of the nature of, characterized by, or proceeding fromsuperstition: superstitious fears.
pertaining to or connected with superstition: superstitiouslegends.
believing in, full of, or influenced by superstition.
—Verb phrases Informal .1.
the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person'slife, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities:With my luck I'll probably get pneumonia.
good fortune; advantage or success, considered as the resultof chance: He had no luck finding work.
a combination of circumstances, events, etc., operating bychance to bring good or ill to a person: She's had nothing butbad luck all year.
some object on which good fortune is supposed to depend:This rabbit's foot is my luck.
luck into
onto, to meet, acquire, become, etc., by goodluck: She lucked into a great job.
luck out, to have an instance or run of exceptionally goodluck: He lucked out when he made a hole in one during thetournament.
—Idiomsluck upon, to come across by chance: to luck upon aprofitable investment.
down on one's luck, in unfortunate circumstances; unlucky:She hated to see her old friend so down on her luck.
in luck, lucky; fortunate: We were in luck, for the bakery wasstill open.
luck of the draw, the luck one has in or as if in drawingcards.
out of luck, unlucky; unfortunate: When it comes to gettingWorld Series tickets, we're usually out of luck.
push one's luck, Informal . to try to make too much of anopportunity; go too far. Also, crowd one's luck.
Whether you decide to stay in the whole day & avoid every possible superstition or go out, have fun & see the possibilities of what today may bring you...it doesn't change the fact that Friday the 13th is today. After-all; for some people it brings them luck & for others...well you get this:
"Discuss odd news on Newsvine. Unlucky for some: Lightning strikes 13-year-old boy at 13:13 on Friday the 13th ..."
Also, today brings the day that you usually see ...on TV... marathons of Friday the 13th horror films or any other horror film they decide to show today. Who doesn't love watching Jason Voorhees stalking poor innocent victims through a forest? Or maybe Freddy Krueger lurking in your dreams? Well if you're not a movie horror lover, I guess this would not be your cup of tea.
Either way: Today is another date out of 365 days of the year, however you spend it is completely & totally up to you.
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