Taken from cadaverr @ deviantART --
Name: CherBear
Age: An age...?
Birthday: September 20
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: What?
Relationship status: Complicated?
Eye color: Brown
Height: Around 5'3
Body Type: That type over there...
Natural Hair color: Dark brown
Dyed hair color: Had highlights & red hair at one point.
Hair style: Long
Piercings: 2
Tattoos: 0
Makeup: Lipstick at most.
Clothing style: Casual or guy's clothes.
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Filipino
Current residence: Audition To- I mean San Diego, California.
Places visited: Lots of places actually.
Languages: English
Living With: No one.
Pets: 1 dog.
Siblings: Half siblings.
Lifestyle & Hobbies
Hobbies: Drawing
Sports: What?
Music: Varies.
Religion/Beliefs: With held.
Drink/Smoke/Drugs: Yes / No / No
Favorite color: Blue & earth tones.
Favorite animals: Puppies.
Favourite games: Depends.
Favorite movies: Depends.
Favourite Pokémon: Blissey.
Favourite Pokémon Generation: Each one had its perks.
Favourite food: Sushi, steak & steam crab.
Favourite drinks: Water.
Fandoms: Depends.
Dislikes, etc:
Least favorite food: Depends.
Bad habits: Various habits I consider bad.
Pet peeves: I have those.
Phobias: What?
Drawing programs: Paint Tool SAI & Photoshop CS3
Tablet: Yep
Favorite Media: Pencil.
Least Favorite Media: Oil Pastels.