“Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"”
With April rolling around I find myself a bit busssssssssy *kinda putting it lightly*. Where do I begin?
Being a fan of the game Audition Online. I ended up doing a celebration theme with my 2nd collaboration. Here's my 1.0 version...
Being a fan of the game Audition Online. I ended up doing a celebration theme with my 2nd collaboration. Here's my 1.0 version...
It was shortly to be followed up by another contest which I hope will do well. A lot of effort, a lot of days & a little help. Hopefully I'll be able to post that too.
Next would be a local contest which I hope will sell well. I'm in the midsts of taking care of that.
After that, finishing up with commission stuff which I hope won't take too long.
Last but not least, request to finish up some logos.
Oh I lied, I still have more requests after that.
This all happening right before July. Hope I can do it! :)