Greetings to all the ghouls & ghosts out there. Halloween is finally here! I imagine a lot of folks have already have their Halloween parties over the weekend but it doesn't really compete with least I don't think so.
Anyways! I'm fairly content with how busy I've been this month & how a lot of artwork I've been working on has turned out. Not to mention with my previous poll about watching me on livestream, I have a channel set up that I will be adding onto my various links. So if I so happen to be on & tell other folks, you're more than happy to watch me draw. More details next month of course.
I know, i the midsts of all the scary, I decided to draw something cute & adorable. I couldn't help it. :)
Either way, with my pumpkin craze nearing an end & the holiday season literally around the corner, hopefully I can complete more little self goals I have set for myself.
So I wish all the folks Happy Halloween! Have a fun trick or treating! Be safe! Eat, drink & be...cute!
November 2nd -
To remember all those who have come &'re gone, but never forgotten, always loved, cherished, remembered & alive in our hearts.
The new month rolls around with exceptional promises. I can't believe the end of the year is quickly approaching. Since in a way, the official countdown of the holiday seasons has begun, I feel a little bit anxious with what I've gotten done so far. Having a discussion with ~MiloBear he's been throwing my statistics back at me, telling me I've broken my activity on dA for all time so far.
I guess that can be a good thing. So yay me!
Either way, I have been particularly busy. Working on requests, commissions, starting new accounts at other places & that sort. I'll get into detail don't worry.
Of course I will shamelessly plug this in, I am taking commissions still. my current ones are still going smoothly too. I'm working at getting a little more time proficient at it as well & still have that kind of quality. So don't forget!
Now if you have noticed I have updated a lot of my links. By all means if you wanna follow me on facebook, tumblr, twitter, myspace, sheezyart & blogspot, don't be shy! Feel free to follow me! I always follow back! I also try to look through &
With my earlier chatter, I have joined MangaBullet, yes another art forum place but since I feel this is more of a centered kind of art forum place more of my specific artwork that has been seen here & on sheezyART will be there too.
Last, but not least, I also did say I would share my Livestream, the link No time schedules are set since I think working on a whim is so much better. What I will say is, what I will be ending up doing there is some Q&A when I can, coloring moments, drawing moments, full art session moments (from drawing to coloring), art lessons (haha) & so forth. Cute & I guess would be age appropriate sessions will be during the day around my time & the sexy, risque & some can view as ecchi will be late night sessions for the inanely curious.
Anyways, I haven't forgotten, I do still have plenty of artwork I have yet to post up. Including fan art from my other art account that I did say I will move to here. Take care & be well everyone!
Livestream Thoughts 11/05
After a 4 hour session on livestream. I have to admit, I was pretty content.
I ended up doing 3 drawings. 2 were sketches that lapsed between 2hrs. 1 drawing was a full drawing from scratch to color that took 2hrs. Contrary to doing all of that, I admit, that was a bit straining but feeling accomplished either way.
I'd like to thank those who had ended up showing up to see some of my madness. Though I imagine not all my artwork I had done there will essentially end up on here from this session. Hehe whoops?
With much thought & discussing with some folks. Depending on how my weekend schedule goes. I am thinking of doing things for now on a weekly basis. So, either Friday or Saturday I will be doing a livestream cast once a week for random fun. Any earlier will be due to holiday or any other occassion I know I have planned for that weekend. Depending on the time will also determine what kind of drawings will be done. I cannot account for any random livestreams. Random? I have promised to give tips & tutorials on how to draw with some folks already & my time/schedule will revolve around their availability & time. Depending how well the explanation goes, those sessions will be recorded as well.
We'll see how the livestream will be going throughout the month & maybe with a little help from MiloBear @ deviantART all livestreams & prior livestreams will also be uploaded onto our youtube page that has been preoccupied with gameplay from our favorite game: Redbana Audition Online - :) but that has yet to be determined.
Thanks again & looking forward to doing more in the future!
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