"I’m not running away from things, I am running to them. Before they flare and fade forever." - Dr. Who
The month has seemed to go fairly quickly. There have been plenty of birthdays, celebrating going on & being fairly productive.
My personal life: In general it wasn't that bad. Thanks once again for the birthday wishes, I really did appreciate them. I felt fairly productive getting more art requests done bit by bit. Granted I dodged a bullet over my laptop crashing due to an unforeseen shut down cuz of a power outtage that I had woken up to but I was able to repair & recover everything in tact. Scanner is still acting funny, too bad I have a bunch of traditional drawings to scan. On top of that, I have a journal to write in for my dreams & also to write recipes I find. I know there's the internet but still, its nice to have something physical to write in than relying on a keyboard & computer & something that can possibly crash.
MMOs: Still bummed but waiting to see what will happen to CoH. Other than that, I've hopped onto Audition every once in a while but I hate to say, 5 days after my birthday & an unexpected birthday gift at my door, I ended up playing Mists of Pandaria ~ so far, I've been liking the story from the get go & the starting zone for Pandarens.
Art: Regardless, I've been progressing through my requests, nearing an end before I can focus on larger projects I've been meaning to start on. I'm looking to finish what I started & hopefully by then show the other stuff I've been intending to work on. Such stuff as the comic idea I have, the story has still been worked on, a cross stitch that has a pattern of bears, I'll be sure to show that one, two other projects involving journals & online friends as an attempt to see if this is possible to do & that's a year long project but that's starting next year. Here's hoping.
Anyways, time to clear more of my plate out - looking forward to October ~ Halloween is coming up quick before you know it, its the holidays.