bout is ironically a common theme among the con. It has a lil bit of something for everyone but at the same time its that lil bit of something in all reality became a large blob. Yes, from the video games to the movies & other promotional stints were inspired by something comic book based & if it wasn't; it had become its own comic within the next few years.

With Saturday being day 3. I am fairly ready...thanks for following me on twitter / instagram [ @ lilcherbear ] ; I'll hopefully have more pictures but w/ my plans to be fairly relaxed for the big ol' Masquerade Ball, we shall see. For now ~ nap time!

Friday, July 10, 2015

CherBear's Thoughts - SDCC2015 Day 1

Into the wee hours of the morning, I should be resting with it being technically day 2 but my days are long & I get home fairly late.

Now how did Day 1 officially go...

Well from what I can tell, a lot of exclusive scenes had come out for various shows, a lot of celebs made their appearences, nerd girls with boyband crushes got their hugs & closures & plenty of more with cosplayers making their way out in masses...did I mention a symphony at the park featuring Pokemon music?

I did wanna wander the floor more & have a lil more fun; ironically my priorities weren't any panels, if I did make it to was rather on a spurr of the moment.

Everything I think was worthwhile, Doctor Who's exclusive clip, Bill Murray rockin' out like a rockstar, exclusive premire showing of Bare Bears on top of a Masquerade Ball-esque type panel w/ the creator of Bare Bears & voice actors Finn & Marceline & yes, much more.

I don't think I had heard anything bad happen & it was another day of things going smoothly...I may be wrong though considering I'm only 1 of 130,000 in the convention & 1 of 160,000+ within Downtown, San Diego.

One of the things that did perk my interest, down in Downtown, San Diego there is a Snoopy inflatable house & if you go in there, there's a lil slide/play area & a pen where you can play with...yes, puppies. They're only around for so long during the day so it is definitely if you wanna play with puppies over in Downtown, San Diego, that's one place. Other events I've heard is a last chance to reserve $25 opportunities for a warehouse Zombie Survival Paintball ordeal. There's plenty of more to list, the Adult Swim Carnival, the Assassin's Creed place & well I can go on & on, on top of Conan filming this week.

I submitted 4hrs of my day to give back to the convention & ensure things went smoothly, thankfully being back within the convention - it was nice; it felt like more ppl were wandering in to check things out but I do miss the lil office room where our group had set up snacks & food to get us by throughout the days of this convention...

Hopefully enjoyed the lil tweets & instagram pics being posted [ @ lilcherbear (for both twitter & instagram) ]. Hopefully will take pics of cosplayers but for now, just random shots around within the convention. Take care folks!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

CherBear's Thoughts - SDCC2015 Preview Night

Evening folks. It is 'bout 2am & I will attempt to keep it short & sweet.

Preview Night - strangely enjoyable regardless of the lack of presence from Marvel & Paramount. Does this phase me? Not so much.

Everything feels a bit more organized at least the chaos wasn't as apparent from what I can tell. Folks seems very wide eyed & happy to be here considering it is Preview Night.

...did I mention I sat next to a woman who dropped $2.6k on merchandise...on PREVIEW NIGHT?

While I was walkin' 'round with company...I have to admit though, even though I've been to other conventions - whether this is being a lil bias or not ... there's a bit of a different vibe here that I've always enjoyed regardless.

Anyways, I did manage to post stuff up on instagram [so if ya follow twitter or my instagram it is on there! (handle @ lilcherbear for both twitter & instagram) ] of what I have been seeing throughout the evening.

When we wrapped up & got essentially kicked outta the floor, folks that are w/ me might have best summed up how Day 1 will be 'absolute chaos'. Hopefully the staff will keep it together as they always do...though come to think of it...I did see an ambulance roll on by.


WELL I should at least try to get 4hrs of sleep & start my adventure up again tomorrow, stay tuned for more pictures, thoughts, sketches & random madness. Stay classy San Diego! ;)

Monday, July 6, 2015

Revisited: Simplified Guide to SDCC2015

It's that time once again; San Diego Comic Con 2015 is right around the corner. To keep this short & simple, out of my convention experience I have basically simplified it to a easy checklist that can apply to not only this convention, but any within 2015. So, enjoy! [This is in no particular order!]

- Always have a plan A & B: I find this especially important, if you can't get into a panel you wanted or had planned to go to a panel but are running late, never fret! Always check out the con guide [whether its a online app or a physical guide] & social media [twitter especially] to see any options that look interesting for you to check out.- Set a meeting place: Groups even when they come together, tend to split to indulge in their own interest. If your phone does manage to run out of battery before the time on the con floor ( & you're not carrying a powerbank ) is over always decide on a place to meet up.
- Shower: I think this has been always a joking rule but its true; the convention will be there for so many days & for some folks its a good time to network with people in the industry & bad BO is always a bad first impression.
- Be prepared: Always carry the following items.
     - Powerbank: If you're constantly using your cell phone to take pictures, find out any ongoing events from other twitter folks or checking that online app guide & kinda forget you need to meet up w/ friends/family after the floor closes? I can't tell you how many ppl have always bummed off a stranger's phone to get in touch with someone. Not to mention you may not be carrying any means to plug in & recharge your phone, charging stations are full w/ other ppl who didn't bring a powerbank or wallsockets are no where to be found, so always keep this in mind!
     - Backpack: Fill it with snacks & drinks; don't be subjected to overpriced food at the convention - stop by a grocery store & pack up enough to keep you satisfied until dinner! Necessities you may think you need [wallets (IDs!), cellphone, tablets, etc.], even though you'll have a bag in some shape or form from the convention, they're not always reliable & maybe even flimsy. You always may never know if you end up buying something there you really want, the extra space you'll have to carry any additional stuff is always nice.
- Comfortable shoes: Really, need I say more?- Get plenty of rest: Because ultimately in the end, after the convention is over - you always seem to suffer to w/e degree of what I like to call 'con tired'.

It really does breakdown simply into this. I can go into detail 'bout other topics but from large conventions to small intimate ones have their different kind of feels but I feel these are often the most common things that do tend to happen. It never hurts to research the con beforehand & plan. Other than that, by all means, have a safe & fun con.

CherBear's Challenge: dA kiriban catch fail ~

Ah well, looks like I passed the 30,000 pageviews & no notes.

So I guess no winners. :(

Well, the other challenges will continue to run & I do check my messages so until next time!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

CherBear's Challenge: deviantART Kiriban Catch

I noticed I'm close to reaching another milestone ...

A reminder of my challenge - send a note w/ a screenie of that kiriban - I'll do a full color w/ sketch/line art progress as a token of my gratitude.

Since it is a 30,000 view ...

29,999 - Sketch/Line Art
30,000 - Full color + sketch/line art progress
30,001 - Sketch/Line Art

Yes, these are your choice of what you want.

Keep in mind, since San Diego Comic Con 2015 is this week I won't be able to really start 'til July 21st at the latest depending how things are going. Hope to capture another milestone memory.

Take care for now!

CherBear's Thoughts: SDCC ... wait there's more!

Greetings & salutations ~ first off, hope everyone's had a safe & enjoyable 4th of July my fellow americans. It's a new month & I'm exhausted. I can honestly blame the weather.

I know Anime Expo 2015 is nearing an end & granted I miss it, its okay. I don't think I'm ready to discover that new degree of 'con tired' quite yet. To those who can or are powering through both Anime Expo & San Diego Comic Con...kudos to you.

In the next 3 days San Diego Comic Con 2015 is coming up; another year that I can honestly say I'm thankful to be apart of. Over 130,000 ppl at the San Diego Convention center and another 30,000-40,000 just lingering around Downtown San Diego, as I would like to sweetly put it; San Diego's Christmas in July. Hopefully the weather this past couple of weeks won't dictate the next 2 weeks.

San Diego has recently announced they are extending their contract to 2018; delaying a lingering inevitable having to move out due to the high demand not only by vendors/exhibitors but also the attendees. The main stay question is will they build a 3rd extension to an ever so large convention center? Only time will tell.

I've prompted my place for visitors for the next couple of weeks so I will be more or less busy. Be sure to follow me on either twitter [ @ lilcherbear ] or instagram [ @ lilcherbear ] for pictures from San Diego Comic Con, random doodle drawings from me & hopefully much more. I'll occasionally hop on, maybe do a brief day to day updates, thoughts & goings but I'm banking on the fact I'll pass out each day. We'll see how it goes!

Even though San Diego Comic Con is 5 days, I will have company for 2 weeks so after the 21st, I'm not quite sure where the direction of my life is going. I have a vague idea of what it is but I won't say until that day comes, for now. I just gotta prepare for the now & worry about the later when it approaches closer.

I hope / attempt to - livestream more & try to balance my artwork along with projects I contribute that I like to call - Project: PPC [ Pacific PonyCon ]. I'll be posting a couple of more journal entries before hoping the rest of my queues take over but at the latest will probably be July 8th, for now. Time to take a moment to relax & unwind while I can.

Take care folks!

Monday, June 22, 2015

CherBear's Thoughts: May, June & July ongoings

It's been a long while, I know.I'll keep this short & sweet or at least try to.

May has been fairly busy & near the end I somehow got a 3 month premium from MiloBear @ deviantART which I am grateful for & have been using that to the full extent - we will see what will happen whether it'll be renewed or not.

San Diego Comic Con is approaching fast as well as Anime Expo. I may show up for Anime Expo but I will definitely be at San Diego Comic Con. MiloBear @ deviantART will be here for that week & the week after so I am sincerely looking forward to that considering being online has been fairly non-existent.

As for the survey; I will eventually be making new art & starting a ask me anything blog/journal [on here & tumblr] but it'll be sometime after July 21st depending how things shape up.

Last lil update - as you may know this is where I have been livestreaming: but haven't kept a consistent schedule w/ livestreaming. I had recently also updated my OS to SP2 [yes I'm still running on Vista] so I have finally gotten my picarto acct up here: , I am still fixing it up but I imagine after the 21st how things are shaping up will depend how much or how lil I'll be using it.

Other than that; I've been immersed in playing Pokemon Shuffle, Pokemon Rumble World & Pokemon: Alpha Sapphire & Pokemon X [since I reopened Pokebank].

That's kinda pretty much it; I'll definitely be doing my San Diego Comic Con coverage & post more artwork up. Thanks for reading everyone!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Journal Meme: 19 of 19 - Oh baby ~ finally...

Taken from leekbun @ deviantART --

1: Name: CherBear 
2: Age: Legal
3: Three Fears: Heights, thunder/lightning, losing someone dear.
4: Three things I love: Me, myself & I?
5: Four turns on: Smart, witty, patient, understanding
6: Four turns off: Ignorance, stupidity, close mindedness, impatience 
7: My best friend: What defines 'best'
8: Sexual orientation: Hmm..
9: My best first date: Uh...
10: How tall am I: 5'2ish? 

11: What do I miss: loved ones who are no longer there.
12: What time was I born: Early in the morning
13: Favorite color: Sapphire blue
14: Do I have a crush: Still sounds painful
15: Favorite quote: Hmm plenty of favorite quotes - depends on the moment.
16: Favorite place: Depends on the mood.
17: Favorite food: Depends on the mood
18: Do I use sarcasm: Who knows.
19: What am I listening to right now: Someone's podcast
20: First thing I notice in new person: Their mannerisms

21: Shoe size: 7 1/2
22: Eye color: brown
23: Hair color: black/dark brown
24: Favorite style of clothing: Casual
25: Ever done a prank call? No
27: Meaning behind my username: Nickname a friend gave me.
28: Favorite movie: Serendipity
29: Favorite song: Plenty to choose from
30: Favorite band: Plenty to choose from

31: How I feel right now: Sleepy.
32: Someone I love: They know who they are? 
33: My current relationship status: Spoken for.
34: My relationship with my parents: Wish they can be better.
35: Favorite holiday: Christmas
36: Tattoos and piercing I have: No tattoos, ear piercings.
37: Tattoos and piercing I want: I have the piercings I want, I don't want tattoos tho
38: The reason I joined DeviantART: Just cuz.
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? probably not 
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” Sometimes.

41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? I don't think so?
42: When did I last hold hands? Sometime within the last month 
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Depends how I feel
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? no
45: Where am I right now? My room 
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Hopefully my friends.
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable level.
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? No.
49: Am I excited for anything? Not really.
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Sure.

51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Probably a lot more often then I realize
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Last night?
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Uh ok?
69: Do I have any nicknames? CherBear
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had? Hmm...I don't remember. 

71: Do I spend money or save it? Try to save.
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? no
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? Sure, a plushie
74: Favorite animal? Bears
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Had a really late dinner.
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name? Hmm...
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Depends on the song?
78: How can you win my heart? Be yourself
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? "Y'dun goofed."
80: What is my favorite word? Yahoo

81: My top 5 artists on DeviantART: Currently subjective & I wouldn't wanna put them on the spot.
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? You don't have it that hard in life!
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Hmm..
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Foresight
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Hmm..who knows.
86: What is my current desktop picture? Sailor Moon
87: Had sex? Yes.
88: Bought condoms? Probably
89: Gotten pregnant? No?
90: Failed a class? Its happened

91: Kissed a boy? Yeah
92: Kissed a girl? No
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Maybe
94: Had job? Yes.
95: Left the house without my wallet? Yes
96: Bullied someone on the internet? I hope not?
97: Had sex in public? Kinky
98: Played on a sports team? Before
99: Smoked weed? No
100: Did drugs? Legal?

101: Smoked cigarettes? No.
102: Drank alcohol? Yes.
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No.
104: Been overweight? Hmm..
105: Been underweight? No?
106: Been to a wedding? Yes.
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Yes. 
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Yes.
109: Been outside my home country? Yes.
110: Gotten my heart broken? Yes.
111: Been to a professional sports game? Yes. 
112: Broken a bone? No...?
113: Cut myself? Yes.
114: Been to prom? Yes.
115: Been in airplane? Yes.
116: Fly by helicopter? No.
117: What concerts have I been to? Hmm..
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Hmm..
119: Learned another language? Yes.
120: Wore make up? Yes.

121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? Yes.
122: Had oral sex? Yes.
123: Dyed my hair? Yes.
124: Voted in a presidential election? Yes.
125: Rode in an ambulance? Yes.
126: Had a surgery? No
127: Met someone famous? Yes.
128: Stalked someone on a social network? Yes.
129: Peed outside? Sure?
130: Been fishing? Yes.
131: Helped with charity? I've donated 
132: Been rejected by a crush? Hmm...
133: Broken a mirror? no 
134: What do I want for birthday? Debts paid off
135: Tag people, please: Friends who wanna do this

Journal Meme: 18 of 19 - The truuff?

Taken from greenmonkey15 @ deviantART --

1. Last beverage: Ice tea
2. Last phone call: My cousin
3. Last kiss: -muah-
4. Last song you listened to: A Thousand Miles
5. Last time you cried: Within the last month
6. Dated someone twice: Wha?
7. Been cheated on: Its happened before
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Hmm...
9. Lost someone special: Yes.
10. Been depressed: Yes.
11. Been high: Never.
12. Been Drunk: Yes.
13. Regret something: Yes.
14. Last time you hugged someone tightly: Within the last month.
List Three Favorite Colors: Sapphire Blue, Gold, Emerald Green

This Year Have You:
15. Made new friends: Yes
16. Fallen out of love: Nope
17. Laughed until you cried: Nope
18. Met someone who changed you: Nope
19. Found out who your true friends were: Yes
20. Found out someone was talking about you: No
21. Kissed anyone on your top friends list: No.22. Received a wonderful gift: No. 

23. How many kids do you want? 2.
24. Do you have any pets? 
25. Do you want to change your name? No
26. What did you do for your last birthday? I don't remember Dx;
27. What time did you wake up today? 12:42pm
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Eating dinner?
29. Name something that you CANNOT wait for: Have something sweet?
30. Last time you saw your father: Years ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? Plenty of things.
32. What are you listening to right now? Youtube recordings.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Maybe.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: Stupid things on t.v.
35. Eye color: Brown
36. What's your real name: Cheryll

37. Relationship status: Spoken for 
38. Zodiac sign: Virgo 
39. Male or Female: Female
40. Elementary School: Daniel Boone 
41. Middle School: Alexander Graham Bell
42. High School Mascot: Tigers
43. Hair color: Black/Dark Brown

44. Long or short: Long
45. Height: 5'2
46. Do you have a crush on someone? Still sounds painful.
47. What do you like about yourself? Where to start...
48. Piercings: Ears
49. Tattoos: No.
50. Righty or Lefty: Right
51. Surgery: None 
52. FIRST piercings: Ears
53. First tattoo: None
54. First Best Friend: Maureen
55. First sport: Swimming.
56. First pet: Goldfish...? 
57. First vacation: Philippines
58. First concert: BSB
59. First high school crush: Richard
60. First alcohol drink: Margarita
Right Now:
61. Eating: Nothing
62. Drinking: Nothing
63. I'm about to: Fill out more memes.
64. Listening to: PMVs
65. Waiting for: Rice to be cooked
66. Thinking: How sleepy I am
67. Sitting with: No one
68. Wanting: Something to drink. 

69. Lips or eyes: Eyes
70. Hugs or kisses: Hugs
71. Shorter or taller: Taller
72. Older or younger: Indifferent
73. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic 
74. Nice stomach or arms: Doesn't matter
75. Tattoos or piercings: Either or
76. Sensitive or loud: A little of both. 
77. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.
78. Trouble-maker or hesitant: Hesitant.


79. Kissed a stranger: Yes
80. Drank a hard liquor: Definitely 
81. Lost glasses/contacts: Yes. Too many times to count.
82. Cried in front of someone: Yes.
83. Broken someone's heart: Yes.
84. Had your own heart broken: Yes.
85. Been arrested: Nope.
86. Bullied someone: Hope not.
87. Cried when someone died: Yes. 

88. Liked a friend that's a girl: Yes 
89. Yourself: Sometimes
90. Miracles: Maybe
91. Love at first sight: Nope
92. Heaven: I'd like to hope so  
93. Santa Clause: Sure?
94. Kissing on the first date: No
95. Angels: Hope so
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes. 
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time: Well.... 
98. Do you believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: Yes
99. What's the one thing you cannot live with out: Oxygen, Water, Music, Food, Animals, Music & Clothes?
100. Have you ever wished that you were someone else? Who? No.