Sunday, November 27, 2011
Videogame Moment --
Borrowed from
1. You started to play videogames at the age of...?
Technically? I guess 5yrs old.
2. First game you ever played?
Duck Hunt
3. First console you own/owned
Game Boy
4. Consoles you owned/own?
Gameboy, Sega Gamegear, Gameboy Advance, SNES, Gamecube, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii
5. Your favorite genre(s)?
rpg, rhythm/dance games, fighting, driving, puzzle games
6. Favorite game Characters?
Myself! Err I mean hmm Kirby.
7. Which element(s) in games is/are most important for you (story, graphic etc.)?
8. You don't care about ...?
Music - unless its a music/rhythm game ... I usually have other music playing anyways. Graphics - I'd replay old games hell just for the nostalgia factor ...or I was curious.
9. Prefer PC or Console?
10. Favorite 3 Games:
- Tetris
- Audition Online
- World of Warcraft
11. 3 Least Favorite Games:
- Resident Evil
- Tomb Raider
- Assassin's Creed
12. One game that's totally overrated in your opinion?
Hmm..I can't name a game I think was overrated.
13. Ever played an online game, if yes which one(s)?
City of Heroes/Villians, World of Warcraft, Audition Online, Highstreet 5
14. What do you think about ...Tomb Raider?
15. ...Tetris?
16. ...Sonic?
Lost track for a long time after Knuckles? O-o hehe
17. ...Spyro?
Very cute.
18. ...The Sims?
19. ...Legend of Zelda?
20. ... Assassin's Creed?
Never really got into it.
:o huh...can't recall.
22. Game(s) you'd love to see?
Not at the moment no.
23. Game(s) you wait for at the moment?
Unfortunately...I'll be waiting for the expansion to WoW - Mists of Panderia.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thoughts: Livestream 11/19/11
My weekly thoughts for this week's livestream -
Well, overall's livestream session went for 4 hours & 30 minutes. The longest so far since my livestream casts for the past few weeks.
This week's livestream kinda went into the imagination ~ other than taking on requests, working on my own thoughts & imagination, made it a little fun with the folks who were watching.
Total drawngs that were done this week were 5 sketches. No full works this time. Just wanted to draw & have fun with it. Unfortunately, near my last sketch livestream cast, I went offline due some internet problems & the video itself did not upload either.
Hopefully something can be done by that with some help.
Other than that, I'm diligently working on all the commission requests while I can considering Thanksgiving is this week. Thank you all those who have been patient with me this far, watching me work & following me. Looking forward to a possible early livestream cast before or after Thanksgiving. Take care!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Livestream Thoughts 11/17/2011
Well my weekly livestream is coming up quick. I've been busy that I really haven't discussed much about last saturday's livestream.
First off thanks to all who stopped by, chatted, say hi & some requested. It has been a total blast.
My schedule livestream will be either Friday or Saturday, Friday will be ideal. I am also clearly aware that Thanksgiving is coming up quickly so I will pro'ally be doing an early livestream by Tuesday of that week as well. No way I'll be competing against Black Friday & such. If all else fails, I'll pro'ally drop my livestream that Thanksgiving week on a Saturday if I don't do it by Tuesday of course.
As for this past livestream on 11/17/2011. It went roughly for 3hrs 30mins, 4 drawings. 1 full drawing from sketch to color, 1 speed paint by request, 2 sketches, one of them being a request.
Before I end my thoughts, I have started a side tumblr at - this is more dedicated to all my artwork + artwork related-esque stuff. :) Feel free to follow if you choose to.
Other than that, this concludes my random thought of livestreaming. 'Til then, see ya! :)
Friday, November 11, 2011
11/11/11 ~
Today is a rather peculiar day to write down your thoughts. Perhaps the rarity behind this is due to the fact that 11/11/11 is today.
Well for a little insight...
In medieval times, numerologists — those who searched for the mystical significance of numbers — believed all numbers had both positive and negative aspects … except for 11. In the words of the 16th century scholar Petrus Bungus, 11 "has no connection with divine things, no ladder reaching up to things above, nor any merit." Stuck between the divine numbers 10 and 12, 11 was pure evil, and represented sinners.
That doesn't bode well for Nov. 11, 2011, the date when three 11s will align for the first time in a century. A new horror film, "11/11/11," has even been made for the occasion, and it plays on (or perhaps plays up) people's fear of coincidences surrounding the number. Film characters experience the so-called " 11:11 phenomenon," a tendency to look at the clock more often at 11:11 than at other times of the day. In the film, this is a warning of what's to come: "On the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year, a gateway will open … and on this day, innocent blood will spill," says a voiceover in the trailer.
Indeed, the 11:11 phenomenon is widely reported in real life, with entire online discussion forums dedicated to figuring out what the number means. People say they feel haunted by 11s, which appear to them eerily often. To them, the impending date is bound to seem ominous.
On the flip side, some modern-day numerologists have deemed 11/11/11 auspicious, and according to local news sources around the country, an unusual number of couples have planned to marry on the day. The number 11 is also a favorite of gamblers — particularly blackjack and Keno players. So, amid all these alternative perspectives, what's the real deal about repeating 11s? Is there anything special about the numbers lining up?
No. With regards to the 11:11 phenomenon, rather than being a supernatural warning sign, psychologists say it is a classic case of "apophenia," or the human tendency to find meaning or patterns in randomly occurring data. This condition feeds on itself, because the more conscious you are of something — such as repeating 11s — the more often you'll notice it in the world around you, and thus the more certain you'll become that the pattern is real.
In online forums about the 11:11 phenomenon, people often say they didn't notice how many 11s appeared to them until hearing about the phenomenon from someone else. This is a tell-tale sign of apophenia: When they found out about the phenomenon, they subconsciously started keeping track of all the 11s they saw, with each new sighting seeming more significant than the last.
Just as there is nothing to fear about 11/11/11, there is no reason to be optimistic about the date, either.
According to Alan Lenzi, professor of religious studies at University of the Pacific who studies biblical numerology, seeking meaning in numbers is a natural human tendency. "Cognitive scientists have demonstrated that the human brain is hard-wired to look for meaningful patterns in the sensory data it collects from the world," Lenzi told Life's Little Mysteries.
In most situations, this cognitive wiring helps us: It enables us to pick important information out of a background of random noise. But sometimes we overdo it by finding patterns where they aren't — from faces seen in the clouds to numerical coincidences. Once found, these patterns "are easily imbued with imaginative meaning," he said.
There is nothing unusual about the time 11:11 or the date 11/11/11, but our brains can't help noticing the repeating digits, and seeing them as meaningful. "Numbers that are already significant to us, such as calendar dates that also coincidentally fall into an obvious pattern, become doubly significant," Lenzi said. "11/11/11 is another example of people doing what people are cognitively prone to do: find significance."
Original link: 11.11.11
So with that ~ a little food for thought. Won't forget that today is indeed Veteran's Day & a special thanks to all those who have served and or are serving.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
From Halloween to All Soul's Day & Thoughts on Livestream 11/05
October 31st -
Greetings to all the ghouls & ghosts out there. Halloween is finally here! I imagine a lot of folks have already have their Halloween parties over the weekend but it doesn't really compete with least I don't think so.
Anyways! I'm fairly content with how busy I've been this month & how a lot of artwork I've been working on has turned out. Not to mention with my previous poll about watching me on livestream, I have a channel set up that I will be adding onto my various links. So if I so happen to be on & tell other folks, you're more than happy to watch me draw. More details next month of course.
I know, i the midsts of all the scary, I decided to draw something cute & adorable. I couldn't help it. :)
Either way, with my pumpkin craze nearing an end & the holiday season literally around the corner, hopefully I can complete more little self goals I have set for myself.
So I wish all the folks Happy Halloween! Have a fun trick or treating! Be safe! Eat, drink & be...cute!
November 2nd -
To remember all those who have come &'re gone, but never forgotten, always loved, cherished, remembered & alive in our hearts.
The new month rolls around with exceptional promises. I can't believe the end of the year is quickly approaching. Since in a way, the official countdown of the holiday seasons has begun, I feel a little bit anxious with what I've gotten done so far. Having a discussion with ~MiloBear he's been throwing my statistics back at me, telling me I've broken my activity on dA for all time so far.
I guess that can be a good thing. So yay me!
Either way, I have been particularly busy. Working on requests, commissions, starting new accounts at other places & that sort. I'll get into detail don't worry.
Of course I will shamelessly plug this in, I am taking commissions still. my current ones are still going smoothly too. I'm working at getting a little more time proficient at it as well & still have that kind of quality. So don't forget!
Now if you have noticed I have updated a lot of my links. By all means if you wanna follow me on facebook, tumblr, twitter, myspace, sheezyart & blogspot, don't be shy! Feel free to follow me! I always follow back! I also try to look through &
artwork, not to mention it share it on tumblr too, especially since dA made it soo much easier to share on tumblr. Yay them!
With my earlier chatter, I have joined MangaBullet, yes another art forum place but since I feel this is more of a centered kind of art forum place more of my specific artwork that has been seen here & on sheezyART will be there too.
Last, but not least, I also did say I would share my Livestream, the link No time schedules are set since I think working on a whim is so much better. What I will say is, what I will be ending up doing there is some Q&A when I can, coloring moments, drawing moments, full art session moments (from drawing to coloring), art lessons (haha) & so forth. Cute & I guess would be age appropriate sessions will be during the day around my time & the sexy, risque & some can view as ecchi will be late night sessions for the inanely curious.
Anyways, I haven't forgotten, I do still have plenty of artwork I have yet to post up. Including fan art from my other art account that I did say I will move to here. Take care & be well everyone!
Livestream Thoughts 11/05
After a 4 hour session on livestream. I have to admit, I was pretty content.
I ended up doing 3 drawings. 2 were sketches that lapsed between 2hrs. 1 drawing was a full drawing from scratch to color that took 2hrs. Contrary to doing all of that, I admit, that was a bit straining but feeling accomplished either way.
I'd like to thank those who had ended up showing up to see some of my madness. Though I imagine not all my artwork I had done there will essentially end up on here from this session. Hehe whoops?
With much thought & discussing with some folks. Depending on how my weekend schedule goes. I am thinking of doing things for now on a weekly basis. So, either Friday or Saturday I will be doing a livestream cast once a week for random fun. Any earlier will be due to holiday or any other occassion I know I have planned for that weekend. Depending on the time will also determine what kind of drawings will be done. I cannot account for any random livestreams. Random? I have promised to give tips & tutorials on how to draw with some folks already & my time/schedule will revolve around their availability & time. Depending how well the explanation goes, those sessions will be recorded as well.
We'll see how the livestream will be going throughout the month & maybe with a little help from MiloBear @ deviantART all livestreams & prior livestreams will also be uploaded onto our youtube page that has been preoccupied with gameplay from our favorite game: Redbana Audition Online - :) but that has yet to be determined.
Thanks again & looking forward to doing more in the future!
Greetings to all the ghouls & ghosts out there. Halloween is finally here! I imagine a lot of folks have already have their Halloween parties over the weekend but it doesn't really compete with least I don't think so.
Anyways! I'm fairly content with how busy I've been this month & how a lot of artwork I've been working on has turned out. Not to mention with my previous poll about watching me on livestream, I have a channel set up that I will be adding onto my various links. So if I so happen to be on & tell other folks, you're more than happy to watch me draw. More details next month of course.
I know, i the midsts of all the scary, I decided to draw something cute & adorable. I couldn't help it. :)
Either way, with my pumpkin craze nearing an end & the holiday season literally around the corner, hopefully I can complete more little self goals I have set for myself.
So I wish all the folks Happy Halloween! Have a fun trick or treating! Be safe! Eat, drink & be...cute!
November 2nd -
To remember all those who have come &'re gone, but never forgotten, always loved, cherished, remembered & alive in our hearts.
The new month rolls around with exceptional promises. I can't believe the end of the year is quickly approaching. Since in a way, the official countdown of the holiday seasons has begun, I feel a little bit anxious with what I've gotten done so far. Having a discussion with ~MiloBear he's been throwing my statistics back at me, telling me I've broken my activity on dA for all time so far.
I guess that can be a good thing. So yay me!
Either way, I have been particularly busy. Working on requests, commissions, starting new accounts at other places & that sort. I'll get into detail don't worry.
Of course I will shamelessly plug this in, I am taking commissions still. my current ones are still going smoothly too. I'm working at getting a little more time proficient at it as well & still have that kind of quality. So don't forget!
Now if you have noticed I have updated a lot of my links. By all means if you wanna follow me on facebook, tumblr, twitter, myspace, sheezyart & blogspot, don't be shy! Feel free to follow me! I always follow back! I also try to look through &
With my earlier chatter, I have joined MangaBullet, yes another art forum place but since I feel this is more of a centered kind of art forum place more of my specific artwork that has been seen here & on sheezyART will be there too.
Last, but not least, I also did say I would share my Livestream, the link No time schedules are set since I think working on a whim is so much better. What I will say is, what I will be ending up doing there is some Q&A when I can, coloring moments, drawing moments, full art session moments (from drawing to coloring), art lessons (haha) & so forth. Cute & I guess would be age appropriate sessions will be during the day around my time & the sexy, risque & some can view as ecchi will be late night sessions for the inanely curious.
Anyways, I haven't forgotten, I do still have plenty of artwork I have yet to post up. Including fan art from my other art account that I did say I will move to here. Take care & be well everyone!
Livestream Thoughts 11/05
After a 4 hour session on livestream. I have to admit, I was pretty content.
I ended up doing 3 drawings. 2 were sketches that lapsed between 2hrs. 1 drawing was a full drawing from scratch to color that took 2hrs. Contrary to doing all of that, I admit, that was a bit straining but feeling accomplished either way.
I'd like to thank those who had ended up showing up to see some of my madness. Though I imagine not all my artwork I had done there will essentially end up on here from this session. Hehe whoops?
With much thought & discussing with some folks. Depending on how my weekend schedule goes. I am thinking of doing things for now on a weekly basis. So, either Friday or Saturday I will be doing a livestream cast once a week for random fun. Any earlier will be due to holiday or any other occassion I know I have planned for that weekend. Depending on the time will also determine what kind of drawings will be done. I cannot account for any random livestreams. Random? I have promised to give tips & tutorials on how to draw with some folks already & my time/schedule will revolve around their availability & time. Depending how well the explanation goes, those sessions will be recorded as well.
We'll see how the livestream will be going throughout the month & maybe with a little help from MiloBear @ deviantART all livestreams & prior livestreams will also be uploaded onto our youtube page that has been preoccupied with gameplay from our favorite game: Redbana Audition Online - :) but that has yet to be determined.
Thanks again & looking forward to doing more in the future!
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