Well first off ... I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays & an early Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I do apologize that not much has been really seen or heard of me. My set goals for this month went out the window & frankly I'm not surprised but at the same time a little disappointed in myself.
Some silly random things ... Time to geek out a teeny bit. First off, like I had tweeted; Happy 50th Anniversary to Doctor Who. I admit, I came into this series late as a fan but after watching the seasons I did watch, I really had found myself enjoying the series. The Day of the Doctor is today & I am definitely looking forward to watching it. I also did mention bronies, as a pega-sis; yes I know, season 4 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is today too. I was content overall with how Season 3 ended & I did bother to see the movie over the summer. So I will see how this season is & keep an open mind.
In terms of gaming ...
- World of Warcraft: Yes, earlier this month was of course Blizz-Con. I had ended up mentioning things here & there but overall. I can only say after the announcements, I'm still well ... I guess I have no opinion over the expansion. I guess I will have to wait & see when more information about the expansion is announced & maybe I may get psyched over that.
- Audition *Redbana*: Guilty, I think I've officially not been on there for about a month. I've been keeping up with seeing what folks post on the forum boards its just ... I guess without good company, I haven't been compelled to go on ... or no one's asked me. Pick one.
- mStar *SG*: I've been lurking about this game & I admit, its been fun meeting new people & making new friends. I've found myself doing a little more fan art from here too for fun & I look forward to doing more in the future.
- World of Tanks: I've managed to go on when my friends have asked but strangely enough; I've been enjoying the artillery line. I've been asking around about mod recommendations but I haven't really gotten any responses...hmm...
- Other video games/games in general?: Well I think I've been trying on & off with seeing what's been going on but my time has just gotten so clustered.
In terms of art ...
I had said I was gonna try to livestream during November, I think I've only done it a couple of times & I'm pretty sure they weren't falling on a Saturday. I will try sometime today to livestream again & see if I can work through my artistic void. Hopefully I will see some new & familiar faces.
Personal ongoings ...
On top of all that, I think a lot of my other inactivity besides due to juggling gaming has been things that have been going on personally. Looking for work, spending time with family, getting other tasks done, meet ups & just everything else in-between ... oh not to mention, I was sick at the beginning & middle of the month? Good times. Don't get me wrong, I do like it & enjoy a different change of pace, but at the same time, I feel like I'm dragging & the stresses behind all the things I won't express that's been going on has been leaving my stomach in metaphorical knots. Either way, I'm still trying but goodness ... not even sure if anyone misses me or notices my absence.
Finally ...
This does conclude everything for this month in a nutshell. I know with Thanksgiving later in the next week I can try to probably do one more journal but with everything that has been going on...I just don't know. Those who have bothered to read this or has shared their support or has spoken to me whenever I've been on, believe me when I say, I am thankful for this ongoing support that has been going on for even this long. So for now, if I don't post again near the end of November, I look forward to December & see where I can go from there.