Sunday, September 30, 2012

CherBear's Reflections: Sept. 2012

"I’m not running away from things, I am running to them. Before they flare and fade forever." - Dr. Who

The month has seemed to go fairly quickly. There have been plenty of birthdays, celebrating going on & being fairly productive.

My personal life: In general it wasn't that bad. Thanks once again for the birthday wishes, I really did appreciate them. I felt fairly productive getting more art requests done bit by bit. Granted I dodged a bullet over my laptop crashing due to an unforeseen shut down cuz of a power outtage that I had woken up to but I was able to repair & recover everything in tact. Scanner is still acting funny, too bad I have a bunch of traditional drawings to scan. On top of that, I have a journal to write in for my dreams & also to write recipes I find. I know there's the internet but still, its nice to have something physical to write in than relying on a keyboard & computer & something that can possibly crash.

MMOs: Still bummed but waiting to see what will happen to CoH. Other than that, I've hopped onto Audition every once in a while but I hate to say, 5 days after my birthday & an unexpected birthday gift at my door, I ended up playing Mists of Pandaria ~ so far, I've been liking the story from the get go & the starting zone for Pandarens.

Art: Regardless, I've been progressing through my requests, nearing an end before I can focus on larger projects I've been meaning to start on. I'm looking to finish what I started & hopefully by then show the other stuff I've been intending to work on. Such stuff as the comic idea I have, the story has still been worked on, a cross stitch that has a pattern of bears, I'll be sure to show that one, two other projects involving journals & online friends as an attempt to see if this is possible to do & that's a year long project but that's starting next year. Here's hoping.

Anyways, time to clear more of my plate out - looking forward to October ~ Halloween is coming up quick before you know it, its the holidays.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Apparently been tagged --

A bunch of tag & be tagged culminates to this one since they actually tagged me:

Tagged by StrangePleasures at deviantART --

1) You MUST post the rules. [ check ... ]
2) Each person MUST post 5 things about themselves in their journal. [ check ... ]
3) Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer. [ check ... ]
4) You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal. [ sorry not gonna do it. xD; ]
5) Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them. [ nope still not doing it. ]
6) NO TAG BACKS! [ s'ok Dx; not expecting to tag anyone so pffft ]
7) No stuff in the tagging section about "You're Tagged If You're Reading This" You legitimately have to tag 11 people. [ and i say this again ... pfft! ]

5 Things:
1. My favorite color is sapphire blue.
2. I prefer cold weather.
3. I tend to get lazy / lethargic during warm weather.
4. I am quiet & observant.
5. I usually have music on while I draw.

Questions from StrangePleasures at deviantART:
1.Why did the chicken cross the road?
  To go to the fried chicken restraurant.
2. Favorite comic book hero/heroine?
  Psylocke - X-Men
3. What would you say if an alien asked you "take me to your leader"?
  "I'm sorry, our leader was sacrified prior to your arrival."
4. what's your favorite kind of environment, mountain, forest, desert, tropical etc.
5. If you had $10.00 to spend right now what would you buy?
  Nothing, I'd save it.
6. What colors do you like to wear normally?
  Earth tones / dark colors.
7. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
  Surf & turf.
8. Earth, wind, water, or fire?
9. Where you scared to go in the water as a kid?
10. What's the coolest weapon out there?
  A pencil.
11. If you could have 2 super powers what would they be?
  Fly & invisibility.

My questions [if someone is compelled to actually answer ... ]
1. If there was a blackout in your area, what would you do?
2. The type of music you like listening to?
3. Favorite television show that's on currently?
4. Name one regret you have made within your lifetime?
5. Pick an animal that perfectly describes you?
6. Day or night?
7. If you had one wish & you're not allowed to use it to have infinite wishes, what would your wish be?
8. Do you treat your online friends differently from your local friends?
9. Name your favorite anime?
10. Do you want a hug right now?
11. If you had an opportunity to make a difference in society & everyone will recognize you for it, what would you do?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Randomness 101 ~ Part 2

Taken from YumiCatGirl at deviantART: 

Month of birth:
[ ] January - I kicked
[ ] February - I kissed
[ ] March - I touched
[ ] April - I crushed
[ ] May - I whacked
[ ] June - I stabbed
[ ] July - I attacked
[ ] August - I slapped
[ x ] September - I scared
[ ] October - I punctured
[ ] November - I scratched
[ ] December - I hurt

Day of birth:
[ ] 01 - Feliciano Vargas (Italy Veneciano/ N. Italy)
[ ] 02 - Ludwig (Germany)
[ ] 03 - Kiku Honda (Japan)
[ ] 04 - Alfred F. Jones (America)
[ ] 05 - Arthur Kirkland (England)
[ ] 06 - Yao Wang (China)
[ ] 07 - Ivan Braginski (Russia)
[ ] 08 - Francis Bonnefoy (France)
[ ] 09 - Matthew Wiliams (Canada)
[ ] 10 - Toris Laurinaitis (Lithuania)
[ ] 11 - Eduard von Bock (Estonia)
[ ] 12 - Raivis Galante (Latvia)
[ ] 13 - Lovino Vargas (Italy/Romano/S. Italy)
[ ] 14 - Antonio Fernández Carriedo (Spain)
[ ] 15 - Gilbert Beilschmidt (Prussia)
[ ] 16 - Feliks Łukasiewicz (Poland)
[ ] 17 - Heracles Karpusi (Greece)
[ ] 18 - Sadık Adnan (Turkey)
[ ] 19 - Tino Väinämöinen (Finland)
[ x ] 20 - Berwald Oxenstierna (Sweden)
[ ] 21 - Vash Zwingli (Switzerland)
[ ] 22 - Peter Kirkland (Sealand)
[ ] 23 - Im Yong Soo (South Korea)
[ ] 24 - Roderich Edelstein (Austria)
[ ] 25 - Elizabeta Héderváry (Hungary)
[ ] 26 - Natalia Arlovskaya (Belarus)
[ ] 27 - Gupta Muhammad Hassan (Egypt)
[ ] 28 - Holy Roman Empire
[ ] 29 - Denmark
[ ] 30 - Iceland
[ ] 31 - Norway

Favorite Color: (In his/her)
[ ] Red - Eyes
[ ] Orange - Legs
[ ] Yellow - Head
[ ] Green - Chest
[ x ] Blue - "Vital Regions"
[ ] Turquoise - Knee
[ ] Violet, or Purple - Arms
[ ] Pink - Heart
[ ] Brown - Feet
[ ] Gray - Eyebrows
[ ] Black - Butt
[ ] White - Nose

Zodiac Sign: (With a)
[ ] Aries - Plush
[ ] Taurus - Spoon
[ ] Geminis - Book
[ ] Cancer - Tortoise
[ ] Leo - Fork
[ x ] Virgo - Bucket
[ ] Libra - Shoe
[ ] Scorpio - Pair of scissors
[ ] Sagittarius - Pillow
[ ] Capricorn - Cup
[ ] Aquarius - Fish
[ ] Pisces - Knife

Color of the shirt you're wearing: (Because...)
[ ] Red - I'm insane
[ ] Orange - I like squirrels
[ ] Yellow - I wanted to
[ ] Green - It was my destiny
[ ] Blue - My mother told me to
[ ] Turquoise - I love pasta!
[ ] Violet, or Purple - I'm bored
[ x ] Pink - I'm a princess
[ ] Brown - I love Chocolate
[ ] Gray - I'm very sad
[ ] Black - I'm emo
[ ] White - I liked it
[ ] None/Other - I'm invisible

I scared Sweden in his "vital regions" with a bucket because I'm a princess.

... brilliant Dx; ~

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Randomness 101 ~

Taken from dewydoughnuts @ deviantART --

Where were you 3 hours ago? - On Audition.

Who are you in love with? - I'm in love with teddy bear.

Have you ever eaten a crayon?  - No.

Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? - Kirby poster

When is the last time you went to the mall? - Last month roughly?

Are you wearing socks right now? - Nope.

Does your family have a car worth over $2,000? - Yep.

Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? - No.

Are you hot? - No, not yet *looks outside*

What was the last thing you had to drink? - water.

What are you wearing right now? - Glasses, black sweat pants, gray tank top.

Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? - Car wash: laws in this state prohibit me from washing my car.

Last food that you ate? - Popcorn.

Where were you last week at this time? - In my room.

Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? - No.

When is the last time you ran? - O.o' that sounds like effort.

What's the last sporting event you watched? - Baseball, Padres game!

What is your favorite animal? - Bears :D

Your dream vacation? - This requires several stops & lots of money I do not have.

Last person's house you were in? - My own.

Worst injury you've ever had? - Sprained ankle.

Do you miss anyone right now? - My sanity.

Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? - Nay.

What are you listening to right now? - T.V. : watching 40 days and 40 nights.

What were you doing at 12AM last night? - Pro'ally watching t.v.

Who is the biggest gossiper you know? - My cousin.

Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? - Yes.

What does your last text message say? - I receive text messages?

Do you like hot sauce? - No.

Last time you took a shower? - Yesterday.

Do you need to do laundry? - Yep.

What is your heritage? - Filipino.

Are you someone's best friend? - I dunno.

Are you rich? - Spiritually: Yes / Physically: No.

Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over? - Never.

Do you collect anything? - Plushies & anime.

Do you have a tan? - No.

Are you due sometime this year? - Uh no?

Where is your best friend? - Same state.

How is your best friend? - Happy.

Last play you saw? - Avenue Q.

What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? - Myself? idk!

What are your plans for tonight? - Drawing.

Who is the last person you sent a Facebook/Twitter message or comment? - My cousin!

Next trip you are going to take? - Up north to the Bay Area maybe? If not Las Vegas.

Ever go to camp? - Yes.

Were you an honor roll student in school? - Yes.

What do you want to know about the future? - Does it get any better from this point on?

Have you been in love? - Yes.

When was the last time you drove out of town? - A few years?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

CherBear's Reflections/Aspirations: Aug/Sept. 2012

Plenty to speak of ...

...where did I go for a month?
...what did I do? did August go for me?


...where did I go for a month? : I shall start, after the end of July, I honestly have every intention to post & do all this other stuff ... funny enough, I did everything else BUT post. This included doing more artwork, livestreaming every Saturday & every other day in-between when the mood called for it.

...what did I do? : Among all that, I guess the reason I didn't end up posting or scanning anything to post was due to the hot weather that finally hit San Diego. Not to mention I got some family time, hanging out with my cousins a little more even though I was with them during Comic Con. I admit, I felt a bit melancholy due to a pass birthday. Its a little easier now but I still miss her & managed to get my relatives to come out in honor of that & I appreciate that greatly. did August go for me? : Overall not too bad, my laptop is still somewhat stable & functioning.

I've been enjoying playing Redbana Audition on & of warcraft - its been interesting since patch 5.0.4 dropped, relearning all my max character's abilities with all the new changes have been...fairly interesting. I think the most shocking was the fact City of Heroes closing - so sad to see it close; I've had fun memories, met some great people & had a good time. If another company manages to pick it up, I'd consider & watch to see where it would go to. Yes, guild wars 2 is out but I'm not looking to pick up. I am looking to hopefully play MoP when that does come out.

After this month long hiatus of doing everything but posting, I look to return to post & scan what I have been working & continue to work on my artwork...and remember to post!