Summer time blues
Time to tell a little story ...
CherBear, admittingly a little nervous to bring Milotic to her hometown. Even though they both have lived in Audition Town for three years, she always managed to return to her hometown. Why would this curious little girl insist on going home during the summer? One word ... Comic Con. Returning to her hometown, she lived in such a lovely place that can easily overshadow Audition Town in a heartbeat, the reason she chooses to stay in Audition Town were her own reason, but admittingly with her friend Sin, she found her way back home...somehow. The times she lived in Audition Town, she manages to sneak out to go back to Comic Con, it was more of a tradition for her & to bring others to this place was a bit...intimidating. Staying a little longer this time, PapaBear finding his way to this silly hometown, Milotic too. Who knows what adventures may bring?
Anyways! - With things going back to normal, I have plenty to catch up so look forward to future posts about San Diego Comic 2011. Need to start gathering all the pics, uploading & resizing to share for everyone. Please stay tuned!