There's no denial or hiding the fact that I am too a World of Warcraft subscriber. After my falling out from City of Heroes when I had to chose between two games, I decided to go play World of Warcraft & drop City of Heroes, why? After 5 characters that reached level50 (max level), I wanted a change of pace & scenery. I had first started playing World of Warcraft over on PvP server; Daggerspine. After 20 levels on a few different characters & getting tired of my dead corpse being camped out, I searched for a new server...where? Moon Guard.
Yes, I know there are folks who call RP servers 'care bear' servers, but personally I don't mind, at one point I enjoy a little bit of fantasy role play...if...done...correctly. So entering Moon Guard, it was a new server, it had just opened & people who were on full servers were encouraged to come to the new servers WoW had just opened up. So perhaps...I have the proud right to say I was one of the few people who was here just as the server started. Yet keep in mind, I have no bragging rights being the one to catch the end of the era WoW players call 'vanilla WoW'.
At first, the server was quiet & quaint, people who came to the server had a general love to role play over the hardcore raiding and player versus player action that World of Warcraft had provided. Okay, I admit, it was nice that at one point or another I wasn't being ganked by Horde when all I wanted to do was go through the quest lines & enjoy the story that World of Warcraft has to offer. I, personally enjoy in-game content when you take the time to go through it to appreciate it, you begin to understand the lore behind the game. Moon Guard slowly but surely became a server known for exceptional RP & I was able to witness & meet some wonderful RPers.
As time became a factor & I haven't hit the max level, I had done the questing, grouping with folks to go into dungeons & optional pvp battlegrounds. I started to notice more & more hard core raiders & those who had grown a distaste for pvp ending up in Moon Guard. How did I know? I asked new folks who recently joined Moon Guard & a I had lot say "Oh I didn't come here to role play.", "I don't like role playing, my friend who raids here begged for me to come over." & "I got tired of pvp & wanted to try out a RP server."
What changed? The trade became polluted with mindless & pointless banter, posting legendary weapons that dropped & supposed underage girls actively looking for ERP. Not to mention, the trollers that some users in Moon Guard have come to tolerate...almost love & adore for their trolling efforts. Even going through the more common beginning areas such as Goldshire & Kharanos, I get whispers of random low level players asking if I want to ERP, when I decline, they become persistent & annoying. Folks who have started on Moon Guard that I made friends with have moved to another server. I admit, it has almost became mind-numbing & maddening to watch Moon Guard, a place known on the WoW community for exceptional RP ending up being a cesspool it has become to be as of today.
Am I over-emphasizing this? Blowing this out of proportion? Personally, I don't think so. As my friends from WoW showed me an article: Blizzard to patrol Moon Guard's Goldshire for harassment, erotic role playing, shortly to find out the origin of this article here: World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Canceled my Son's Account. Am I surprised? No, do I find this highly amusing?...sadly...yes.
With actions being taken on this & WoW apparently showing they want to keep this parent's additional $14 a month account, will this effect or change Moon Guard? Especially in problematic areas such as Goldshire? I don't think so, these people existed & came from somewhere else, even if they did manage to patrol & control what goes on in Moon Guard, like everything...its bound to go somewhere else. As for me, I'm just waiting for either 1. WoW closing this server & offering free transfers to everyone here or 2. Watch everyone here get bored of this server & migrate to another server...hey I can dream can't I?