Friday, May 20, 2011

Fall programming coming to a close ...

Hum ... I'd be willing to watch this ...

Well with 2010's fall line up coming to an end with shows I have watched. Guess time to throw in my two cents of mental notes of what I thought of it.

As I had mentioned earlier, I was a bit disappointed with how things drew to an end for some of the shows. Maybe I'm not liking the typical cliche cliffhanger ending. Not that there's anything wrong with it, I'm just growing tired of it myself.

  • Chuck - Chuck vs. the Cliffhanger. I'm honestly a bit torn by this only because the season overall felt -- rushed. Especially for the final season finale. Comparing this to the last season, I actually like the last season more & half way through this season was tolerable. The bad guys seemed a little rushed through, how could Vivian easily forgive her father like that? What did the attorney exactly say to convince Vivian to do what she did? With the jumps of before the wedding & what Chuck had to go through was semi-admirable, just felt something was lacking -- like for some odd reason I was left with a dry distasteful feeling in my mouth.
  • How I Met Your Mother - I surprisingly didn't mind how it was ending, even though part of me felt they were dragging on considering they've been renewed for two more seasons what oddball story can they include within a father's ramblings before getting straight to the point. I had to think, "well there's two points the father hasn't gotten to yet, who is the mother *obviously* & who does Barney end up with? By the end of this season, it all makes sense. So fairly content.
  • Mad Love - Strangely cute for a short sitcom series to be picked up. The characters were actually quite lovable & funny. It felt like it was a coming of age for folks near their late 20s & the woes of relationship. Though I'm not too surprised with where there was one love relationship, there was a hate relationship that pretty much disguised the psuedo "Hi I like you. *insert punch*" reminiscent of playground like love. Too bad this was only one season & got canceled, would've actually like to see where it would've went considering how it ended.
  • *Bleep* My Dad Says - Ended all too short which was a show that did rather grow on you. Considering the history behind it & how the show came to be, how it ended was really rather unfortunate considering that it didn't get picked up for another season. Either was good while it lasted, best of luck to the guy.

  • Bones - Perhaps one of the few season endings that has redeemed my faith in fall season line up. Seeing how the development from the last episode to this one, it really tied up nicely, but since it looks like with this ending, does it spell an end for the series itself?
  • Outsourced - One of the controversial shows that aired but really -- even though it struck a nerve, if you can't find any humor somewhere in all of this then laugh...its too bad. With it ending the way it did left it to another cliche cliffhanger but perhaps in a way, an appropriate ending to leave viewers up with interpreting how the characters ended. Another one season show, too bad to see it go. Though on an off note, I can't imagine how they'd drag it past 2 seasons. Oh well, maybe some late night shows were right, this was basically The Office ... in India.
  • Big Bang Theory - Now I must say ~ I did admit I saw a little bit this happening considering they were building it up to this point. Frankly, even though it was kinda in a way a teeny obvious to see the set up lead to the obvious tension near the end, overall, the season was enjoyable with the reoccuring new cast members that made the initial 5 quite enjoyable to watch ~ nerd humor. I heart nerds, I do.
Either way - with Fall programming coming to an end, I look forward to next Fall. Chuck series ending, where all the other shows that did survive the rating will be going. But for now - summer is here & you know what this means -- comic con for some of these cast members to be ending up in. Yay!

My Thursday line-ups: Bones, Outsourced, Big Bang Theory

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