While I write this - I write this in good faith that I in hopes of my lack of activity artistically was made up in with attempting to work on other aspects to help me progress forward.
I had ended up revamping all my tumblr blogs to my liking but it was a bit daunting due to reworking html code around current themes. Either way, please by all means, check those out when you have a chance, thank you.
Past that, I've been doing more meet ups, went to a concert & working on more artwork. Mainly examples so I can push doing more commission work again. I've been trying to contact prior people but they haven't gotten back to me. I'll try once again & hopefully I'll get some response back.
Personally I've just been stressed mentally & physically. I won't go into it but I will try my best considering how things are going. I'll keep on smiling & keep trying to move forward.
Artistic wise - you'll see more next month but with the convention scene in full swing I'm not quite sure. Anyways - besides the major revamping of pages (and there will be more depending on the personal feedback I'm gonna get) I'll focus more on my artworks.
That does wrap up May & I attempt to look on optimistically towards June. Take care everyone!