Saturday, November 23, 2013

Journal Meme: 5 out of 5 - Random Revisited Again~

Taken from Seoul-Mate @ deviantART --


The Rules:
1. You must post these rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal
4. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
5. No tag backs.
6. No crap in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this." You have to tag 10 people.


My ten questions:
1. Yoyoyo, how are you?
I am good.

2. That's cool, what are you doin?
I'm answering this.

3. That's cool too, where are you right now?
I'm in my room.

4. Wish I was there, what's to the left of you right now?
My mousepad?

5. That's ... Different ... Anyway, what is your favorite game?
Varies on my moods.

6. Favorite genre of music?
That also varies on my moods.

7. Why did you even do this.
Because it keeps me preoccupied.

8. Why am I doing this?
I'm not really sure.

9. What is the meaning of life?
Whatever you make that meaning out to be.

10. FUCK.
Okay then?

Your questions:

1. What time is it over there?

2. Would you be sleeping right now if you weren't answering this?

3. What inspires you?

4. What discourages you?

5. When do you think you will end up going to sleep?

6. What is your favorite weather?

7. Hot or cold?

8. If you had an idea of what your future held for you, would you try to change it?

9. What makes you smile?

10. What makes you cry?


Tag your it: Whoever wants to do it.

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