Well its practically near the end of the month.
I feel fairly productive. I've been going through my requests & commissions as much as I can considering July is near the horizon. I feel like there's not so much time but I guess I just need to manage my time a little better. So I guess its time to break down my thoughts.
Basically; my dear PieBear- has come back, its nice to see her again & chat. Doesn't necessarily change the ongoings within life itself. Not completely going into it; I feel there's still a bit of resentment in the air. I can completely understand that but looking at the grander scheme of things, I've learned to forgive, move on & let go. Why? I don't wanna wake up one day feeling completely disconnected from familiars. Yet, at the same time, this looming almost funeral like event is approaching & I'm not sure how much of it will either survive after that or will it go back to that standard. I can only wait & see what will happen next. I'd like to realistically want to try & save this generation of familiars but they have to do it willingly before all the fond childhood memories we all shared were just that ... memories.
So hopefully, these summer plans will either happen or not. Looking to hopefully go to the County Faire before July 4th, Anime Expo is still up in the air, but the definite plan is San Diego Comic Con. So I gotta start tidying up since I am playing host once again to company. PieBear- still would like to hold a junk food party, beach party & a drinking party all within that same summer? I'm assuming this will all be in July because August one of our other familiars is moving up & out to college so the idea of attempting to spend time with'em would be nice.
Speaking of Comic Con, I had that meet up & things are still in the air. At this point I can't convey much but I also realize depending what happens will leave me a bit at a loss? I dunno, I still look forward to it.
What happened to the job search? Well, I'm still searching & moving to other options, but postponing any & all official starting 'til near the end of July. With everything going on & all these prior obligations, it'd be bad on my part while applying to ask for time off. Doesn't change the fact that I'm still diligently working on the commissions & requests.
As for the commissions & requests: I've been trying go get through them as much as I can, backtracking on my list, some requests I realize I needed to ask them about an issue over their request. So for those who do read this & have a request or commission; check your notes - if I left one for you of course. Once my list is completely finished; I would like to take on more commissions & hopefully grow my portfolio ~ not to mention, finally get started on my larger web comic idea that has been waiting in the wings for like ever.
So this concludes my end of June & what I am looking at with terms of July. I know I'll be busy, but I admit, with that new feature of queuing up artwork, I'm gonna have to buckle down, sort through artwork I haven't posted up yet & queue them up for July cuz I know I will be too busy to even do that. I am planning to livestream sometime today too ~ will be working on the commissions & requests I do have that are not ecchi related. The ones that are ecchi related, I will work on in a different channel obviously & if anyone's interested in that, I'm more than happy to share that link. For now, thank you for this ramble of thoughts. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer.