Monday, April 7, 2014

Journal Meme: 2 out of 3 - No Tags

Taken from Seoul-Mate @ deviantART --

The rules: 
1. You must post these rules. 
2. Each person has to share 10 things about themselves. 
3. Answer 10 questions asked to you and invent 10 questions that people you tag will answer. 
4. Choose 10 people + put their icons on your journal. 
5. Go to their pages and inform them that they have been TAGGED! 
6. Not something silly like: 'you are tagged if you read this.' 
7. You have to legitimately tag 10 people. 
8. No tag-backs.
9. Can't say, no tags.
10. Everyone that has been tagged must make a journal entry.

10 things about me:
1. I like to be observant.
2. I adapt accordingly to the people I meet.
3. I either oversleep or don't get enough sleep at all recently.
4. I haven't gotten around to all the anime that's been recommended to me to watch.
5. My favorite pokemon is Blissey.
6. I have had 13 sprained ankles over a lifetime so far.
7. I tend to overthink situations.
8. I don't like fake people.
9. I still enjoy anime & cartoons.

10. I have a jar of nutella at my desk at the moment.

Questions from Seoul-Mate:
None. [ That was easy... ]

Answer these:1. What's your favorite day of the week?
2. What's your favorite video game?
3. What's your favorite board game?
4. What's your favorite anime?
5. What's your favorite cartoon?
6. What's your least favorite day of the week?
7. What's your least favorite video game?
8. What's your least favorite board game?
9. What's your least favorite anime?
10. What's your least favorite cartoon?

No one

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