Sunday, April 21, 2013

Journal Meme 2 out of 3 - Another Meme

Taken from Seoul-Mate @ deviantART --

.: Appearance :.
[X] You have Hair
[X] When you wake up,your hair gets messed up
[X] You have soft hair
[X] You have Brown eyes
[ ] You are over/around 5'7
[ ] You're skin gets pale when it's cold
[ ] You have zit/pimple free skin
[X] You have all your limbs.
[ ] You don't have dark spots on your skin
[ ] You don't have your ears pierced.

Total so far: 5

.: Favorites :.
[X] You like Animals
[X] Your favorite type of music is "Any but Country"
[X] Your favorite color is either Black,Red,Blue,Gold,Silver
[ ] You like FPS games (First Person Shooter)
[ ] You like Call of Duty
[ ] You like Halo
[X] You like Soul Eater.
[X] Your favorite Food is Spaghetti
[ ] You like the Cirque Du Freak series
[X] You like the wind/Breeze

Total so far: 11

.: Dislikes :.
[ ] You don't like Country music.
[ ] You don't like Romance movies.
[X] You don't like large group of people.
[ ] You don't like jeans.
[X] You don't like people who gloat waaaay to much.

Total so far: 13

.: Personality :.
[X] You act happy no matter what
[X] You're patient.
[X] You're way too Empathic/Forgiving.
[X] You usually don't show any emotion on your face
[X] You don't talk much

Total so far: 18

.: Hobbies :.
[X] You'd rather be playing games
[X] You like playing video games all the time
[ ] You like to read
[ ] You make up stories, but never write them.
[X] You think a lot, it even becomes a hobby.

Total so far: 21

.: Abilities :.
[ ] You Swim fast.
[ ] You can do parkor a bit
[X] You can hold your breathe over 1 minute
[ ] You can run a mile withought sweating
[X] You learn anything fast

Total so far: 23

.: You Have Never… :.
[ ] …Broken every bone
[ ] …Been to china
[X] …Held a gun
[ ] …Been bitten by a rabbit
[X] …Had an accident in your pants

Total so far: 25

.: Random :.
[X] Glowing things distract you.
[ ] You have an addiction for chewing gum
[ ] You and a friend have been mistaken for parent and children.
[X] You can make weird noises
[X] You are quick to think and can solve problems faster than others.

Total: 28

Multiply by 2 to get you percent

Not sure what that means?

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